Fighting for Russia against the New World Order.

Showing posts with label NWO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWO. Show all posts

'New world order' being formed before our eyes, Russia’s deputy defense minister tells RT

We are currently witnessing the formation of nothing less than a “new world order,” with the existing international legal system fracturing and states taking sides in a fresh Cold War, Russia’s deputy defense minister has told RT.

Colonel General Aleksandr Fomin spoke to the network ahead of the 9th Moscow Conference on International Security, scheduled to take place on June 22-24 in the Russian capital. The event brings together military officials and security experts from different countries, with some 49 nations having already confirmed their participation.

The upcoming conference is an explicitly non-partisan event, and the countries are invited to partake regardless of their current relationship with Russia, Fomin stated.

“At the forum, we give the floor not only to partners who share our approaches to solving major world problems, but also to opponents, countries with which cooperation today is at bare minimum or equal to zero,” Fomin said.

Discussions like those at the Moscow forum are particularly important during challenging times, the official added, as the world’s political and security landscape is currently experiencing historic shifts, with the ‘old’ world order crumbling apart.

"Today we are witnessing the formation of a new world order. We see a tendency for countries to be drawn into a new Cold War, the states being divided into ‘us’ and ‘them’, with ‘them’ unambiguously defined in doctrinal documents as adversaries."

“The existing system of international relations and the security framework is being systematically destroyed. The role of international organizations as instruments of collective decision-making in the field of security is being diminished,” Frolov said, without specifying examples.

Over the past few years, particularly under former US president Donald Trump, multiple international agreements ceased to exist. Effectively, only one major accord between Washington and Moscow – the New START treaty – remains, after President Joe Biden agreed to extend it for another five years.

The emergence of new weapons systems, as well as the efforts of some nations to bring warfare into areas that have never seen it before, further accelerates the emergence of a “new world order,” Frolov noted.

“Fundamentally new types of weapons that radically change the balance of power in the modern world are emerging, with warfare getting into new areas – into space and cyberspace. This, of course, leads to a change in the principles and methods of war,” he added.



Fauci Caught Running Wuhan Coronavirus Weapons Program

Fauci Caught Running Wuhan Coronavirus Weapons Program


WHO Guidelines Encourage Children Younger Than 4 be Taught “Masturbation” and “Gender Identity”

 WHO guidelines for sex education recommend that children aged 0-4 be taught about “masturbation” and “gender identity.”

The World Health Organization’s ‘Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A framework for policymakers, educational and health authorities and specialists’, advises children be taught about sexually pleasuring themselves and transgenderism before they’ve even fully learned to talk.

The WHO advises that children aged 0-4 are given “information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s body… masturbation.”

Toddlers are also to be encouraged to “gain an awareness of gender identity” and given “the right to explore gender identities.”

In the ages 4-6 bracket, educators are urged to “give information about same-sex relationships” and “help children develop respect for different norms regarding sexuality.”

Of course, in any sane world, no child of this age should be exposed to any kind of information about sex whatsoever.

Despite them being complicit in China’s cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak, the media has held up the WHO as an organization beyond reproach which cannot be questioned.

Social media networks are removing material and banning people who criticize the World’s Health Organization’s guidelines.

Given that the global health body is pushing such sickness onto toddlers, the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw funding is looking better every day.


Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The Final Battle

We live in exciting times. 

The unknown that lays ahead for all of us is both exhilarating and scary. Exhilarating in the long term, but rather scary in the short term. All empires eventually die and we’re in the terminal phase of the New World Order that will not recover from the Russian roulette game it has been playing, for Vladimir Putin handed it a loaded gun and it pulled the trigger.

The last few weeks put everything in place for the last battle. There are so many different facts and events, left and right, and I will try to do my best to remain methodical in this complicated expose. Bare with me, I’ve been struggling for three weeks with this article because of the insane amount of additional details that each day provides. It might have been a wrong time to quit smoking, but I enjoy a good challenge.

Dropping dollars

A little context is required. The New World Order concept is simply the wish of a handful of international bankers that want to economically and politically rule the whole planet as one happy family. It started in 1773 and if it went through important changes over the years, but the concept and objective haven’t changed an iota. Unfortunately for them, international banks that have been looting the planet through the US dollar since 1944 are now threatened by hyperinflation, as their printing machine has been rotating for years to cover their absurd spendings to sustain oil and resource wars that they’ve all ultimately lost. In order to prevent this upcoming hyperinflation, they generated a virus attack on four countries (China, Iran, Italy and now the United States) to spread panic in the population, with the precious help of their ignominious medias. Even though this corona virus isn’t different from any new viruses that attack humans every year, the media scare pushed people to voluntarily isolate themselves through fear and terror. Some lost their jobs, companies are going bankrupt, the panic created a stock exchange crash that emptied wallets and dried assets, resulting in a few trillion virtual dollars off the market to release pressure off the currency.

Stock Exchange

So far, so good, but everything else went wrong in this desperate and ultimate banzai. The top virologist on the planet confirmed that chloroquine was being used by the Chinese with spectacular results to cure patients, then he improved his magic potion by adding a pneumonic antibacterial called azythromicin, and saved everyone of his first 1000 cases, but one. Donald Trump immediately imposed the same treatment through a fight against his own Federal Drug Administration, bought and owned by the deep state. This forced all medias to talk about Dr Didier Raoult’s Miracle Elixir, signing the death warrant on our confidence in all Western governments, their medical agencies, the World Health Organization, and medias that were trying to destroy the impeccable doctor’s reputation, while inventing sudden «dangerous side effects» of a nearly inoffensive drug that has been used for 60 years to treat malaria. Not so far away in Germany, internationally praised Dr Wolfgand Wodarg noted that the engineered panic was totally useless, since this virus isn’t any different than the others that affect us every years. This has been an amazing victory for Trump and the general population on social medias, whom exposed together the pathological lies of the official communication channels of every New World Order country. De facto, the credibility’s of these puppet governments have vanished in the air, and from the eye of the storm, Italy will surely exit the EU right after the crisis, which will trigger a domino effect running through every EU countries and NATO members. My friends, globalism is dead and ready for cremation.

Digging the abyss

International bankers couldn’t see it coming in 1991, when they dominated 95% of the planet after the fall of the Soviet Union. It seemed that nothing could halt their ultimate mission to complete their Orwellian dream: destroy a few countries in the Middle East, enlarge Israel, and get the total control over the world oil market, the last piece of their Xanadu puzzle that they’ve been working on for a whole century, starting with the Balfour declaration in 1917. 

When Vladimir Putin got charge of Russia, there was no sign that he would do better than the drunk he had replaced. An ex KGB officer seemed like a choice more driven by nostalgia rather than ideology, but Putin had many more assets going for him than first met the eyes: patriotism, humanism, a sense of justice, cunning ruse, a genius economist friend named Sergey Glazyev whom openly despised the New World Order, but above all, he embodied the reincarnation of the long lost Russian ideology of total political and economical independence. After a few years spent at draining the Russian swamp from the oligarchs and mafiosis that his stumbling predecessor had left in his trail of empty bottles, Vlad rolled his sleeves and got to work.

Because his opponents had been looting the planet for 250 years through colonization insured by a military dominance, Vlad knew that he had to start by building an invincible military machine. And he did. He came up with different types of hypersonic missiles that can’t be stopped, the best defensive systems on the planet, the best electronic jamming systems, and the best planes. Then to make sure that a nuclear war wouldn’t be an option, he came up with stuff which nightmares are made of, such as the Sarmat, the Poseidon and the Avangard, all unstoppable and able to destroy any country in a matter of a few hours.

Putin and the military

Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, gestures while speaking during an annual meeting with top military officials in the National Defense Control Center in Moscow, December 24, 2019. Putin said that Russia is the only country in the world that has hypersonic weapons even though its military spending is a fraction of the U.S. military budget. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, left, and Chief of General Staff of Russia Valery Gerasimov, right, attend the meeting.

With a new and unmatched arsenal, he could proceed to defeat any NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September 2015 in Syria. He proved to every country that independence from the NWO banking system was now a matter of choice. Putin not only won the Syrian war, but he won the support of many New World Order countries that suddenly switched sides upon realizing how invincible Russia had become. On a diplomatic level, it also got mighty China by its side, and then managed to protect independent oil producers such as Venezuela and Iran, while leaders like Erdogan of Turkey and Muhammad Ben Salman of Saudi Arabia decided to side with Russia, who isn’t holding the best poker hand, but the whole deck of cards. 

Ending in the conclusion that Putin now controls the all-mighty oil market, the unavoidable energy resource that lubricates economies and armies, while the banksters’ NATO can only watch, without any means to get it back. With the unbelievable results that Putin has been getting in the last five years, the New World Order suddenly looks like a house of cards about to crumble. The Empire of Banks has been terminally ill for five years, but it’s now on morphine, barely realizing what’s going on.

Tragedy and hope

Since there is no hope in starting WW3 which is lost in advance, the last banzai came out of the bushes in the shape of a virus and the ensuing media creation of a fake pandemic. The main focus was to avoid a catastrophic hyperinflation of the humongous mass of US dollar that no one wants anymore, to have time to implement their virtual world crypto-currency, as if the chronically failing bankers still have any legitimacy to keep controlling our money supplies. It seemed at first that the plan could work. That’s when Vlad took out his revolver to start the Russian roulette game and bankers blew their brains out upon the pressure on the trigger.

He called a meeting with OPEP and killed the price of oil by refusing to lower Russia’s production, taking the barrel to under 30 dollars. Without any afterthought and certainly even less remorse, Vlad killed the costly Western oil production. All the dollars that had been taken out of the market had to be re-injected by the Fed and other central banks to avoid a downslide and the final disaster. By now, our dear bankers are out of solutions. 

In the meantime, Trump also poked at the tie-wearing gangsters. While medias avoided the corona-killing chloroquine subject, an old pill designed to cure malaria, Trump imposed to the FDA the use of this life-saving drug on US infected patients. Medias didn’t have any choice but to start talking about it, which ignited a chain reaction: big pharmas CEO’s were fired because they had just lost the vaccine contract, countries like Canada looked like genocidal fools for not using the cheap and inoffensive medication, while a most outrageous criminal act by a government was exposed in full light: the Macron government had proclaimed in January 2020 that chloroquine was harmful and had restrained its use, just a couple of weeks before the burst of the fake pandemic! Russian roulette is a popular game in Western governments these days around.

Russia announced its own corona-killing brew

On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow, this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in the lifesaving business these days: in the last week of March, he sent 15 military planes filled with doctors and supplies directly to North Italy, after an aid plane from China was blocked by the Czech Republic. We’re about to learn that European countries fear that China or Russia finds the truth in the Lombardy region, where people are not dying from some corona bug, but probably from a deadly cocktail hybrid from two earlier vaccines for meningitis and influenza, that they were injected in separate vaccination campaigns.

The punchline

I said earlier that everyday brings amazing news. Well on Sunday March 29th, the most stunning of them all fell like a ton of bricks on social medias: confined onlookers learned that Trump had taken control over the Federal Reserve, that is now handled by two representatives of the Treasury of State. Of all the crazy news within the last month, this is by far the best and most shocking. After three years in power, Trump has finally fulfilled his electoral promise of taking private banks out of the US public affairs, ending a century of exploitation of the American citizens. He has put the infamous Blackrock investment group to start buying important corporations for the Fed, meaning that he’s nationalizing chunks of the economy, while avoiding the crash of the market by implicating important private investors in the deal.
President Donald Trump gestures with Jerome Powell, his nominee to become chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve at the White House in Washington, U.S., November 2, 2017

This outmost daring move comes at a crucial point in time, and faces us with the realization that Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are united and have taken humanity to the crossroads of the New World Order and freedom. As I have stated often before, I thought that the world would deeply change between 2020 and 2024, because these would be the last 4 years of these two heroes in political power of their nations. 

The New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to stop them now.
Terminate the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central bank, the EU, NATO, now. Our world won’t be perfect, but it might get much better soon.

Easter resurrection is coming. This might get biblical.


NATO build-up on Russia’s borders a threat to Europe’s security - New Russian envoy to UK

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to the new Russian Ambassador to the UK Andrei Kelin. He discusses Russia-NATO relations and the rising tensions of NATO positioning soldiers and armaments along Russia’s borders; the reasons for poor UK-Russia relations historically and why the Russia-UK relationship has held despite this; the impact of Brexit and Scottish nationalism in weakening the UK’s global standing compared to Russia’s and allegations of Russian interference in the Brexit referendum and cyber attacks.

He also discusses allegations of Russia aiding the US-UK trade talk leaks on the NHS presented by Jeremy Corbyn, alleged Russian assistance to Boris Johnson, the collapse of the INF Treaty and the Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) and more!


Tulsi Gabbard: I'd Drop Charges Against Julian Assange and Edward Snowden

From the Joe Rogan Experience #1295 with Tulsi Gabbard


Jon Hellevig: Finnish state church engaged in propaganda to support the terrorists of Aleppo

By Jon Hellevig

I had today a stopover at a small provincial town in Northern Finland. They were having their annual fair. After having enjoyed a fantastic street stall portion of crispy fried vendace, I strolled around. I then spotted the official Finnish protestant state church (yep, no separation of state and church here) had their stall there, too. That prompted me to ask a question, I long had in mind.

I approached the representatives of the church and asked why the Finnish state church had engaged in a propaganda campaign to support the jihadist terrorists of Aleppo. From 12th to 24th of October 2016 the Finnish churches were every day ringing their church bells “in support of the victims of Aleppo bombings” by the Russian and Syrian forces. I asked those people whether they knew that it was all the other way around and that the Russians and Syrian government forces were liberating the people of Aleppo from the brutal rule of the US sponsored terrorists. – They did not know it.

“The church is engaged in various campaigns from time to time,” I was told. – That I know, I said, and added that the most recent campaign was that of being the official sponsor of the Helsinki Pride sodomite pervert parade. ‘The church wants to live with the times,” the young church official replied, and continued “that’s why the church went in there as a business partner of the pride march.” – BUSINESS PARTNER, I exclaimed. How can the church possibly be a business partner of anything. What kind of business is this church engaged in?!?

“The church changes with the times,” my interlocutor said as three fat women colleagues looked on. I was mighty surprised to hear that. I said, how can the church which supposedly bases its faith in God’s immutable words change. Are you then saying that the bible isn’t for real? And do you mean the church was lying 100 years ago, or 50 years ago, when it professed another opinion on sodomy? Or are you lying today? Which way do you want to have it, I inquired?

I continued that line of discussion and then eventually left with the note that I was happy that so many people are leaving that fake politicized church. Membership used to be some 90% of the population when I was young, and now it is down to 60% and sinking.

I am not against sex in any consensual form between willing adults performed in privacy, but I am against this NWO globalist campaign of public perversion aimed at breaking down the fabric of society by means of this devilish campaign.

This perversion and its sister gender hoax is right up there with the climate hoax as key means of the globalists to destroy family and national values in order to break down society and make people more malleable for one world government rule. Naturally, the population replacement program by means of mass migration serves the same cause.

Putin: Globalism Is The Enemy Of Humanity

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that liberalism has “outlived its purpose” and that multiculturalism is “no longer tenable”. In an interview with the Financial Times, Putin explained what had caused the rise of the “Trump phenomenon” in the United States as well as the success of right-wing populist parties throughout Europe.

Related: Putin says liberalism is finished

VIDEO: Foreign Troops “European Gendarmerie Force” Brutalize French Citizens

Europe cracking down on citizen uprising

Dan Lyman, Infowars’ European correspondent, joins Alex Jones live via Skype to give an exclusive recap of the Davos Economic Forum 2019 as well as to inform listeners of foreign troops being used to force French citizens participating in the yellow vest protests to cease and submit to the European Union.

Related: ‘You condemn us because we are not a nation of migrants,’ Orban tells EU before sanctions vote

This militarized police force is called the European Gendarmerie Force and many of them are not even from France.

This type of threat is exactly why many countries are pulling out of or looking to exit the European Union.


CNN Claims Vladimir Putin Bowed To This Enemy!

Did Vladimir Putin really bow to this enemy as CNN claims? 

Related: [Video] Prof. Stephen F. Cohen: Threat Of Nuclear War With Russia Is Greatest Ever


[Video] Prof. Stephen F. Cohen: Threat Of Nuclear War With Russia Is Greatest Ever

Stephen F. Cohen, an expert on U.S.-Russian relations, claims that nuclear war is possible due to the “RussiaGate” allegations being made by the democrats. Paul Joseph Watson breaks down how “Trump Derangement Syndrome” could actually cause a hot war.


France’s finance minister has called on Europe to become an “empire” so that it can better compete with the United States and China.
Asserting that “it takes courage to stand in the way of the government” of Donald Trump, Bruno Le Maire told Handelsblatt newspaper that, “Europe should no longer be afraid of using its power and [become] an empire of peace.”
“I’m talking about a peaceful empire which is a constitutional state,” he added.
Le Maire’s statement follows French President Macron’s call for a “real European army” to counter Russian threats and reduce dependence on the U.S.
During yesterday’s Armistice centenary in Paris, Macron also urged world leaders to reject nationalism, claiming it represented a “betrayal of patriotism”.
Given the internal situation in France, it might be advisable for Le Maire and Macron to focus on their own country’s problems.
In an interview published last month, the country’s former Interior Minister warned that mass immigration could bring societal breakdown within five years.
“Communities in France are engaging in conflict with one another more and more and it’s becoming very violent,” said Gérard Collomb, agreeing with the interviewer that some form of societal breakdown like partition or secession was a major concern.
“How much time do we have before it’s too late?” the interviewer asked Collomb, to which he replied, “I don’t want to create fear, but I think there’s very little time left….It’s difficult to estimate, but I would say that within five years the situation could become irreversible. Yes, we have five, six years to avoid the worst.”
President Macron’s failure to deal with Islamic extremism and tensions caused by dislocated communities of migrants has contributed to his approval rating continuing to plummet.
poll published at the end of last month found that Macron’s approval had dropped a further 4 percentage points to just 26 per cent.


[Video] Watch globalist kingpin George Soros admit to collaborating with the Nazis

In these excerpts from a buried 60 minutes interview George Soros explains that "I am there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do." He also describes his experiences at age 14 with his Jewish identity hidden in Nazi Germany, where he helped to confiscate property from other Jews. In tapes and video here Soros describes this as "one of the happiest times" of his life… "a very happy making exhilarating experience…"

George Soros admits Nazi collaboration with no regrets

Is George Soros a Sociopath?

[Video] Farage: The 'Enemy Within' is preventing the UK from breaking free

Farage: The 'Enemy Within' is preventing the UK from breaking free

European Parliament, Strasbourg, 24 October 2018


[Video] Russian Nukes: A Warning To Globalists

 We are quickly approaching a globalist induced showdown that may involve nuclear weapons. Putin recently warned the rest of the world that they are not to be trifled with.

Related: [VIDEO] Putin Warns The Planet Is on The Verge Of Nuclear Extinction



[VIDEO] Federal Reserve Declares War On Americans & Trump

Alex Jones presents video footage of Former Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States Alan Greenspan making it clear that the organization is independent from the President and uses the power of interest rate hikes to control the economy.


[Video] Infowars Full Sunday Show: The Unpersoning of Alex Jones Accelerates - 30 Sept, 2018

Unpersoning of Alex Jones Accelerates - Over the weekend, Alex Jones confronted a leftist anti-free speech event meant to slander Jones and President Trump, and was escorted out by police despite being physically attacked.

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[Video] Trump Calls Out Globalist Slave System

 President Trump called out the globalists at the United Nations in late September.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has lashed out in desperation, making what could be her last stand for globalism. Meanwhile, populism and outrage reach a crescendo as the United Nations migration plan and its heavy toll decimate the sovereignty revered by the people.


[Video] 'Lavrov's patience tested one time too many': Russian FM blasts Western policy in UN speech

If the US cares as much about the concept of sovereignty as President Donald Trump claims, it should stop interfering in the affairs of other countries, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says.

Statements by top US officials clearly show which country is actually interfering in the affairs of other nations, Lavrov said during a press conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Friday.

Related: Russia Warns West Against New Strikes in Syria Under Far-Fetched Pretexts

The foreign minister cited Kurt Volker, the US special representative for Ukraine, as an example.
“It would be fine if Volker talked about reconciliation in Ukraine. All he talks about is how Russia is to blame for everything,” Lavrov said.

“And then he takes the liberty of saying things like ‘Russian people deserve freedom’ – that’s the US special representative for Ukraine speaking – ‘And the Ukrainian experience should inspire Russian people.’”
"You can probably figure out from this who is calling for meddling and who isn’t."
If the US actually took seriously its own statements about countries worldwide being sovereign, it would be a very welcome development, the Russian foreign minister stated, reflecting on Trump’s speech at the UN General Assembly.

“Trump, among other things, stated that he firmly backs the sovereignty of each nation in the world; I strongly support this,” Lavrov said.

Related: How the UN Joined America’s War Against Syria by Eric Zuesse

“If the US is adhering that much to sovereignty as the basic principle, one maybe shouldn’t tamper with the affairs of other countries.”

Related: Trump to U.N.: "We Reject the Ideology of Globalism"



Merkel Fights for Globalism, Warns Trump Against ‘Destroying’ the United Nations

FRANKFURT AM MAIN (AFP) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday warned U.S. President Donald Trump against “destroying” the United Nations.

 “I believe that destroying something without having developed something new is extremely dangerous,” Merkel said at a regional election campaign event in Bavaria.
The veteran leader — a close ally of Trump’s bugbear Barack Obama while he was president — added that she believed multilateralism was the solution to many of the world’s problems.

Trump failed to see the possibility for win-win solutions, she said, instead seeing only one winner from any international negotiation.

In his second appearance before the UN’s annual gathering last week, Trump told the General Assembly that he and his administration “reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism”.

“Global governance” is a form of “coercion and domination” that “responsible nations must defend against”, he charged.

Merkel’s opposing view to the US leader puts her in the same camp as UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who warned before Trump took the podium in New York Tuesday that “today, world order is increasingly chaotic”.



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