Vladimir Putin recently made comments on the seriousness of global conflicts that can lead to nuclear conflict. Patriots worldwide should pay close attention as the globalists build their dangerous nuclear arsenal.
In stark contrast to attempts in numerous western countries to stifle free speech online, Russian President Vladimir Putin defended Internet freedom during a conference...
A prominent Swedish lawmaker asserts that Hungarian billionaire George Soros's influence on European politics and policies make him "one of the most dangerous men,"
I just finished reading a book called Putinomics by Chris Miller. He
had earlier written a book on Gorbachev's failed perestroika, except he
did not call it failed, rather it was an apology of that failure.
Nevertheless there was a lot of interesting facts (which facts the
author tried to tweak to fit his agenda). All in all, I was satisfied
with the reading, it gave me just what I was looking for, cause I am
very apt at separating facts from the narrative.
His second book "Putinomics"
is just what the heading promised. "Putinomics" - what a nonsensical
concept that has been clearly chosen to appease the author's publisher.
He discusses Putin's economic policies throughout his rule. In the text
itself Miller provides no information that could in anyway justify the
comical title, as if Putin was engaged in some hullabaloo excentric
policies. Instead he gives a fairly reasonable account of how Putin has
driven the economy. However, the big picture is lacking, and at the end
of the reading one is in no way the wiser from having read Western MSM
propaganda on the topic for 10 years. What surprises is that the book is
so badly structured and does not in anyway dig into the most important
topics, like modernization, corruption etc. Miller tells there is a lot
of corruption, but he does not provide any evidence, not even discussion
on that, and worst of all there is no comparative analysis, which would
show Russia is far behind his own United States what comes to graft.
The one good thing is the author's surprisingly candid account on the
criminal machinations that led to Khodorkovsky's downfall and the happy
jailing of him, which marked the end of oligarch rule of Russia.
On the other hand the book is replete with all the classic Russophobe
tropes - no doubt the grants would not have been flowing in otherwise
and the book would not have been published. In addition to all the trite
Western repetitions of "corruption," an "ineffective state sector",
"Putin's pals" etc, we also read that Sechin (CEO of Rosneft) an
employed director for a state owned corporation is repeatedly referred
to as an oligarch.
Vladimir Putin recently made comments on the seriousness of global conflicts that can lead to nuclear conflict. Patriots worldwide should pay close attention as the globalists build their dangerous nuclear arsenal.
Footage released by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) shows the moment a projectile hit Syrian positions and exploded during an air raid involving jets and helicopters on Sunday night.
In stark contrast to attempts in numerous western countries
to stifle free speech online, Russian President Vladimir Putin defended
Internet freedom during a conference earlier today.
Putin told the Russian
Internet Governance Forum, “I am confident that we should continue to
follow the principle of the freedom of the Internet, creating conditions
for a wide exchange of information and the implementation of business
initiatives and startups.”
The Russian leader said that it was important to balance free speech
online with concerns about tackling cyber-crime and illegal content.
When the leader of an openly authoritarian regime believes in free speech more than most western leaders. pic.twitter.com/2LisRR4eqZ
In addition to the widespread banning and deplatforming of numerous
dissident speakers over the course of the last year, Internet regulation
by the state is also intensifying in the west.
According to reports, the UK is about to impose what some are calling
“the toughest Internet laws in the world” in the name of stopping
cyber-bullying and the spread of “disinformation”.
The European Union also recently passed Article 13, which some fear could lead to the banning of memes.
In the not too distant future, the Russian Internet, where for
example you can criticize transgenderism without the risk of being
arrested (unlike in the UK), might be more free than anywhere in western
I can think of nothing more humiliating than that.
A prominent Swedish lawmaker asserts that Hungarian
billionaire George Soros's influence on European politics and policies
make him "one of the most dangerous men," according to Samhällsnytt.
Söder, an MP who has held high positions in government, recently met
with Hungarian politician Zoltán Kovács, after Kovács was reportedly
snubbed during a visit to Stockholm by the Swedish government as a
diplomatic rift between the two nations grows.
Söder expressed his
concern with Soros's involvement in European affairs – an issue which
the current Hungarian administration has faced head-on.
for George Soros, I believe he is one of the most dangerous men at the
moment,” Söder said. “The impact he has on political groups and parties
in Europe is frightening.”
“The latest discussions within the
European People’s Party group clearly showed that he is the one who
pulls the strings. It really scares me.”
Söder also apologized to Kovács for the Swedish government's negative attitude towards the Hungarian administration
behalf of many Swedes, I really want to apologize for how the Swedish
government and some of the other opposition parties act when they tell
you how to govern your own country and when they criticize you for
standing up and protecting your own country, people and defend your
nation's Christian values," Söder said.
Söder's sentiments about
Soros echo those expressed by Hungarian MEP Tamas Deutsch, who spoke on
behalf of the adminstration regarding their belief that Soros and his
operatives "are pulling the strings of the European Commission’s leading
"Deutsch said it was 'absurd' that a person
claiming to be a philanthropist, who represents the official viewpoint
of not a single country, can meet with E.U. leaders more frequently than
the prime minister or head of state of any E.U. member state," Hungary Journal reported in January.
Everything you wanted to know about Russiagate but weren't stupid enough to ask.
On November 8, 2016, Vladimir Putin won the US presidential election
by getting his Manchurian Candidate, Доналд Трумп, into the White House
as the crowning achievement of a decades-long plan to use pee tape kompromat and real estate deals that never happened to get a reality TV star installed in the Oval Office.
Mind-controlling the US public with hundreds of dollars of Facebook
Jesus memes, this modern-day Czar carefully rigged the election by (not) hacking into any voting systems and by (not) hacking into the DNC servers, revealing that the DNC had rigged the election against 27 Dollars and in favour of Why Aren’t I 50 Points Ahead, You Might Ask.
And Saint Mueller was on the job commanding an army of 40 agents,
2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 500 witnesses 230 communication
records and a partridge in a pear tree, so we all knew that the walls are closing in.
The media admitted that the story was mostly bullshit, but that’s OK because we’re living in a post-truth world and democracy dies in darkness.
The #Resistance spent years supporting disgraced attorneys, deranged
liars and anyone else who would support their narrative, but that’s OK
because votes only count when your candidate wins.
And after two years of investigation, Mueller delivered a report that brought some “troubling news . . . our president is not a Russian asset,” but that’s OK because everyone knows Trump is a Russian agent anyway, so who needs that stupid Mueller guy?
And now President Putin and his orange cheeto puppet are laughing all the way to the brink of nuclear war in the Cold War 2.0 cheered on by the neo-neocons and their neolib friends and made possible by a neo-mccarthyist purge of dissenting voices.
If you doubt any part of this story you are a no good, dirty,
treasonous, alt-right Russian bot troll who deserves to be censored from
the internet forever.
If you love truth, sunshine, ice cream, rainbows, kitty cats and the
4th of July then you will never question any part of this story.
This message has been brought to you by the Friends of the DNC,
MSMBS, The Rachel Maddow Retirement Fund, Clinton For 2020 and the CIA.