Fighting for Russia against the New World Order.

Showing posts with label UN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UN. Show all posts

Iran didn’t want to kill US troops with its strike, it wanted to make point to Trump about its missile tech & resolve. It did that

Scott Ritter 
Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer. He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector. 
Iran didn’t want to kill US troops with its strike, it wanted to make point to Trump about its missile tech & resolve. It did that

Iran also fired five additional missiles at the US consulate in Erbil; US commanders on the ground said that it appeared Iran deliberately avoided striking the consulate, but in doing so sent a clear signal that had it wanted, the consulate would have been destroyed.
Trump had to back down

This was the reality that President Trump had to wrestle with when addressing the American people regarding the state of hostilities between the US and Iran.

Trump had previously promised a massive retaliation should Iran attack any US personnel or facilities. Surrounded by his national security team, Trump had to back down from that threat, knowing full well that if he were to attack Iran, the Iranian response would be devastating for both the US and its regional allies, including Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The US might be able to inflict unimaginable devastation on Iran, but the cost paid would be unacceptably high.

Trump’s rhetoric was aggressive, however, and his message made it clear that the US still considered Iran to be a rogue state whose pursuit of nuclear technology, ballistic missiles, and regional dominance would be opposed by the US, with force if necessary. But the Iranian missile attack drove home the new reality that, when it came to Iran’s actions in the Persian Gulf, American Presidential rhetoric no longer held sway as it once did.

Ali Khamenei, the Iranian Supreme Leader, drove this point home in a series of tweets claiming to have “slapped” the US in the face for its assassination of Soleimani, emphasizing that the policies pursued by Soleimani seeking the withdrawal of the US from the Persian Gulf region were becoming a reality, citing the recent vote by the Iraqi parliament to evict all foreign troops, including those of the US, from its soil.

President Trump, in his address to the American people, certainly talked the talk when it came to articulating a strong anti-Iranian policy. The real question is whether Trump and the American people are prepared to walk the walk, especially in a world where Iranian missiles are capable of dealing death and destruction on a scope and scale previously unimaginable.


Putin’s Comments About Satanism & Pedophilia Within Politics Are Turning Out To Be True

In Brief

The Facts:
A few years ago, Vladimir Putin mentioned Satanism and Pedophilia within politics, and he hasn't been the first to do so. He expressed how there are attempts to normalize these practices within society and make it global. 

Reflect On:
Who are we electing? Who are the people that've amassed so much power that they practically control all resources on planet Earth? We do we continue to elect corrupt politicians who don't have the will of humanity at heart? What's going on inside?
What is politics? It’s a realm where humanity gives its power over to others who claim to be making decisions that best suit their country, and humanity as a whole. At least, that’s what it should be. The political realm should be filled with people who are service-to-others, but unfortunately, it has become quite obvious that it’s full of people who are simply serving their masters while filling their own pockets with riches.

At the highest levels of government, especially in the West, there is little to no concern for the will of the people and the welfare of our planet, but rather the illusion of it. Sure, major political figures meet every single year to discuss things like climate change, for example, but does anything happen? It seems as if we are relying on them, instead of looking inward at ourselves.

These people have been gathering at summits for decades, and what this actually does, is take the power out of our own hands. We don’t recognize that WE are the means and tools for change, not those who we appoint to take care of things for us. Politics has become so corrupt, it’s riddled with corporate and financial interests that completely dominate government policy.

Rise Of The Deep State

The “acquisition of unwarranted influence” that Eisenhower warned us that the military industrial complex was seeking has now occurred and has morphed itself into what we refer to today as the Deep State or the secret government. These are terms that have been used by numerous presidents and politicians who have tried to clue the public in on what has been going on behind the scenes. Today, our opportunity to see this is clearer than ever, because its domination has become evident.

We are talking about mass murderers who hurt and bomb their own citizens (9/11) in order to justify the infiltration and takeover of other countries for ulterior motives. While they do this, they slaughter innocent people, like the millions that died in Iraq, for example, and those that continue to suffer in Syria and other parts of the Middle East.

Vladimir Putin has said that this power has used “imaginary and mythical threats” to impose their will on others. This isn’t Russian propaganda, it’s a strategy that has existed since the inception of politics. It represents psychopathic behaviour, but it’s masked by massive amounts of propaganda and brain-washing, to the point where individuals with good hearts join in because they believe they’re lending themselves to a good cause.

We should think carefully about the reality of war. Most of us have been conditioned to regard military combat as exciting and glamorous – an opportunity for men to prove their competence and courage. Since armies are legal, we feel that war is acceptable; in general, nobody feels that war is criminal or that accepting its criminal attitude. In fact, we have been brainwashed. War is neither glamorous nor attractive. It is monstrous. It’s very nature is one of tragedy and suffering. – The Dalai Lama

Not only are many of these people puppets of the Deep State, and slaves to their will, like the Clinton’s for example, but they are actively engaged in crimes against humanity.

Putin & Russia

The past few years have really shed light on what’s been happening for decades, the ‘powers that be’ have essentially put the blame on Russia regarding numerous accusations, as I’m sure you know. I’ve written a number of articles that’ve been labelled as Russian propaganda, articles regarding false flag attacks in Syria, for example. Many uninformed people are quick to label something as Russian propaganda, simply based on the information they’re taking in from mainstream media. They don’t recognize that false flag terrorism, even the infiltration of Syria, is not simply a Russian claim, it’s a claim that dates back decades! It does not originate with Russia, and it’s something many people in North America are now becoming aware of.

The fact that Putin willingly and openly labelled these events as false flag attacks and ones that are completely fabricated simply caught the attention of those who were already aware of this information prior to Putin’s admissions. We already knew that pretty much every high ranking politician in the world knows this, and we are waiting for those who are willing to use their voice.

This is exactly why when Putin brought up Satanism and Paedophilia a couple of years ago, it grabbed my attention. Having been investigating the topic for a number of years, it’s quite clear that those atop of this pyramid that dominates Western politics are possibly involved even more psychopathic tendencies. Yes, we must be cognizant of their upbringing and circumstances, most of those who abuse others in such a way have had the same thing done to them, and so the cycle repeats itself.

Putin stated:
The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are seriously talking about registering political parties whose aim is to promote paedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis. (source)(source)
Clips of him making these statements can be found all over YouTube as well.

This information is hitting the mainstream like never before, one example would be the  NBC news report that implicated Hillary Clinton in covering up a massive pedophile ring in the heart of the State Department, another would be multiple ex-high ranking political officials claiming that both of the Clinton’s engage in sex with minors, pointing towards their close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein (who also has Royal Family connections). Epstein is now a registered sex offender. When it comes to the Vatican, there have always been disturbing acts known to be going on. Right now, the Pope’s right-hand man, George Pell, is in court for sexual assault, and a massive pedophile ring has been exposed where hundreds of boys were tortured and sexually abused, Pope Benedict’s brother was at the forefront of that controversy. You can read more about that here.

As far as the military industrial complex goes, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney grilled Donald Rumsfeld on DynCorp about a private military contractor with ties to the trafficking of women and children. Years later, a top U.S. General who was the liaison between DynCorp and the U.S. Military was implicated in the sexual assault of teenage girls. Let’s not forget about PizzaGate…This list is a long one, and the trafficking of women and children is something the Trump administration has announced publicly that their working on exposing.

As far as Satanism within politics, as well as within the Vatican, that seems to be just as, if not more well known. You can refer to the linked articles below if you’d like to learn more.

Hugo Chavez has also alluded to Satanism within Western politics at the United Nations, that clip is all over YouTube when he said the podium smelled like sulfur after George Bush spoke there.

Normalizing Pedophilia

You may think that this type of thing was normal in ancient Greece, and accepted, but not everybody agreed with it, and many people spoke up against it. That being said, it’s not like these children were being subjected to torture, murder, and a life full of horrid circumstances. We must understand that pedophilia within the realm of politics in the goes far beyond just that, it goes into ritual abuse and Satanism. It’s just politics, it’s Hollywood too. You can find it in many places that have people who have amassed massive amounts of power.

Weird connections have always been observed within, take the Obama administration (an example among many). When he appointed Kevin Jennings as Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the US Department of Education. He’s a proponent of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) in the form of supporting Harry Hay, who is, in turn, also in support of NAMBLA. This is more than a decade ago, but this strange connection exists all over within the political sphere.

Another sign of normalizing pedophilia are strange happenings like the fact that the UK government and the Catholic Church for example, have come under public scrutiny for claiming that victims of child sexual abuse can “consent” to their rapes. They did this in order to avoid compensating the victims. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) establishes which victims get compensated, and they do so by determining whether or not the victim gave consent, even if that victim is a child…You can read more about that here.
Then we have the world of Hollywood, an industry that seems to be leading the charge. Constantly dressing up young girls in inappropriate sexual attire, and more. These efforts are brought in slowly, subtly, but there are many examples, one being Millie Bobby Brown, who has gained fame for her role in Stranger Things, and according to a story from W Magazine, the 13-year-old is one of the “proofs that Television has never been hotter” and “sexier.
These ideas become so prominent within the mainstream that they label it as a “conspiracy theory,” or “fake news” when anyone brings attention to it and in doing so, completely disregards all of the evidence of it.

My colleague here at Collective Evolution, Richard Enos, covered this in greater detail, you can refer to these articles linked below to check that out:
 Even the casual observer will note that there has been a sudden explosion of information and complexity in our society around gender identity and sexual expression. While there is some obvious value in a growing acceptance of different forms of self-expression within individuals, it seems that these particular movements of consciousness have been highjacked and used to promote an environment of confusion, not only around gender, but more specifically around sexual preference and sexual desire. And this confusion seems to be directly targeting our children.
– Richard Enos
So, when Putin said what he said, this is why some of us in the alternative media community paid attention. It’s rare for a politician to speak up about such things without disappearing shortly after. It reminds me of Hugo Chavez accusing the United States of using geoengineering to create the Haiti Earthquake for their own ulterior motives. Putin has spoken up about not only the topic discussed in this article but also of the Deep State and the men in “dark suits” that meet with the president and tell them who their boss is, false flag terrorism, and more. This does not mean he is “innocent” but it is interesting to those in the alternative media community because we know that this is clearly not “Russian propaganda” or mere “conspiracy theory,” the discussion around this began long before Putin ever decided to chime in…

The Takeaway

The takeaway here is to be cognizant of what the mainstream refers to as “Russian Propaganda,” and how when something is labelled as “Russian Propaganda” it is, in fact, a method of western propaganda. It can be hard to see no doubt, but when it comes to these topics, instead of having an instant reaction of disbelief, perhaps keep an open mind until you’ve done a worthy amount of investigation and research for yourself.
“The problem of fake news isn’t solved by hoping for a referee, but rather because we as citizens, we as users of these services, help each other. We talk and we share and we point out what is fake. We point out what is true. The answer to bad speech is not censorship, the answer to bad speech is more speech. We have to exercise and spread the idea that critical thinking matters, now more than ever, given the fact that lies seem to be getting more popular.”
Edward Snowden (source)
Are these the people we want to continue electing? Is politics, and the corporate and financial stranglehold over it something we want to continue supporting every four years?


‘CIA-backed’ mercenaries spread HIV in S. Africa, ex-member claims

File photo: Names of HIV patients are seen on syringes at Nkosi's Haven, south of Johannesburg November 28, 2014 © REUTERS / Siphiwe Sibeko

A Sundance documentary ostensibly about the 1961 plane crash which killed then UN Secretary-General, Dag Hammarskjold, contains explosive claims of a conspiracy to spread HIV among South Africa’s black population.
Directed by controversial Danish journalist, filmmaker, and provocateur Mads Brügger, ‘Cold Case Hammarskjold,’ debuted Saturday at the Sundance Film Festival.

It details an investigation into the largely unsolved death of Swedish diplomat and former UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold, whose DC-6 plane crashed near Ndola, Northern Rhodesia (modern Zambia). Initial investigations identified the cause as pilot error or mere mechanical fault, though doubts have persisted in the 50+ years since the crash.

Dag Hammarskjöld © UN

Throughout the course of the new documentary, Brügger and his team investigate a white militia, the South African Institute for Maritime Research (SAIMR). According to documents the filmmakers uncovered, the group operated with support from the CIA and British Intelligence and orchestrated the 1961 plane crash which killed Hammarskjold. The documentarians eventually encounter and interview a man named Alexander Jones who is allegedly a former member of the group.

Jones, who is not related to Alex Jones of InfoWars, claims the mercenary group used phony vaccinations to spread HIV with a view to wiping out the black population of South Africa, in addition to carrying out the Hammarskjold assassination.
“We were at war,” Jones says, as cited by The New York Times. “Black people in South Africa were the enemy.”
However, medical experts have already dismissed Jones’ claims as medically dubious and unscientific in the extreme.
“The probability that they were able to do this is close to zero,” said Dr. Salim S Abdool Karim, the director of Caprisa, an AIDS research center in South Africa, citing the immense resources that would be required to conduct such a far-fetched attempt at genocide.

Notwithstanding the technological limitations of the 1990s, including facilities to rival that of the Centers for disease control and prevention in the US in addition to millions of dollars in funding, HIV is extraordinarily difficult to isolate, transport and grow in a laboratory environment, let alone distribute en masse in a clandestine operation, Dr Abdool explains.
However, Jones claims he visited a research facility in the 1990s that was used for “for sinister experimentation” and that he was certain its intent was "to eradicate black people.”  
Many have criticized the filmmakers for helping to sow distrust of the medical establishment in a country that already has one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world while reviving dangerous conspiracy theories that have persisted since the Cold War.
The filmmaker, who has previously been described as a 'fabulist' and 'provocateur', according to the Hollywood Reporter, admits he has been unable to corroborate Jones' ever-evolving story; As the documentary makers continued to question Jones, his accounts became more and more dubious as he professed firsthand knowledge of people that had seemingly been brought to his attention by the documentarians themselves.


The EU Votes for the Installation of New US Missiles in Europe

Near the United Nations Glass Palace in New York, there is a metallic sculpture entitled “Evil Defeated by Good”, representing Saint George transfixing a dragon with his lance. It was donated by the USSR in 1990 to celebrate the INF Treaty concluded with the USA in 1987, which banned land-based short- and mid-range nuclear missiles (a reach of between 500 and 5,000 km). Symbolically, the body of the dragon is in fact made with pieces of US Pershing-2 ballistic missiles (originally based in West Germany) and Soviet SS-20 missiles (originally based in the USSR).
But the nuclear dragon, which in the sculpture is shown as dying, is now being reborn. Thanks to Italy and other countries of the European Union, which, at the United Nations General Assembly, voted against the resolution presented by Russia on the “Preservation and Implementation of the INF Treaty”, rejected by 46 to 43 with 78 abstentions.
The European Union – of which 21 of its 27 members are part of NATO (including the United Kingdom, which is currently leaving the EU) – has thus taken a uniform stance with the position of NATO, which in turn has taken a uniform stance with that of the United States.

Source: PandoraTV
The Obama administration first, followed by the Trump administration, have accused Russia, without any proof, of experimenting with a missile from the forbidden category, and have announced their intention of withdrawing from the INF Treaty. At the same time, they have launched a programme aimed at renewing the installation of nuclear missiles in Europe to guard against Russia, while others will also be based in the Asia-Pacific region against China.
The Russian representative at the UN has warned that “this constitutes the beginning of a full-blown arms race”. In other words, he warned that if the United States should once again install in Europe nuclear missiles pointed at Russia (as were the Cruise missiles based in Comiso in the 1980’s), Russia would once again install, on its own territory, similar weapons pointed at targets in Europe (but which would be unable to reach the USA).
Ignoring all that, the EU representative at the UNO accused Russia of sabotaging the INF Treaty, and announced the opposition vote by all the countries of the Union because “the resolution presented by Russia avoids the question under discussion”.
Essentially, therefore, the European Union has given the green light to the possible installation of new US missiles in Europe, including Italy.
On a question of this importance, the Conte government, like its predecessors, has abandoned the exercise of national sovereignty and aligned itself with the EU, which, has in turn adopted the position of NATO, under US command. And across the entire political arc, not one voice has been raised to request that it should be the Parliament which decides how to vote at the UNO. And similarly, no voice has been raised in Parliament to request that Italy observe the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which requires that the USA must withdraw its B61 nuclear bombs from our national territory, and must also abstain from installing here, as from the first half of 2020, the new and even more dangerous B61-12’s.
So this is a new violation of the fundamental constitutional principle that “sovereignty belongs to the people”. And since the politico-media apparatus swaddles Italians in the ignorance of these questions of such vital importance, it is also a violation of our right to information, not only in the sense of the freedom to inform, but also the right to be informed.
We must do this now, or else tomorrow there will be no time to decide – a mid-range ballistic missile can reach and destroy its target with its nuclear warhead in between 6 and 11 minutes.

Professor Says White People Need to Accept That They’re Being Replaced in America and Europe

Professor Says that the Rise in Populism is Attributed to Whites Being Replaced in Europe and America. He Argues that We Need to Break Down White Identity so that Whites Accept this Change Willingly

Professor Eric Kaufmann of Birkbeck University in London has a new book out called ‘White Shift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities.”  In his book he argues that white majority countries will soon be minority majority, but that we need to essentially break down white identity itself so that white people accept this fact willingly.  

Kaufmann, who is the Professor of Politics at Birkbeck attributes the recent worldwide rise in populism to this massive change, and says that the polarization of the current political climate could be a result of white people fighting for the maintenance of their majority in America and Europe.  Kaufmann states that this will only be a ‘temporary’ pushback to the inevitable future of Europe and America.

Kaufmann also surprisingly argues that……….   WATCH THE REST OF THIS REPORT IN THE VIDEO BELOW


Hungarian PM: Whoever signs the UN Migration Pact presents a serious risk to his own citizens

The United Nations Global Migration Compact is a flawed document, and whoever signs it presents a serious risk to their own citizens, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in Prague on Friday.

At a joint press conference following a meeting with his Czech counterpart, Andrej Babis, Orban said the document set down principles that would not reduce illegal migration but stimulate it.
Every substantive legal case in the future will make use of the document as a point of reference, he warned. He said mass migration was a serious issue and decision-makers should not ignore the opinion of the people.
Yet in Europe today, he added, people are not allowed to express their opinions, or leaders fail to take them into account.
“We in central Europe, however, want to remain democrats,” he said. “Migration is testing the democratic nature of political systems,” the prime minister added.
Concerning Hungarian-Czech ties, Orban said that bilateral relations “entered a new dimension” in recent years, and spoke highly of “unprecedented figures” in economic ties as well as good cooperation in defence and in other areas.
He said that the turnover of bilateral trade and investments had increased and added that the two countries mutually supported investments.
Hungarian pharmaceuticals were “doing well” in the Czech Republic, while Czech companies were active in Hungarian agriculture and telecommunications, the prime minister added.


[Video] Leaked! Secret UN Migrant Report That Will Destroy All Borders

Find out how the social engineers plan on imploding societies


[Video] Trump Calls Out Globalist Slave System

 President Trump called out the globalists at the United Nations in late September.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has lashed out in desperation, making what could be her last stand for globalism. Meanwhile, populism and outrage reach a crescendo as the United Nations migration plan and its heavy toll decimate the sovereignty revered by the people.


[Video] 'Lavrov's patience tested one time too many': Russian FM blasts Western policy in UN speech

If the US cares as much about the concept of sovereignty as President Donald Trump claims, it should stop interfering in the affairs of other countries, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says.

Statements by top US officials clearly show which country is actually interfering in the affairs of other nations, Lavrov said during a press conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Friday.

Related: Russia Warns West Against New Strikes in Syria Under Far-Fetched Pretexts

The foreign minister cited Kurt Volker, the US special representative for Ukraine, as an example.
“It would be fine if Volker talked about reconciliation in Ukraine. All he talks about is how Russia is to blame for everything,” Lavrov said.

“And then he takes the liberty of saying things like ‘Russian people deserve freedom’ – that’s the US special representative for Ukraine speaking – ‘And the Ukrainian experience should inspire Russian people.’”
"You can probably figure out from this who is calling for meddling and who isn’t."
If the US actually took seriously its own statements about countries worldwide being sovereign, it would be a very welcome development, the Russian foreign minister stated, reflecting on Trump’s speech at the UN General Assembly.

“Trump, among other things, stated that he firmly backs the sovereignty of each nation in the world; I strongly support this,” Lavrov said.

Related: How the UN Joined America’s War Against Syria by Eric Zuesse

“If the US is adhering that much to sovereignty as the basic principle, one maybe shouldn’t tamper with the affairs of other countries.”

Related: Trump to U.N.: "We Reject the Ideology of Globalism"



Merkel Fights for Globalism, Warns Trump Against ‘Destroying’ the United Nations

FRANKFURT AM MAIN (AFP) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday warned U.S. President Donald Trump against “destroying” the United Nations.

 “I believe that destroying something without having developed something new is extremely dangerous,” Merkel said at a regional election campaign event in Bavaria.
The veteran leader — a close ally of Trump’s bugbear Barack Obama while he was president — added that she believed multilateralism was the solution to many of the world’s problems.

Trump failed to see the possibility for win-win solutions, she said, instead seeing only one winner from any international negotiation.

In his second appearance before the UN’s annual gathering last week, Trump told the General Assembly that he and his administration “reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism”.

“Global governance” is a form of “coercion and domination” that “responsible nations must defend against”, he charged.

Merkel’s opposing view to the US leader puts her in the same camp as UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who warned before Trump took the podium in New York Tuesday that “today, world order is increasingly chaotic”.


How the UN Joined America’s War Against Syria by Eric Zuesse

America has been at war to transfer control of Syria over to the Saud family, who own Saudi Arabia; and America has been trying to do this ever since the first of the CIA’s coups against Syria failed in 1949. But only during the U.S. Presidency of Barack Obama did the United Nations become a tool in this American enterprise.

Obama entered the White House in 2009 secretly hoping to be able to overthrow Syria’s Government; and when the CIA-assisted “Arab Spring” uprisings in the Arab world started flowering in 2011, the U.S. Government had the important U.N. operatives fully on-board assisting the U.S. Government to assist this overthrow — to hand Syria to the Sauds (the Sauds being America’s most important international ally, and the world’s richest family) to control.

By the time of June 2011, the Obama State Department, under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was already deep into planning the overthrow not only of Syria’s Government (planning the international recruitment of jihadists to do that), but of Ukraine’s Government (planning international recruitment of nazis to do that).

Related: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: "Truth Is Evaporating Before Our Eyes"

Although the common view is that America’s main allies are European, that viewpoint is no longer true. Today’s America is allied mainly with the Sauds, and with Israel, which latter is the Sauds’ chief lobbying arm both in North America and in Europe, because Christian-majority populations are far more sympathetic to Jews than to Moslems. For a politician to be publicly sympathetic to Jews is much better for a politician than for him/her to be publicly sympathetic to Muslims. So, Israel carries the Sauds’ lobbying water, not only their own.

On 3 December 2011 (near the end of the year when the “Arab Spring” started), the independent investigative journalist Sibel Edmonds headlined “US Media: Distorters of Reality & Gravediggers of Truth”, and she reported:

Follow Up — The Continued Blackout on West’s Secret Training & Support Camp in Turkey for War on Syria

12 days ago, on November 21, here at Boiling Frogs Post, I reported on the ongoing joint US-NATO secret training camp in the US air force base in Incirlik, Turkey, which began operations in April-May 2011 to organize and expand the dissident base in Syria. I had received the information for that story from multiple sources including highly credible insiders in Turkey and government insiders here in the US…

I immediately started checking our infamous US mainstream media sites — still nothing on this significant information. I then contacted one of my high-level sources and asked why he had come to me with his documented report instead of going directly to the big guys. With several credible insiders as his corroborators and a high-level official in Turkey, he would have no problem getting their attention. And his response? Well here it is minus a few expletives:

Who said we didn’t go to MSM [Main Stream Media] first? We got them the info back in October. First they were interested and drooling. At least the reporters. Then, they disappeared.”
I was the last resort. … This goes down as one more example of very many cases of intentional, willful censorship by the US mainstream media and their so-many-times-proven role as distorters of reality and gravediggers of the truth.
Keeping the “MSM” on-board was likewise something that went back as far as the CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird” had started in 1948 with the cooperation of all of the United States’ mainstream ‘news’-media, and of virtually all of the ‘alternative’ news-media.

Related: [Video] Deep State Is A Parallel Government Working Against America

The case against the latter, the ‘alternative’ media, was documented by Stuart Jeanne Bramhall here and here; and by me here; with both of us relying heavily upon the encyclopedic researches from Bob Feldman, who is the major historian of the corruptness of almost all of America’s ‘progressive’ ‘news’ media — the present medium being obviously among the few exceptions that actually is progressive, and this article is simultaneously distributed to all media, so all media have been invited to publish it.

The corruptness of self-declared conservative ‘news’-media is virtually automatic, since their chief function is to aggrandize the aristocracy — doing that is what defines them; they are clearly doing what they are paid to do, whereas the non-conservative media need to use subterfuges to do it, in order for them to seem to be supportive of the poor, which conservative media don’t even pretend to support.

Trump to U.N.: "We Reject the Ideology of Globalism"

Right and left, America’s ‘news’-media are loaded with rot — especially regarding foreign countries, including Syria. Here are a few CIA documents from 2012 showing how obsequiously American ‘journalists’ respect and adhere to their CIA minders.

Aristocrats everywhere do business internationally and have much more of a personal interest in foreign relations than does the average person; so, lying about international relations is especially important to them, in order to control the masses on these matters, matters which aristocrats are especially determined to control. The aristocracy are the people who determine which nations are “allies” and which nations are “enemies.” The public don’t control that.

This is why the CIA, which is an agency of the U.S. aristocracy, has at least all of the mainstream ‘news’-media trumpeting their lies on foreign affairs. Aristocrats control their country’s foreign policies. Their international corporations demand this control, and tell the politicians what to do in foreign matters. The ‘news’-media provide the back-up for the politicians’ lies.

They’re all on the same team, the aristocracy’s team.

They all are agents for the aristocracy, against the public — and not only against whichever foreign aristocracies are labeled “enemy” nations (i.e., as being suitable targets for the given aristocracy’s military — places where the U.S. aristocracy’s weapons-manufacturing corporations such as Lockheed Martin don’t sell their wares but instead upon which those wares are to be used, as targets, the opposite end of the international weapons-trade from the “allies,” which are the markets-side, instead of the targets-side).

Related: [Video] Deep State Blocks Key FISA Docs Release!

International relations is relations between aristocracies. The publics are ignored.
So, if democracy exists anywhere or at all, then it exists only in regards to domestic issues. However, studies have shown that even on domestic issues, the U.S. Government ignores the U.S. public — the U.S. is totally an aristocracy; it’s no democracy at all, not even on domestic issues, such as Medicare-for-all.

That’s the reason why Sibel Edmonds found herself to be a “last resort.” That was a euphemism referring actually to a dead-end for the important news — for the type of news that would have contradicted the Obama Administration’s infamous joyous lie-based “We came, we saw, he died!” (the Libya case), and now the follow-on invasion and destruction of Syria.

Trump continues Obama’s aggressions; he doesn’t end them. It doesn’t make much difference whom the occupant of the White House is, at least not regarding foreign relations, because the same aristocracy remains in control of U.S. foreign relations, even though that might be a different faction of this aristocracy — Obama representing the liberal billionaires, and Trump representing some of the conservative ones, but they are different segments of the same aristocracy; nobody in such a Government represents the public.

Here’s how psychopathic the U.S.-and allied aristocracies are:

A video shows at 2:18 that it was taken on “27/11/2012,” and it’s titled, “EMIR OF QATAR AND PRIME MINISTER OF TURKEY STEAL SYRIAN OIL EXCAVATORS – ENGLISH SUBTITLES”. Both Qatar’s Emir and Turkey’s Prime Minister are enormously wealthy individuals, but they wanted still more.

Both were there using their being heads-of-state so as to assist not only their own wealth but America’s and Europe’s aristocracies to steal and sell oil and oil-well equipment from the Syrian public — from Syrians’ Government — for the benefits not only of those aristocrats but also of Al Qaeda and of ISIS (two jihadist groups trying to overthrow Syria’s Government).

As Syrian News reported this, on 28 November 2012, “Emir of Qatar & Muslim Brotherhood Prime Minister of Turkey send their Al Qaeda FSA terrorists to Syria to destroy the country, kill the people and destroy whatever they can of its infrastructure so their companies would have jobs in the future to rebuild as they think they will win the war against Syria.”

Syrian News headlined on 5 September 2015, “What Did Syrians Do to Deserve the Hatred of the Whole World” and commented:

Syrians stood by each oppressed nation in the planet, all liberation movements from the colonial powers had their main offices in Syria, including South African anti-apartheid party…this is how the colonial powers revenge.

It is beyond kafkaesque to realize that virtually the entire world chants its enmity against the Syrian people, and their country, and that the rest have not even noticed.

On 2 September, “greatest psy op of the last century,” al Jazeera, degraded a photo of a drowned Syrian boy, into an emoticon, to use for a new round of imperial malfeasance against the SAR [that being an acronym for Syria’s Government]. It seems to be of no importance, that al Jazeera (renamed “al Khanzeera,” “the pigsty,” by Libyan patriots, during the destruction of their country), is owned by the absolute monarchy Qatar — “pronounced ‘gutter’”), the little Gulfie gas station that has spent over 3 billion dollars in looting and bombing Syria.

Twenty-four hours later, a Google search of “drowned Syrian boy” yielded over 10 million ‘hits’ (a number which has jumped to over 14 million, 48 hours later), reports which neglect to mention there was no Syrian refugee crisis before the mass-murderers of the colonial powers, and their Levant and Gulfie rabid dogs decided to “arab spring” Syria…

On Sunday, 23 August, the city of Damascus came under massive mortar and missile attacks by the Obama-Cameron moderate death squads. Seven days later, the Syrian Arab Army [Syrian Government’s Army] Facebook page posted the following:

“The city of Damascus had 4.5 to 5 million inhabitants in 2011. Today and due to the war there are over 8.5 million inhabitants in the city; most of which were forced outside of their homes by the “moderate rebels” backed by NATO in general specifically the U.S. Turkey and France; also backedand financed by the terrorist nations of the Gulf…

The cacaphony of murderous silence among the Vichy [nazi] media and sham activists and NGOs [charities that are funded by U.S.-and-allied aristocracies] has increased, exponentially, in perverse rhyme, with the increase in the bombings of the villages of Kafraya and al Foua, in Idlib countryside. In mid-August, the Syrians of these villages had been the beneficiaries of more than 1,500 missile attacks — from moderate rebel mass murderers — that have destroyed 60% of their houses…
The punishment of the Syrian people for refusing the Obama plan of regime change cannot be missed in this organized ongoing assault by NATO and stooges for the past 4.5 years…
On 28 February 2018, Syria News bannered “Deep State Hyenas Flaunt [Flout] Law, Ravenous for More Syrian Blood” and opened:

The globalist deep state hyenas have reached a new low in delirious frenzy against Syria. While screaming international law! they flaunt [flout] it, and flaunt their insatiable lust for Syrian blood. The mania of the terrorists in suits is so out of control that they appear to have abandoned their chemical conspiracy planned for Idlib. Instead, they scream in unison for the preservation of serial killers occupying eastern Ghouta. 

Savages they would call by rightful names in western countries are converted to innocent women and children [in Western media]. These hyenas ignore more than 1,000 terrorist mortars and missiles fired by Ghouta terrorists into Damascus. They hold the Goebbels Big Lie proudly over their heads, knowing their elite club is one of destruction, that none of its members will speak the truth…
The deep state hyenas introduced the foreign-armed, foreign-paid, and foreign takfiri [jihadists] of al Ghouta onto the world stage in August 2013. The stupid, inbred, savages accidentally slaughtered many of their own, and thus ratted out having been given chemical weapons by Prince Bandar, because he neglected to give them proper instruction on their use.

The admission was of no matter to the perpetual warriors, including Nobel Peace Laureate cum war criminal, POTUS Obama. Nor was concern voiced by the humanitarian bastards that several of the dead Syrians were recognized as having been kidnapped in Latakia countryside (similarly, the hyenas were too sedated to report on the moment long awaited, when 58 Syrian women and their children abductees were released in exchange for imprisoned terrorists of al Qaeda)…

On 21 February, UN High Commissioner on Human Rights [sic] Zeid Ra’ad al Husseini frothed at the mouth over the “monstrous annihilation” in Eastern Ghouta. He tossed words like international humanitarian law, and war crimes about [against the Government].

That article has a lengthy section which opens:


Animals running in packs require leadership. Who is better qualified to lead beasts known to take advantage of other animals’ kills for easy prey, devouring every part including bones, than the well-manicured and polished diplomats of the United Nations?
All of that is true, and it even understates the reality. For example, though the article documents that Jordan, next door to Syria, is a key part of America’s effort to overthrow Assad, it fails to note that Zeid Ra’ad al Husseini, that cited high U.N. official on Syria, is a Jordanian Prince. He’s doing what the royal family of Jordan do. Otherwise, that article is an excellent description of the U.N.

Administration’s extreme prejudices in favor of the U.S. game-plans for conquest, especially for their conquest of Syria.

However, on 3 March 2018, Syria News revealed that an even more important U.N. official on Syria has also been working secretly with the U.S. to assist overthrow of Syria’s Government. Headlining “Rotten, Secret Diplomatic Meeting that Launched UN Frenzy against Syria”, they reported that,
In possession of a diplomatic telegram [TD], Pan Arabic al Akhbar gave a detailed report 24 February on the nefarious, colonialist plot:

In a somewhat familiar but precise English, Benjamin Norman – a diplomat in charge of the Middle East at the British Embassy in Washington – reports in a confidential diplomatic telegram of the first meeting of the “Small American Group on Syria” (United States, Great Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and Jordan), held in Washington on January 11, 2018.

Related: Democrats Attempt to Block Trump’s Order to Declassify Russia-Probe Documents

In this five-page TD, he reveals the details of the “Western strategy” in Syria: partition of the country, sabotage of Sochi, framing of Turkey and instructions to the UN Special Representative Staffan de Mistura who leads the negotiations of Geneva. A Non Paper (8 pages) accompanies this TD in anticipation of the second meeting of the “Small Group”. It was held in Paris on January 23, mainly devoted to the use of chemical weapons and the “instructions” sent by the “Small American Group” to Staffan de Mistura.
In fact, Trump is now protecting both Al Qaeda and ISIS in order to conquer Syria. And he has the U.N.’s backing in this. On Friday, 7 September 2018, America’s Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty headlined “UN Syria Envoy Warns of ‘Perfect Storm’ for Disaster in Idlib” and reported that:
The U.N. envoy for Syria warned Friday that all the ingredients exist for a “perfect storm” of a humanitarian catastrophe if the Syrian government, backed by Russia, carries out a large-scale military offensive on the northwestern province of Idlib.
“The dangers are profound that any battle for Idlib could be — would be — a horrific and bloody battle,” Staffan de Mistura told U.N. Security Council members via videoconference. “Civilians are its potential victims.”
As I have documented at the link here:

Idlib has consistently been showing as being, by far, the most-pro-jihadist of all of Syria’s Governates, in the annual polls that the British polling organization, Orb International, has taken since 2014, throughout Syria. Idlib has been showing there as being over 90% in favor of jihadists and of jihadism — and specifically in favor of organizations such as Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Staffan de Mistura and Prince Husseini refer to this matter as instead a “humanitarian catastrophe” if Syria, Russia, and Hezbollah, do what they will need to do in order to end the invasion of Syria by U.S., Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, Kuwait, and Israel (and the jihadists they hire).

The U.N. officials are treating this matter not as a thoroughly illegal invasion and military occupation of the sovereign nation of Syria, but instead as what will be a “humanitarian catastrophe” if Syria and its allies attack the area of Syria whose current residents are over 90% jihadists and supporters of jihadists. Syria and its allies are to be blamed for invading that jihadist cauldron, while U.S. and its allies are to be held immune from prosecution for their having used those jihadists, during the past 7 years — used them to invade and occupy not only Idlib but other parts of Syria.

Thus, the U.N. is not only holding U.S. Presidents and other international invaders above international law, but it is now positively assisting them under the fake rubric of “humanitarian” concerns, so as to support the U.S. alliance’s invasions and military occupations. The U.N., which was supposed to have been opposing international aggression is now assisting it when ‘the right leaders’ do it.

This is no organization supporting democracy — it is the opposite: an international scheme to back the U.S. alliance’s invasions and military occupations. War is ugly. Apparently, the U.N. has become even uglier than that — supporting the invaders and military occupiers of a sovereign nation.
This is the reason why Syria and its allies have placed on-hold their planned elimination of the jihadists in Idlib and will create a DMZ between Idlib and the adjoining areas of Syria. Further details and context on that can be seen here. Perhaps now, the high U.N. officials who have been claiming that the elimination of those jihadists would produce a “humanitarian catastrophe” will change their tunes and publicly acknowledge that it would instead be a practical necessity.



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