Fighting for Russia against the New World Order.

Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts

WHO Guidelines Encourage Children Younger Than 4 be Taught “Masturbation” and “Gender Identity”

 WHO guidelines for sex education recommend that children aged 0-4 be taught about “masturbation” and “gender identity.”

The World Health Organization’s ‘Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A framework for policymakers, educational and health authorities and specialists’, advises children be taught about sexually pleasuring themselves and transgenderism before they’ve even fully learned to talk.

The WHO advises that children aged 0-4 are given “information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s body… masturbation.”

Toddlers are also to be encouraged to “gain an awareness of gender identity” and given “the right to explore gender identities.”

In the ages 4-6 bracket, educators are urged to “give information about same-sex relationships” and “help children develop respect for different norms regarding sexuality.”

Of course, in any sane world, no child of this age should be exposed to any kind of information about sex whatsoever.

Despite them being complicit in China’s cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak, the media has held up the WHO as an organization beyond reproach which cannot be questioned.

Social media networks are removing material and banning people who criticize the World’s Health Organization’s guidelines.

Given that the global health body is pushing such sickness onto toddlers, the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw funding is looking better every day.



David Icke Interview with Brian Rose at LondonReal - RO

The Broadcast They Don’t Want You To See… The Ideas They Don’t Want You To Hear…

On May 3, 2020 at 5pm UK time, David Icke is LIVE on the DIGITAL FREEDOM PLATFORM for the largest LIVESTREAM of a conversation in human history. This single broadcast could change the course of humanity.

If we get the information now, we can act on it, we can change course.

If We Are Silenced, It Could Be The End of Humanity As We Know It.

Watch here : London Real

Snowden: Tech giants can enslave entire populations

 Tech giants such as #Facebook and #Google stack vast amounts of user data which "they are happy to hand over to governments", according to NSA whistleblower Edward #Snowden speaking to a human and digital rights conference in London via video link from Moscow on Saturday. "Everything you've done, everything you've typed into their search box, everything you have clicked on, everything you've liked," said Snowden addressing the audience in the UK Open Rights Group Conference (ORGCON19).

According to Snowden, governments were using this data to target journalists, dissidents, immigrants and other vulnerable individuals to protect their own control.


‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads

Google CEO Sundar Pichai revealed that the “full extent” of so-called Russian meddling activity that took place on the platform during all of 2016 was $4,700 spent on some digital advertisements.


"Does Google now know the full extent to which its online platforms were exploited by Russian actors in the election two years ago?" Rep. Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York and ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, asked the search engine's chief executive during Tuesday's hearing.

"We have — we undertook a very thorough investigation, and, in 2016, we now know that there were two main ad accounts linked to Russia which advertised on Google for about $4,700 in advertising," Pichai responded.

"A total of $4,700?" Nadler asked to confirm. "That's right," the Google executive replied.

Google employees and executives contributed $1.6 million to 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.


[Video] Midterm Meddling: How Silicon Valley Plans To Steal The Election


[Video] Infowars Full Sunday Show: The Unpersoning of Alex Jones Accelerates - 30 Sept, 2018

Unpersoning of Alex Jones Accelerates - Over the weekend, Alex Jones confronted a leftist anti-free speech event meant to slander Jones and President Trump, and was escorted out by police despite being physically attacked.

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[Video] Globalists’ Hate Of Infowars Is The Key To Their Downfall

Vox Day joins Alex via Skype to discuss the state of America and the attacks from the left and Big Tech as they try to completely censor conservatives ahead of the midterms. Vox explains how Alex represents the American spirit that the globalists fear and hate.

Related: [Video] Project Veritas Says They Have 'Big Tech' News Coming

Related: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: "Truth Is Evaporating Before Our Eyes"


[Video] Infowars Full Show - PayPal Bans Infowars Revealing Big Tech Collusion With The Left - 21 Sept, 2018

The woman accusing President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault is setting the terms for her own appearance before next week’s Senate Committee. The media circus surrounding her allegations has fostered unprecedented opposition to the confirmation of SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Trump, however, called out the timing of the accusations as well as adding facts don’t matter to the radical left who only want to “destroy and delay.”

Related: Alex Jones - Infowars

Facebook have shadow banned Russia Truth

The degenerates at Facebook have shadow banned the Russia Truth page, please join us by issuing a big "FUCK YOU" to Facebook by sharing our posts and visiting our website -

Related: [Video] Globalists Using Multipronged Attacks Against Patriots

"Shadow banning is the act of blocking or partially blocking a user or their content from an online community such that it will not be readily apparent to the user that they have been banned.
By making a user's contributions invisible or less prominent to other members of the service, the hope may be that in the absence of reactions to their comments, the problematic or otherwise out-of-favour user will become bored or frustrated and leave the site" - Wikipedia - Shadow banning

Being NWO lackeys Facebook doesn't like free speech.

Related: Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Taxing and Tracking the Independent Media: Censorship and Control

One of the most heinous things about taxes is that they support the very “organs” (to quote a Soviet-era term) of government that crush the people…even further. The taxes are weapons used by the authorities…and all authority comes from the barrel of a gun (to paraphrase Mao). The taxes are used to corral in the masses and keep them upon a continuous treadmill that sustains the system…the very system that exploits and enslaves the citizens.

The most heinous of all is the “death tax” of 50% to the government after you die. If you made a million in money and property at the end of your existence…paying taxes on it all the way…the original income taxes on the money you made, and then the interest income tax on what you made from your investments. You have property taxes on your house. You are (depending on your state) levied taxes on ad valorem, or state income taxes, or community (city, town) taxes. You are taxed on gifts you give to your children. You are taxed when you begin a business.

Many states have “ingenious” (mostly insidious) means of exploiting the populace and terming it a “tax,” per se.  Maryland has a great one they instituted a few years ago: the rainwater tax…to actually estimate the amount of rainfall off of a person’s roof/property, and place it under “management” of the state….yes, taxed on the amount of rain falling on you. Cigarette taxes, liquor taxes…the list is endless.

Related: [Video] Infowars Full Show - FBI Corruption, Kavanaugh Accuser To Testify, Free Alex Jones Rally On Saturday - Sept 19, 2018

Taxes never decrease: they may present the illusion of decreasing in one category, but they always rise, and rise with the prices of things. Go to this site. They’re not hiding anything, and they’ll come out and tell you what they’re going to take from you. The site is put out by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (the EIA), and the address is here:

You can find state-by-state fuel taxes (on average 28 cents per gallon), and the federal taxes of 18.3 cents per gallon…for a total of about 47 cents per gallon. Yeah, isn’t that grand?

Taxes (by their reporting and declaration) also give the government more control and information about how you live, what you do. Taxes are used now in an even more sinister manner, beginning with the EU (European Union).  Yes, all of those “happy” messages you see on your e-mails are harbingers of things to come. On 09/12/2018, Planet Free Will published an article entitled Catastrophic: EU Passes Copyright Directive Including Internet ‘Link Tax’ and ‘Upload Filter.” 

Here’s an excerpt:
“The European Parliament has passed a controversial copyright directive that contains provisions which force tech giants to install content filters and sets in place a potential tax on hyperlinking. The bill was passed in a final vote of 438 – 226 and will need to be implemented by individual EU member states.  …two key provisions: Articles 11 and 13, which [have been] dubbed the “link tax” and “upload filter.”  Article 11 is intended to give publishers and papers a way to make money when companies like Google link to their stories, allowing them to demand paid licenses. Article 13 requires certain platforms like YouTube and Facebook stop users sharing unlicensed copyrighted material.”
The bottom line on this: the government(s) would set in place bureaucratic agents to scan every page that is uploaded to a site…superficially to “protect the sacred copyrights,” but in reality, it is a way to accomplish monitoring and censorship of everything that passes across their scanners.

They have to institute stuff such as that to completely quell the independent media and stop any “non-certified, non-accredited (State-approved) journalists and news sites. In addition, they’ll levy taxes on it. Once again, the vicious cycle: pay your taxes or the Euro-Swat team comes in with MP-5’s, huffs, puffs, and blows down your house. Pay the taxes…and you’ll then fund their budgets for increased Draconian measures. Let’s not forget: ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and the Obama giveaway of the Internet to the Chinese.

Measure after measure comes into play. Little by little, in the name of taxes and the protection of rights, governments are instituting even more intrusive measures into privacy and exploiting their populaces…generating more wealth and power for themselves and more control over the life of the average person. There is no more objective, grassroots reporting or news within the mainstream media. The only material that is not AP and State-approved comes from outlets of the independent media.

Keep this in mind: back in the days of the USSR, you would be either killed or sent to a Gulag for possessing either a Xerox/mimeograph machine or a typewriter. Do you know why that was? It was because they did not want any communication among the people in the form of underground newspapers, memos, letters, or any venue not under State control. We’re heading in that direction now. First the taxes, to force our  submission while simultaneously funding their oppression. Then the isolation and identification of non-State-approved reporters. Then the inevitable shutdowns, confiscations of computers and news media venues, arrests, and worse.

The best way to accomplish that is to overwhelm the people with laws and gendarmes/jackboots to enforce them.  History teaches us, and it repeats itself in one way, shape, or form. Nothing new under the sun, and the assault on freedom of the press is not just in the U.S., but is worldwide. Better plead the 5th Amendment, since you can’t use the 1st Amendment anymore. Keep these words in mind from the Declaration of Independence on abuse of power:
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Happening in Europe and coming to our shores soon: the complete destruction of the independent media, and the creation of “Pravda and Isvestia” News outlets controlled entirely by the State.


Trump Executive Action on Social Media Censorship Being Blocked by Insiders

Older heads within administration don’t realize huge threat posed by Big Tech purge

Potential executive action to address the widespread Big Tech deplatforming and censorship of prominent conservative voices is being stymied by administration insiders who are oblivious to the threat and have convinced President Trump to put the issue on the back burner.

Infowars has learned from a source close to the administration that executive action on the matter was planned as soon as this week, but that it has likely been delayed yet again.

Several people within Trump’s inner circle know the threat to the mid-terms and his re-election chances that social media censorship poses, including Donald Trump Jr. and Brad Parscale, his 2020 campaign manager.

However, older members of the administration are completely unaware of the fact that banning prominent online voices and manipulating algorithms can shift millions of votes and are oblivious to the danger.

This ignorance has placed a temporary block on Trump taking action, despite the president repeatedly referring to Big Tech censorship in tweets and speeches over the last few weeks.

A petition calling on the White House and Congress to take action to protect free speech in the digital public square has also received almost 125,000 signatures.

If tech monopolies are not stopped in their effort to purge conservatives from social media, the next step is that the left will lobby to have their political adversaries blocked from being able to engage in commerce and use payment processing systems, which already happened in the case of Islam critic Robert Spencer when Mastercard lobbied to have Spencer removed from Patreon and GoFundMe.





Twitter Briefed Establishment Media Ahead of Alex Jones Blacklisting

Twitter appears to have notified a number of establishment media publications ahead of its permanent ban of Alex Jones, while neglecting to inform conservative media. A tweet from CNN’s Oliver Darcy was published at 4:45 p.m. eastern time, coinciding precisely with Twitter publicly announcing the ban. CNN could not have written the article beforehand unless Twitter notified them of its decision in advance.

Darcy is the CNN activist reporter who repeatedly agitated for Twitter to purge Alex Jones, publishing articles about the Infowars host’s alleged terms of service violations. Darcy would eventually catalyze Jones’ ban, which Twitter justified by referencing Jones’ heated exchange with Darcy at yesterday’s congressional hearings with big tech executives. Along with Democrat politicians, CNN has ceaselessly lobbied for its competitors in the alternative media to be blacklisted online.

Twitter said the video of Jones calling Darcy an “anti-American, anti-free speech coward” constituted “abusive behavior,” even though it was conducted outside of the platform (Twitter gave itself the authority to police users for offsite behavior earlier this year).

Other establishment publications that ran full articles on Jones’ ban at the same time as Twitter’s announcement included BuzzFeed News, the Associated Press, and the New York Times.
No conservative-leaning media source appears to have received advance notice. A source at Fox News said they “hadn’t heard anything” ahead of the ban. Fox did not run an article on Jones’ ban until an hour after Twitter’s announcement. The Wall Street Journal posted an article several hours after the ban as well.

Infowars editor-at-large Paul Joseph Watson said: “Silicon Valley and mainstream media are working hand in hand to silence competing voices. This is clearly harmful to the very spirit of the First Amendment and must be stopped now. Social media is the public square. It’s time it was legally treated that way.”


Alex Jones banned from Twitter - Tune in to find out what the establishment is trying to hide

Alex Jones has been banned from Twitter permanently for confronting CNN’s Oliver Darcy about his push for censorship. Talk about ironic!

Watch below the #1 banned show in the world! The Alex Jones Show!


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