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Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts

Putin’s Comments About Satanism & Pedophilia Within Politics Are Turning Out To Be True

In Brief

The Facts:
A few years ago, Vladimir Putin mentioned Satanism and Pedophilia within politics, and he hasn't been the first to do so. He expressed how there are attempts to normalize these practices within society and make it global. 

Reflect On:
Who are we electing? Who are the people that've amassed so much power that they practically control all resources on planet Earth? We do we continue to elect corrupt politicians who don't have the will of humanity at heart? What's going on inside?
What is politics? It’s a realm where humanity gives its power over to others who claim to be making decisions that best suit their country, and humanity as a whole. At least, that’s what it should be. The political realm should be filled with people who are service-to-others, but unfortunately, it has become quite obvious that it’s full of people who are simply serving their masters while filling their own pockets with riches.

At the highest levels of government, especially in the West, there is little to no concern for the will of the people and the welfare of our planet, but rather the illusion of it. Sure, major political figures meet every single year to discuss things like climate change, for example, but does anything happen? It seems as if we are relying on them, instead of looking inward at ourselves.

These people have been gathering at summits for decades, and what this actually does, is take the power out of our own hands. We don’t recognize that WE are the means and tools for change, not those who we appoint to take care of things for us. Politics has become so corrupt, it’s riddled with corporate and financial interests that completely dominate government policy.

Rise Of The Deep State

The “acquisition of unwarranted influence” that Eisenhower warned us that the military industrial complex was seeking has now occurred and has morphed itself into what we refer to today as the Deep State or the secret government. These are terms that have been used by numerous presidents and politicians who have tried to clue the public in on what has been going on behind the scenes. Today, our opportunity to see this is clearer than ever, because its domination has become evident.

We are talking about mass murderers who hurt and bomb their own citizens (9/11) in order to justify the infiltration and takeover of other countries for ulterior motives. While they do this, they slaughter innocent people, like the millions that died in Iraq, for example, and those that continue to suffer in Syria and other parts of the Middle East.

Vladimir Putin has said that this power has used “imaginary and mythical threats” to impose their will on others. This isn’t Russian propaganda, it’s a strategy that has existed since the inception of politics. It represents psychopathic behaviour, but it’s masked by massive amounts of propaganda and brain-washing, to the point where individuals with good hearts join in because they believe they’re lending themselves to a good cause.

We should think carefully about the reality of war. Most of us have been conditioned to regard military combat as exciting and glamorous – an opportunity for men to prove their competence and courage. Since armies are legal, we feel that war is acceptable; in general, nobody feels that war is criminal or that accepting its criminal attitude. In fact, we have been brainwashed. War is neither glamorous nor attractive. It is monstrous. It’s very nature is one of tragedy and suffering. – The Dalai Lama

Not only are many of these people puppets of the Deep State, and slaves to their will, like the Clinton’s for example, but they are actively engaged in crimes against humanity.

Putin & Russia

The past few years have really shed light on what’s been happening for decades, the ‘powers that be’ have essentially put the blame on Russia regarding numerous accusations, as I’m sure you know. I’ve written a number of articles that’ve been labelled as Russian propaganda, articles regarding false flag attacks in Syria, for example. Many uninformed people are quick to label something as Russian propaganda, simply based on the information they’re taking in from mainstream media. They don’t recognize that false flag terrorism, even the infiltration of Syria, is not simply a Russian claim, it’s a claim that dates back decades! It does not originate with Russia, and it’s something many people in North America are now becoming aware of.

The fact that Putin willingly and openly labelled these events as false flag attacks and ones that are completely fabricated simply caught the attention of those who were already aware of this information prior to Putin’s admissions. We already knew that pretty much every high ranking politician in the world knows this, and we are waiting for those who are willing to use their voice.

This is exactly why when Putin brought up Satanism and Paedophilia a couple of years ago, it grabbed my attention. Having been investigating the topic for a number of years, it’s quite clear that those atop of this pyramid that dominates Western politics are possibly involved even more psychopathic tendencies. Yes, we must be cognizant of their upbringing and circumstances, most of those who abuse others in such a way have had the same thing done to them, and so the cycle repeats itself.

Putin stated:
The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are seriously talking about registering political parties whose aim is to promote paedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis. (source)(source)
Clips of him making these statements can be found all over YouTube as well.

This information is hitting the mainstream like never before, one example would be the  NBC news report that implicated Hillary Clinton in covering up a massive pedophile ring in the heart of the State Department, another would be multiple ex-high ranking political officials claiming that both of the Clinton’s engage in sex with minors, pointing towards their close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein (who also has Royal Family connections). Epstein is now a registered sex offender. When it comes to the Vatican, there have always been disturbing acts known to be going on. Right now, the Pope’s right-hand man, George Pell, is in court for sexual assault, and a massive pedophile ring has been exposed where hundreds of boys were tortured and sexually abused, Pope Benedict’s brother was at the forefront of that controversy. You can read more about that here.

As far as the military industrial complex goes, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney grilled Donald Rumsfeld on DynCorp about a private military contractor with ties to the trafficking of women and children. Years later, a top U.S. General who was the liaison between DynCorp and the U.S. Military was implicated in the sexual assault of teenage girls. Let’s not forget about PizzaGate…This list is a long one, and the trafficking of women and children is something the Trump administration has announced publicly that their working on exposing.

As far as Satanism within politics, as well as within the Vatican, that seems to be just as, if not more well known. You can refer to the linked articles below if you’d like to learn more.

Hugo Chavez has also alluded to Satanism within Western politics at the United Nations, that clip is all over YouTube when he said the podium smelled like sulfur after George Bush spoke there.

Normalizing Pedophilia

You may think that this type of thing was normal in ancient Greece, and accepted, but not everybody agreed with it, and many people spoke up against it. That being said, it’s not like these children were being subjected to torture, murder, and a life full of horrid circumstances. We must understand that pedophilia within the realm of politics in the goes far beyond just that, it goes into ritual abuse and Satanism. It’s just politics, it’s Hollywood too. You can find it in many places that have people who have amassed massive amounts of power.

Weird connections have always been observed within, take the Obama administration (an example among many). When he appointed Kevin Jennings as Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the US Department of Education. He’s a proponent of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) in the form of supporting Harry Hay, who is, in turn, also in support of NAMBLA. This is more than a decade ago, but this strange connection exists all over within the political sphere.

Another sign of normalizing pedophilia are strange happenings like the fact that the UK government and the Catholic Church for example, have come under public scrutiny for claiming that victims of child sexual abuse can “consent” to their rapes. They did this in order to avoid compensating the victims. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) establishes which victims get compensated, and they do so by determining whether or not the victim gave consent, even if that victim is a child…You can read more about that here.
Then we have the world of Hollywood, an industry that seems to be leading the charge. Constantly dressing up young girls in inappropriate sexual attire, and more. These efforts are brought in slowly, subtly, but there are many examples, one being Millie Bobby Brown, who has gained fame for her role in Stranger Things, and according to a story from W Magazine, the 13-year-old is one of the “proofs that Television has never been hotter” and “sexier.
These ideas become so prominent within the mainstream that they label it as a “conspiracy theory,” or “fake news” when anyone brings attention to it and in doing so, completely disregards all of the evidence of it.

My colleague here at Collective Evolution, Richard Enos, covered this in greater detail, you can refer to these articles linked below to check that out:
 Even the casual observer will note that there has been a sudden explosion of information and complexity in our society around gender identity and sexual expression. While there is some obvious value in a growing acceptance of different forms of self-expression within individuals, it seems that these particular movements of consciousness have been highjacked and used to promote an environment of confusion, not only around gender, but more specifically around sexual preference and sexual desire. And this confusion seems to be directly targeting our children.
– Richard Enos
So, when Putin said what he said, this is why some of us in the alternative media community paid attention. It’s rare for a politician to speak up about such things without disappearing shortly after. It reminds me of Hugo Chavez accusing the United States of using geoengineering to create the Haiti Earthquake for their own ulterior motives. Putin has spoken up about not only the topic discussed in this article but also of the Deep State and the men in “dark suits” that meet with the president and tell them who their boss is, false flag terrorism, and more. This does not mean he is “innocent” but it is interesting to those in the alternative media community because we know that this is clearly not “Russian propaganda” or mere “conspiracy theory,” the discussion around this began long before Putin ever decided to chime in…

The Takeaway

The takeaway here is to be cognizant of what the mainstream refers to as “Russian Propaganda,” and how when something is labelled as “Russian Propaganda” it is, in fact, a method of western propaganda. It can be hard to see no doubt, but when it comes to these topics, instead of having an instant reaction of disbelief, perhaps keep an open mind until you’ve done a worthy amount of investigation and research for yourself.
“The problem of fake news isn’t solved by hoping for a referee, but rather because we as citizens, we as users of these services, help each other. We talk and we share and we point out what is fake. We point out what is true. The answer to bad speech is not censorship, the answer to bad speech is more speech. We have to exercise and spread the idea that critical thinking matters, now more than ever, given the fact that lies seem to be getting more popular.”
Edward Snowden (source)
Are these the people we want to continue electing? Is politics, and the corporate and financial stranglehold over it something we want to continue supporting every four years?


[Video] Days After 9/11 Tulsi Gabbard Slams "Betrayal Of American People" Over Syria

In a rare and unprecedented speech delivered on the House floor just two days after the nation memorialized 9/11, Democratic Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on Thursday slammed Washington's longtime support to anti-Assad jihadists in Syria, while also sounding the alarm over the current build-up of tensions between the US and Russia over the Syria crisis.

She called on Congress to condemn what she called the Trump Administration’s protection of al-Qaeda in Idlib and slammed Washington's policies in Syria as "a betrayal of the American people" especially the victims and families that perished on 9/11.

Considering that Congresswoman Gabbard herself is an Iraq war veteran and current Army reserve officer who served in the aftermath of 9/11, it's all the more power and rare that a sitting Congress member would make such forceful comments exposing the hypocrisy and contradictions of US policy.

She called out President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence by name on the House floor in her speech:
Two days ago, President Trump and Vice President Pence delivered solemn speeches about the attacks on 9/11, talking about how much they care about the victims of al-Qaeda’s attack on our country. But, they are now standing up to protect the 20,000 to 40,000 al-Qaeda and other jihadist forces in Syria, and threatening Russia, Syria, and Iran, with military force if they dare attack these terrorists."
And in perhaps a completely unprecedented moment, the Congresswoman accused America's Commander-in-Chief during her floor speech for acting as "the protective big brother of al-Qaeda and other jihadists". 

Interestingly she has elsewhere previously leveled the same blistering criticism of the Obama administration during media interviews for its "regime change policies" in Syria.

Gabbard continued:
This is a betrayal of the American people, especially the victims of al-Qaeda’s attack on 9/11 and their families, first responders, and my brothers and sisters in uniform who have been killed or wounded in action and their families. For the President, who is Commander in Chief, to act as the protective big brother of al-Qaeda and other jihadists must be condemned by every Member of Congress.”
Gabbard has for especially the last couple of years been an outspoken critic of US policies in Syria, and drew controversy in early 2017 when she traveled to Damascus to meet privately with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The move met with an icy reception among fellow Congressional Democrats and raised questions over possible violation of the Logan Act.

But interestingly though Thursday's floor speech evoked President Trump and his latest threats to intervene militarily against Assad and Russia should chemical weapons be used in Idib, Gabbard is actually echoing the very stance that Trump took on the campaign trail and prior on Syria, where he also described the Syrian rebel insurgency as being led and filled by terrorists and jihadists in multiple informal statements.

Trump 2013 vs Trump 2018 on Syria...

Trump and Gabbard had even once met to discuss Syria policy at a private meeting at Trump Tower in November of 2016 just ahead of then president-elect Trump being sworn into office. At the time the two appeared to be in complete agreement over Syria policy, after which Gabbard said of the meeting, "I felt it important to take the opportunity to meet with the President-elect now before the drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating drag us into an escalation of the war to overthrow the Syrian government—a war which has already cost hundreds of thousands of lives and forced millions of refugees to flee their homes in search of safety for themselves and their families."
The following summer President Trump allegedly shut down the CIA's clandestine efforts for overthrowing the Damascus government, a covert program called 'Timber Sycamore', after reports said he was increasingly disturbed by the brutal and jihadist nature of the armed opposition.

All the way up until April 2018, he had appeared to be pushing toward withdrawing the over 2,000 US troops from Syria, against which advisers and neocon hawkish policy wonks  vehemently pushed back. Trump had proposed“Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon, we’re coming out. We’re going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be.”

However just days after that statement video emerged from Idlib purporting to show an Assad sarin attack on Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province, to which Trump responded with a brief Tomahawk missile strike on a largely abandoned Syrian military airport in the center of the country.

The pro-regime change interventionists in the administration had perhaps won out, as Trump the following April launched an even bigger attack on Damascus following more unverified opposition claims of another gas attack.

And now Congresswoman Gabbard appears to be calling Trump out and back to that original policy path of military withdrawal and non-intervention in Syria.


[Video] Infowars Full Show - Eric Bolling Joins Alex Jones To Talk Trump Secrets - Sept 12, 2018

 Infowars Full Show - Eric Bolling Joins Alex Jones Live In Studio To Talk Trump Secrets - Sept 12, 2018

Joining today’s show is the “civilized barbarian” Roosh Valizadeh discussing Amazon banning his book and the left’s attack on masculinity. Also, The Daily Ledger host Graham Ledger holds President Trump accountable to the Constitution while analyzing liberals’ meltdown over Trump. Special in-studio guest is CRTV host Eric Bolling discussing DC culture and the anonymous New York Times op-ed. Roger Stone hosts the final hour.


[Video] From the Infowars banned archive: 9/11 Smoking Gun: Who Funded The Terrorists?

Evidence points to the Govt. of Saudi Arabia and members of the Saudi Royal Family in the financial support of at least two 911 highjackers while the Bush administration helped terror suspects evacuate the country.

Click here for videos


17 Years After 911, US Backs Al Qaeda in Syria


17 Years After 911, US Backs Al Qaeda in Syria

The September 11 terror incidents in 2001 are said to be the biggest-ever deadly attack on US soil. Shamefully, exactly 17 years later, the US president and Pentagon military chiefs are threatening to go to war in Syria – to defend the same ilk of terrorists.

“Shamefully” is perhaps not the most fitting word here. “Consistently” would be more appropriate.

Officially, the spectacular plane-crashing mayhem 17 years ago in New York City was due to 19 Arab hijackers affiliated with the Al Qaeda terror network.

That account of the world-changing event has been hotly disputed, with many respected authors and organizations claiming that evidence shows the US intelligence agencies are implicated in an inside job. The death of some 3,000 American citizens was hence exploited as a pretext for launching a series of US overseas wars, whose hidden agenda was for promoting imperialist objectives.

In any case, the official story is that Al Qaeda operatives hijacked four airliners on the morning of September 11, 2001, and flew them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, as well as into the Pentagon building near Washington. The fourth plane crashed in a rural area in Pennsylvania, allegedly after passengers challenged
the terrorist pilots.

The Al Qaeda terror network, with its ideological links to Saudi-sponsored Wahhabism, was declared “enemy number one” by then President George W Bush, who proceeded to launch wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, supposedly to avenge the 911 atrocity perpetrated against
American civilians.

The so-called “war on terror” has since become a much-overused blank check for successive US governments and their NATO allies to launch wars anywhere in the world to “defeat terrorists”. It has been used to justify increasing Western state surveillance powers against its own citizens in the name of counter-terrorism.

To be sure, the official story on 911 and subsequent US and NATO military rampaging around the globe has been challenged by skeptics and critics.

One of the key lines of contesting the official narrative is the documented evolution of the Al Qaeda terror franchise, which grew out of US sponsorship of motley radical Islamist groups in Afghanistan during the 1980s. That covert ploy was to give then occupying Soviet troops “their Vietnam”. American and British military intelligence along with lavish Saudi funding created the Frankenstein Monster of Islamic terrorism that mutated and spread across the Middle East and beyond.

So, the very notion that, post-911, the American creators of the terrorist monster would serve to protect the civilized world from their own creation was always a deeply suspect proposition.

The truth is that the US never stopped colluding with these terror groups since the days of the putative Afghan Vietnam for the Soviet Union.

The 911 incidents may have been some form of “blowback” or, plausibly, it was American intelligence handlers contriving a plot which would give imperialist planners their much-desired “new Pearl Harbor” – a blank check to declare war on the planet for the benefit of advancing US strategic interests.

Granted, the success of that nefarious covert scheme is questionable given the unforeseen huge financial and social costs to American society, as well as from general bedlam undermining global security.

For observers willing to see, it seems indisputable that there is something of a symbiotic relationship between Islamist terror proxies and the US imperialist state. The official “enemy” is a boon for justifying oppressive state powers against citizens; it serves as a pump for bloated budgets to the military-industrial complex at the heart of the American capitalist economy; and this enemy can also serve as target practice for illegal military intervention in foreign countries – US interventions that would otherwise be seen for what they are, as “criminal aggression”.

Further, the terror proxies continue to serve as a cat’s paws for US imperialism, as in the earlier formation in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union. Rather than direct large-scale American military involvement, the Al Qaeda brigades are deployed to do Washington’s dirty work. Syria is emerging as the new Afghanistan.

Officially, the Pentagon and US corporate news media scoff at these claims of collusion with terrorists. “We are bombing Syria to defeat terrorists,” so goes the mantra. Substitute any number of countries for “Syria”, as required.

Well, if that’s the case why have senior US military people like Michael Flynn admitted that the former Obama administration deliberately cultivated the terror brigades in Syria? Why have hundreds of millions of dollars gone into forming a non-existent “moderate rebel army” in Syria only for the American weaponry to end up in the hands of terror groups like Nusra Front?
What about credible reports of US military helicopters airlifting Nusra commanders out of harm’s way to other, safer parts of Syria? Similar reports of airlifting, or airdropping weapons, have come out of Afghanistan, where the Pentagon is still “fighting terrorists” – 17 years after 911.

It has taken a painfully long time over the eight years of war in Syria to uncover the full and real extent of criminality by the US and its British and French allies, along with the Saudis, Turks and Israelis.

But now we are coming full circle. President Donald Trump and his officials are warning that they will launch military strikes on Syria if the Syrian army and its Russian and Iranian allies proceed with the offensive to retake Idlib province. The northwest province is the last-remaining stronghold of anti-government militants. These militants are not the illusory “moderate rebels” the Western media have long bamboozled the public with. The militants comprise Nusra Front, Ahrar al Sham, Islamic State, and other self-professed Wahhabi jihadists of the Al Qaeda franchise. The myriad, mercurial names are merely part of the US cynical cover.

Trump – the supposed non-interventionist president – has even discarded the earlier ruse of invoking “chemical weapons” as a pretext for a US military attack on Syria. He and his officials are simply saying that any offensive by the Syrian army to retake all of its territory is an “unacceptable escalation” that will be met with a US military response.

There is no other credible rationale for such military deployment by Washington in Syria. The Western media are as usual riding shotgun with the mendacity, claiming that the Syrian army offensive will trigger a “humanitarian crisis”, rather than reporting the salient fact that the offensive is aimed at eradicating the most vile terror groups from that country.

In Syria, today, 17 years after 911, the real relationship between US authorities and terrorism is on display. The United States of Anarchy.


Dr. Ron Paul: Why Are We Siding With al-Qaeda?

Dr. Ron Paul writes:

Last week, I urged the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to stop protecting al-Qaeda in Syria by demanding that the Syrian government leave Idlib under al-Qaeda control. While it may seem hard to believe that the US government is helping al-Qaeda in Syria, it’s not as strange as it may seem: our interventionist foreign policy increasingly requires Washington to partner up with “bad guys” in pursuit of its dangerous and aggressive foreign policy goals.

Does the Trump Administration actually support al-Qaeda and ISIS? Of course not. But the “experts” who run Trump’s foreign policy have determined that a de facto alliance with these two extremist groups is for the time being necessary to facilitate the more long-term goals in the Middle East. And what are those goals? Regime change for Iran.

Let’s have a look at the areas where the US is turning a blind eye to al-Qaeda and ISIS.

First, Idlib. As I mentioned last week, President Trump’s own Special Envoy to fight ISIS said just last year that “Idlib Province is the largest Al Qaeda safe haven since 9/11.” So why do so many US officials – including President Trump himself – keep warning the Syrian government not to re-take its own territory from al-Qaeda control? Wouldn’t they be doing us a favor by ridding the area of al-Qaeda? Well, if Idlib is re-taken by Assad, it all but ends the neocon (and Saudi and Israeli) dream of “regime change” for Syria and a black eye to Syria’s ally, Iran.

Second, one of the last groups of ISIS fighters in Syria are around the Al-Tanf US military base which has operated illegally in northeastern Syria for the past two years. Last week, according to press reports, the Russians warned the US military in the region that it was about to launch an assault on ISIS fighters around the US base. The US responded by sending in 100 more US Marines and conducting a live-fire exercise as a warning. President Trump recently reversed himself (again) and announced that the US would remain at Al-Tanf “indefinitely.” Why? It is considered a strategic point from which to attack Iran. The US means to stay there even if it means turning a blind eye to ISIS in the neighborhood.

Finally, in Yemen, the US/Saudi coalition fighting the Houthis has been found by AP and other mainstream media outlets to be directly benefiting al-Qaeda. Why help al-Qaeda in Yemen? Because the real US goal is regime change in Iran, and Yemen is considered one of the fronts in the battle against Iranian influence in the Middle East. So we are aiding al-Qaeda, which did attack us, because we want to “regime change” Iran, which hasn’t attacked us. How does that make sense?

We all remember the old saying, attributed to Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack, that “if you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.” The “experts” would like us to think they are pursuing a brilliant foreign policy that will provide a great victory for America at the end of the day. But as usual, the “experts” have got it wrong. It’s really not that complicated: when “winning” means you’re allied with al-Qaeda and ISIS, you’re doing something wrong. Let’s start doing foreign policy right: let’s leave the rest of the world alone!



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