Vladimir Putin recently made comments on the seriousness of global conflicts that can lead to nuclear conflict. Patriots worldwide should pay close attention as the globalists build their dangerous nuclear arsenal.
In stark contrast to attempts in numerous western countries to stifle free speech online, Russian President Vladimir Putin defended Internet freedom during a conference...
A prominent Swedish lawmaker asserts that Hungarian billionaire George Soros's influence on European politics and policies make him "one of the most dangerous men,"
I have my doubts whether the Putin-Biden summit in Geneva will take place later this month, but even if somehow it is pulled off, recent Biden Administration blunders mean the chance anything of substance will be achieved is virtually nil.
The Biden Administration was supposed to signal a return of the “adults” to the room. No more bully Trump telling NATO it’s useless, ripping up international climate treaties, and threatening to remove troops from the Middle East and beyond. US foreign policy would again flourish under the steady, practiced hands of the experts.
Then Biden blurted out in a television interview that President Putin was a killer with no soul. Then US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discovered the hard way that his Chinese counterparts were in no mood to be lectured on an “international rules-based order” that is routinely flouted by Washington.
It’s going to be a rough ten days for President Biden. Just as news breaks that under the Obama/Biden Administration the US was routinely and illegally spying on its European allies, he is preparing to meet those same allies, first at the G7 summit in England on June 11-13 and then at the June 14th NATO meeting in Brussels.
Make no mistake, Joe Biden is up to his eyeballs in this scandal. Ed Snowden Tweeted late last month when news broke that the US teamed up with the Danes to spy on the rest of Europe, that “Biden is well-prepared to answer for this when he soon visits Europe since, of course, he was deeply involved in this scandal the first time around.”
Though Germany’s Merkel and France’s Macron have been loyal US lapdogs, the revelation of how Washington treats its allies has put them in the rare position of having to criticize Washington. “Outrageous” and “unacceptable” are how they responded to the news.
Russia has been routinely accused (without evidence) of malign conduct and interference in internal US affairs, but it turns out that the country actually doing the spying and meddling was the US all along – and against its own allies!
Surely this irony is not lost on Putin.
Biden has bragged in the US media that he would be taking Putin to task for Russia’s treatment of political dissidents like Alexei Navalny. Biden wrote recently in the Washington Post, that when he meets Putin, “I will again underscore the commitment of the United States, Europe and like-minded democracies to stand up for human rights and dignity."
Perhaps President Putin will remind him of how the Biden Administration continues the slow-motion murder of Julian Assange for the non-crime of being a journalist exposing government misdeeds.
Perhaps Putin will remind Biden of how US political dissidents are being treated, such as the hundreds arrested for what the Democrats and the mainstream media laughably call the “January 6th Insurrection.” Many of these non-violent and unarmed protesters have been held in solitary confinement with no chance of bail, even though they have no prior arrests or convictions. Most await trial on minor charges that may not even take place until next year.
The Washington foreign policy establishment is hopelessly corrupt. The weaponization of the US dollar to bring the rest of the world to heel is backfiring. Only a serious change in course – toward non-interventionism and non-aggression – can avert a disaster. Time is running out.
Secretary of State signaled he would release Clinton emails before election
'We're going to get all this information out so the American people can see it,' he says
The State Department has made available over 35,000 Hillary
Clinton emails as part of President Trump’s order to declassify
everything related to the FBI’s investigation into her server and the
Russia collusion hoax.
The emails, which can be found on the State Department website, span between 2009 and 2016, during and after Clinton was Secretary of State during former President Obama’s term.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had signaled Friday he was preparing
to release Clinton’s emails as part of Trump’s declassification orders.
“We’re going to get all this information out so the American people
can see it. You’ll remember there was classified information on a
private server, should have never been there, Hillary Clinton should
never have done that, that was unacceptable behavior,” Pompeo said on Fox Business.
“You can see, whether it’s Russia or China or Iran or the North Koreans who want to get their hands on this kind of information, classified information needs to stay in the right places. Secretary Clinton, when she was here at the State Department, did not do that,” he said.
The release comes after Trump ordered the declassification of all documents related to Hillary Clinton and the Russia hoax.
“I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax.
Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!” he tweeted Tuesday.
I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions! https://t.co/GgnHh9GOiq
Likewise, Trump also issued a blistering warning during an interview with Rush Limbaugh on Friday that if Iran tried to undermine America’s safety, they would pay the price.
“Iran knows that and they’ve been put on notice: If you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before,” Trump said.
Clinton spokesperson had called shocking allegations "baseless bullsh*t"
Smoking gun CIA evidence proves Clinton plot known by intelligence agencies and President Obama himself in July 2016
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified
a set of memos revealing more information about Hillary Clinton’s
“plan” to create the phony Russian collusion narrative to politically
damage Donald Trump as “a means of distracting the public from her use
of a private email server.”
Ratcliffe declassified former CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten
notes detailing his briefing of former President Obama about Clinton’s
“plan” to tie Trump to Russian interference in the 2016 election.
“We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from
[REDACTED],” Brennan notes read. “CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by
Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to
vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by
the Russian security service.”
Ratcliffe also declassified a heavily-redacted CIA memo showing the
agency referred the matter of Clinton’s scheme to frame Trump to the
“The following information is provided for the exclusive use of your
bureau for background investigative action or lead purposes as
appropriate,” the memo to then-FBI Director James Comey and Deputy
Assistant Director of the Counter Intelligence Division Peter
Strzok stated.
“This memorandum contains sensitive information that could be source
revealing. It should be handled with particular attention to
compartmentation and need-to-know. To avoid the possible compromise of
the source, any investigative action taken in response to the
information below should be coordinated in advance with Chief
Counterintelligence Mission Center, Legal,” the memo, which was sent to
Comey and Strzok, read. “It may not be used in any legal
proceeding—including FISA applications—without prior approval…”
“Per FBI verbal request, CIA provides the below examples of
information the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE fusion cell has gleaned to date,”
the memo continued.
“An exchange [REDACTED] discussing US presidential candidate Hillary
Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning US presidential candidate Donald
Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of
distracting the public form her use of a private email server.”
These two declassifications are notable because Hillary Clinton’s
spokesperson Nick Merrill called the allegations that she plotted to
frame Trump with the Russian collusion hoax “baseless bullshit” after Ratcliffe announced he was declassifying items proving the affirmative.
Additionally, James Comey denied ever having received that CIA memo during congressional testimony last week.
“You don’t remember getting an investigatory lead from the
intelligence community? Sept. 7, 2016, U.S. intelligence officials
forwarded an investigative referral to James Comey and Strzok regarding
Clinton’s approval of a plan [about] Trump…as a means of distraction?”
Sen. Lindsey Graham asked Comey.
“That doesn’t ring any bells with me,” Comey replied.
“It did come to you:” Sen. Lindsey Graham calls out James Comey for receiving “investigative referral” on Clinton campaign trying to distract from the email probehttps://t.co/I2LPsBSo4spic.twitter.com/Je7g6cp6Zx
“According to his handwritten notes, former Central Intelligence Agency Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the ‘alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services,'” Ratcliffe wrote to the Senate Judiciary last week.
James Rybicki, who served as chief of staff to former FBI Director
James Comey, suggested in sworn testimony that the Trump-Russia
collusion investigation was orchestrated by Obama's White House in
October 2016, according to newly released bureau documents.
A heavily redacted transcript of Rybicki's interview with the U.S.
Office of Special Counsel includes an unidentified prosecutor's summary
of the former FBI official's testimony.
"So we understand," the prosecutor says, "that at some point in
October of 2016, there was, I guess, a desire by the White House to make
some kind of statement about Russia's. ... "
The next page is omitted.
The United States Office of Special Counsel, not to be confused with
Robert Mueller's special counsel, is a permanent independent federal
investigative and prosecutorial agency designed to protect federal
employees from reprisal for "whistleblowing."
Lawyer Ty Clevenger obtained the documents as part of a lawsuit on
behalf of businessman Ed Butowsky, who claims columnist Ellen Ratner
told him murdered Democratic National Committee worker Seth Rich and his
brother provided WikiLeaks the DNC emails before the 2016 election, not
Clevenger explained that the OSC prosecutors were noting that the FBI
publicized its reactivation of the Clinton email investigation shortly
before the 2016 election. So, why, the prosecutors wondered, did the FBI
not counterbalance that disclosure by publicizing the "Russian
collusion" investigation into Donald Trump?
It was in that context that one of the prosecutors commented that the
White House wanted some kind of statement made about Russia.
Clevenger said that almost certainly refers to the Oct. 7, 2016,
joint statement of the Department of Homeland Security and the
Directorate of National Intelligence. The agencies said the "U.S.
Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government
directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and
institutions, including from US political organizations."
"In other words," Clevenger said, "it looks like the Obama White
House put its thumb on the scale, pressuring intelligence agencies to
adopt the Democratic National Committee's talking points, i.e., to blame
the stolen emails on Russian hackers rather than an internal source
(like Seth Rich)."
The lawyer noted that no federal agency has examined the DNC servers,
relying only on a redacted report from a private security company,
CrowdStrike, that has strong Democratic affiliations.
Crowdstrike was hired by Perkins Coie, the law firm retained by the
Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC that hired Christopher Steele and
Fusion GPS to produce the infamous anti-Trump "dossier." The dossier of
unverified claims by unidentified senior Russian officials was used by
the Obama Justice Department and DOJ to obtain warrants to spy on the
Trump campaign.
Clevenger said CrowdStrike and the DNC are fighting subpoenas he
issued on behalf of Butowsky for information about the servers and the
purported Russian hacking.
Near the United Nations Glass Palace in New York, there is a metallic sculpture entitled “Evil Defeated by Good”, representing Saint George transfixing a dragon with his lance. It was donated by the USSR in 1990 to celebrate the INF Treaty concluded with the USA in 1987, which banned land-based short- and mid-range nuclear missiles (a reach of between 500 and 5,000 km). Symbolically, the body of the dragon is in fact made with pieces of US Pershing-2 ballistic missiles (originally based in West Germany) and Soviet SS-20 missiles (originally based in the USSR).
But the nuclear dragon, which in the sculpture is shown as dying, is now being reborn. Thanks to Italy and other countries of the European Union, which, at the United Nations General Assembly, voted against the resolution presented by Russia on the “Preservation and Implementation of the INF Treaty”, rejected by 46 to 43 with 78 abstentions.
The European Union – of which 21 of its 27 members are part of NATO (including the United Kingdom, which is currently leaving the EU) – has thus taken a uniform stance with the position of NATO, which in turn has taken a uniform stance with that of the United States.
Source: PandoraTV
The Obama administration first, followed by the Trump administration, have accused Russia, without any proof, of experimenting with a missile from the forbidden category, and have announced their intention of withdrawing from the INF Treaty. At the same time, they have launched a programme aimed at renewing the installation of nuclear missiles in Europe to guard against Russia, while others will also be based in the Asia-Pacific region against China.
The Russian representative at the UN has warned that “this constitutes the beginning of a full-blown arms race”. In other words, he warned that if the United States should once again install in Europe nuclear missiles pointed at Russia (as were the Cruise missiles based in Comiso in the 1980’s), Russia would once again install, on its own territory, similar weapons pointed at targets in Europe (but which would be unable to reach the USA).
Ignoring all that, the EU representative at the UNO accused Russia of sabotaging the INF Treaty, and announced the opposition vote by all the countries of the Union because “the resolution presented by Russia avoids the question under discussion”.
Essentially, therefore, the European Union has given the green light to the possible installation of new US missiles in Europe, including Italy.
On a question of this importance, the Conte government, like its predecessors, has abandoned the exercise of national sovereignty and aligned itself with the EU, which, has in turn adopted the position of NATO, under US command. And across the entire political arc, not one voice has been raised to request that it should be the Parliament which decides how to vote at the UNO. And similarly, no voice has been raised in Parliament to request that Italy observe the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which requires that the USA must withdraw its B61 nuclear bombs from our national territory, and must also abstain from installing here, as from the first half of 2020, the new and even more dangerous B61-12’s.
So this is a new violation of the fundamental constitutional principle that “sovereignty belongs to the people”. And since the politico-media apparatus swaddles Italians in the ignorance of these questions of such vital importance, it is also a violation of our right to information, not only in the sense of the freedom to inform, but also the right to be informed.
We must do this now, or else tomorrow there will be no time to decide – a mid-range ballistic missile can reach and destroy its target with its nuclear warhead in between 6 and 11 minutes.
FRANKFURT AM MAIN (AFP) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday
warned U.S. President Donald Trump against “destroying” the United
“I believe that destroying something without having developed
something new is extremely dangerous,” Merkel said at a regional
election campaign event in Bavaria.
The veteran leader — a close ally of Trump’s bugbear Barack Obama
while he was president — added that she believed multilateralism was the
solution to many of the world’s problems.
Trump failed to see the possibility for win-win solutions, she said,
instead seeing only one winner from any international negotiation.
The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition. Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!
In his second appearance before the UN’s annual gathering last week,
Trump told the General Assembly that he and his administration “reject
the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism”.
“Global governance” is a form of “coercion and domination” that “responsible nations must defend against”, he charged.
Merkel’s opposing view to the US leader puts her in the same camp as
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who warned before Trump took the
podium in New York Tuesday that “today, world order is increasingly
Donald Trump: "We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism"
America has been at war to transfer control of Syria over to the Saud
family, who own Saudi Arabia; and America has been trying to do this
ever since the first of the CIA’s coups against Syria failed in 1949. But only during the U.S. Presidency of Barack Obama did the United Nations become a tool in this American enterprise.
Obama entered the White House in 2009
secretly hoping to be able to overthrow Syria’s Government; and when
the CIA-assisted “Arab Spring” uprisings in the Arab world started
flowering in 2011, the U.S. Government had the important U.N. operatives
fully on-board assisting the U.S. Government to assist this overthrow —
to hand Syria to the Sauds (the Sauds being America’s most important international ally, and the world’s richest family) to control.
By the time of June 2011, the Obama State Department, under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was already deep into planning the overthrow
not only of Syria’s Government (planning the international recruitment
of jihadists to do that), but of Ukraine’s Government (planning
international recruitment of nazis to do that).
Although the common view is that America’s main allies are European, that viewpoint is no longer true. Today’s America is allied mainly with the Sauds,
and with Israel, which latter is the Sauds’ chief lobbying arm both in
North America and in Europe, because Christian-majority populations are
far more sympathetic to Jews than to Moslems. For a politician to be
publicly sympathetic to Jews is much better for a politician than for
him/her to be publicly sympathetic to Muslims. So, Israel carries the
Sauds’ lobbying water, not only their own.
Follow Up — The Continued Blackout on West’s Secret Training & Support Camp in Turkey for War on Syria
12 days ago, on November 21, here at Boiling Frogs Post, I reported
on the ongoing joint US-NATO secret training camp in the US air force
base in Incirlik, Turkey, which began operations in April-May 2011 to
organize and expand the dissident base in Syria. I had received the
information for that story from multiple sources including highly
credible insiders in Turkey and government insiders here in the US…
I immediately started checking our infamous US mainstream media sites
— still nothing on this significant information. I then contacted one
of my high-level sources and asked why he had come to me with his
documented report instead of going directly to the big guys. With
several credible insiders as his corroborators and a high-level official
in Turkey, he would have no problem getting their attention. And his
response? Well here it is minus a few expletives:
Who said we didn’t go to MSM [Main Stream Media] first?
We got them the info back in October. First they were interested and
drooling. At least the reporters. Then, they disappeared.”
I was the last resort. … This goes down as one more example of very
many cases of intentional, willful censorship by the US mainstream media
and their so-many-times-proven role as distorters of reality and
gravediggers of the truth.
Keeping the “MSM” on-board was likewise something that went back as far as the CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird”
had started in 1948 with the cooperation of all of the United States’
mainstream ‘news’-media, and of virtually all of the ‘alternative’
The case against the latter, the ‘alternative’ media, was documented by Stuart Jeanne Bramhall here and here; and by me here;
with both of us relying heavily upon the encyclopedic researches from
Bob Feldman, who is the major historian of the corruptness of almost all
of America’s ‘progressive’ ‘news’ media — the present medium being
obviously among the few exceptions that actually is progressive, and
this article is simultaneously distributed to all media, so all media
have been invited to publish it.
The corruptness of self-declared conservative ‘news’-media is
virtually automatic, since their chief function is to aggrandize the
aristocracy — doing that is what defines them; they are clearly doing
what they are paid to do, whereas the non-conservative media need to use
subterfuges to do it, in order for them to seem to be supportive of the
poor, which conservative media don’t even pretend to support.
Trump to U.N.: "We Reject the Ideology of Globalism"
Right and left, America’s ‘news’-media are loaded with rot —
especially regarding foreign countries, including Syria. Here are a few CIA documents from 2012 showing how obsequiously American ‘journalists’ respect and adhere to their CIA minders.
Aristocrats everywhere do business internationally and have much more
of a personal interest in foreign relations than does the average
person; so, lying about international relations is especially important
to them, in order to control the masses on these matters, matters which
aristocrats are especially determined to control. The aristocracy are
the people who determine which nations are “allies” and which nations
are “enemies.” The public don’t control that.
This is why the CIA, which is an agency of the U.S. aristocracy, has at least all of the mainstream ‘news’-media trumpeting their lies
on foreign affairs. Aristocrats control their country’s foreign
policies. Their international corporations demand this control, and tell
the politicians what to do in foreign matters. The ‘news’-media provide
the back-up for the politicians’ lies.
They’re all on the same team, the aristocracy’s team.
They all are agents for the aristocracy, against the public — and not
only against whichever foreign aristocracies are labeled “enemy”
nations (i.e., as being suitable targets for the given aristocracy’s
military — places where the U.S. aristocracy’s weapons-manufacturing
corporations such as Lockheed Martin don’t sell their wares but instead
upon which those wares are to be used, as targets, the opposite end of
the international weapons-trade from the “allies,” which are the
markets-side, instead of the targets-side).
International relations is relations between aristocracies. The publics are ignored.
So, if democracy exists anywhere or at all, then it exists only in
regards to domestic issues. However, studies have shown that even on
domestic issues, the U.S. Government ignores the U.S. public — the U.S.
is totally an aristocracy; it’s no democracy at all, not even on domestic issues, such as Medicare-for-all.
That’s the reason why Sibel Edmonds found herself to be a “last
resort.” That was a euphemism referring actually to a dead-end for the
important news — for the type of news that would have contradicted the
Obama Administration’s infamous joyous lie-based “We came, we saw, he died!” (the Libya case), and now the follow-on invasion and destruction of Syria.
Trump continues Obama’s aggressions; he doesn’t end them. It doesn’t
make much difference whom the occupant of the White House is, at least
not regarding foreign relations, because the same aristocracy remains in
control of U.S. foreign relations, even though that might be a
different faction of this aristocracy — Obama representing the liberal
billionaires, and Trump representing some of the conservative ones, but
they are different segments of the same aristocracy; nobody in such a
Government represents the public.
Here’s how psychopathic the U.S.-and allied aristocracies are:
Both were there using their being heads-of-state so as to assist not
only their own wealth but America’s and Europe’s aristocracies to steal
and sell oil and oil-well equipment from the Syrian public — from
Syrians’ Government — for the benefits not only of those aristocrats but
also of Al Qaeda and of ISIS (two jihadist groups trying to overthrow
Syria’s Government).
As Syrian News reported this, on 28 November 2012, “Emir of Qatar & Muslim Brotherhood Prime Minister of Turkey send their Al Qaeda FSA
terrorists to Syria to destroy the country, kill the people and destroy
whatever they can of its infrastructure so their companies would have
jobs in the future to rebuild as they think they will win the war
against Syria.”
Syrians stood by each oppressed nation in the planet, all liberation
movements from the colonial powers had their main offices in Syria,
including South African anti-apartheid party…this is how the colonial
powers revenge.
It is beyond kafkaesque to
realize that virtually the entire world chants its enmity against the
Syrian people, and their country, and that the rest have not even
On 2 September, “greatest psy op of the last century,” al Jazeera,
degraded a photo of a drowned Syrian boy, into an emoticon, to use for a
new round of imperial malfeasance against the SAR [that being an
acronym for Syria’s Government]. It seems to be of no importance, that
al Jazeera (renamed “al Khanzeera,” “the pigsty,” by Libyan patriots,
during the destruction of their country), is owned by the absolute
monarchy Qatar — “pronounced ‘gutter’”), the little Gulfie gas station
that has spent over 3 billion dollars in looting and bombing Syria.
Twenty-four hours later, a Google search of “drowned Syrian boy”
yielded over 10 million ‘hits’ (a number which has jumped to over 14
million, 48 hours later), reports which neglect to mention there was no
Syrian refugee crisis before the mass-murderers of the colonial powers,
and their Levant and Gulfie rabid dogs decided to “arab spring” Syria…
On Sunday, 23 August, the city of Damascus came under massive mortar and missile attacks
by the Obama-Cameron moderate death squads. Seven days later, the
Syrian Arab Army [Syrian Government’s Army] Facebook page posted the
“The city of Damascus had 4.5 to 5 million inhabitants in 2011. Today
and due to the war there are over 8.5 million inhabitants in the city;
most of which were forced outside of their homes by the “moderate
rebels” backed by NATO in general specifically the U.S. Turkey and
France; also backedand financed by the terrorist nations of the Gulf…
The cacaphony of murderous silence
among the Vichy [nazi] media and sham activists and NGOs [charities
that are funded by U.S.-and-allied aristocracies] has increased,
exponentially, in perverse rhyme, with the increase in the bombings of
the villages of Kafraya and al Foua,
in Idlib countryside. In mid-August, the Syrians of these villages had
been the beneficiaries of more than 1,500 missile attacks — from moderate rebel mass murderers — that have destroyed 60% of their houses… The punishment of the Syrian people for refusing the Obama plan of
regime change cannot be missed in this organized ongoing assault by NATO
and stooges for the past 4.5 years…
The globalist deep state hyenas have reached a new low in delirious
frenzy against Syria. While screaming international law! they flaunt
[flout] it, and flaunt their insatiable lust for Syrian blood. The mania
of the terrorists in suits is so out of control that they appear to
have abandoned their chemical conspiracy planned for Idlib. Instead, they scream in unison for the preservation of serial killers occupying eastern Ghouta.
Savages they would call by rightful names in western countries are
converted to innocent women and children [in Western media]. These
hyenas ignore more than 1,000 terrorist mortars and missiles fired by
Ghouta terrorists into Damascus. They hold the Goebbels Big Lie proudly
over their heads, knowing their elite club is one of destruction, that
none of its members will speak the truth… The deep state hyenas introduced the foreign-armed, foreign-paid, and
foreign takfiri [jihadists] of al Ghouta onto the world stage in August
2013. The stupid, inbred, savages accidentally slaughtered many of
their own, and thus ratted out having been given chemical weapons by Prince Bandar, because he neglected to give them proper instruction on their use.
The admission was of no matter to the perpetual warriors, including Nobel Peace Laureate cum war criminal, POTUS Obama. Nor was concern voiced by the humanitarian bastards
that several of the dead Syrians were recognized as having been
kidnapped in Latakia countryside (similarly, the hyenas were too sedated
to report on the moment long awaited, when 58 Syrian women and their children abductees were released in exchange for imprisoned terrorists of al Qaeda)…
On 21 February, UN High Commissioner on Human Rights [sic] Zeid Ra’ad
al Husseini frothed at the mouth over the “monstrous annihilation” in
Eastern Ghouta. He tossed words like international humanitarian law,
and war crimes about [against the Government].
That article has a lengthy section which opens:
Animals running in packs require leadership. Who is better qualified
to lead beasts known to take advantage of other animals’ kills for easy
prey, devouring every part including bones, than the well-manicured and
polished diplomats of the United Nations?
All of that is true, and it even understates the reality. For
example, though the article documents that Jordan, next door to Syria,
is a key part of America’s effort to overthrow Assad, it fails to note
that Zeid Ra’ad al Husseini, that cited high U.N. official on Syria, is a
Jordanian Prince.
He’s doing what the royal family of Jordan do. Otherwise, that article
is an excellent description of the U.N.
Administration’s extreme
prejudices in favor of the U.S. game-plans for conquest, especially for
their conquest of Syria.
In possession of a diplomatic telegram [TD], Pan Arabic al Akhbar gave a detailed report 24 February on the nefarious, colonialist plot:
In a somewhat familiar but precise English, Benjamin Norman – a
diplomat in charge of the Middle East at the British Embassy in
Washington – reports in a confidential diplomatic telegram of the first
meeting of the “Small American Group on Syria” (United States, Great
Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and Jordan), held in Washington on January
11, 2018.
In this five-page TD, he reveals the details of the “Western
strategy” in Syria: partition of the country, sabotage of Sochi, framing
of Turkey and instructions to the UN Special Representative Staffan de
Mistura who leads the negotiations of Geneva. A Non Paper (8 pages)
accompanies this TD in anticipation of the second meeting of the “Small
Group”. It was held in Paris on January 23, mainly devoted to the use of
chemical weapons and the “instructions” sent by the “Small American
Group” to Staffan de Mistura.
The U.N. envoy for Syria warned Friday that all the
ingredients exist for a “perfect storm” of a humanitarian catastrophe if
the Syrian government, backed by Russia, carries out a large-scale
military offensive on the northwestern province of Idlib.
“The dangers are profound that any battle for Idlib could be — would
be — a horrific and bloody battle,” Staffan de Mistura told U.N.
Security Council members via videoconference. “Civilians are its
potential victims.”
Idlib has consistently been showing as being, by far, the
most-pro-jihadist of all of Syria’s Governates, in the annual polls that
the British polling organization, Orb International, has taken since
2014, throughout Syria. Idlib has been showing there as being over 90%
in favor of jihadists and of jihadism — and specifically in favor of
organizations such as Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Staffan de Mistura and Prince Husseini refer to this matter as
instead a “humanitarian catastrophe” if Syria, Russia, and Hezbollah, do
what they will need to do in order to end the invasion of Syria by
U.S., Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, Kuwait, and Israel (and the jihadists
they hire).
The U.N. officials are treating this matter not as a thoroughly
illegal invasion and military occupation of the sovereign nation of
Syria, but instead as what will be a “humanitarian catastrophe” if Syria
and its allies attack the area of Syria whose current residents are
over 90% jihadists and supporters of jihadists. Syria and its allies are
to be blamed for invading that jihadist cauldron, while U.S. and its
allies are to be held immune from prosecution for their having used
those jihadists, during the past 7 years — used them to invade and
occupy not only Idlib but other parts of Syria.
Thus, the U.N. is not only holding U.S. Presidents and other
international invaders above international law, but it is now positively
assisting them under the fake rubric of “humanitarian” concerns, so as
to support the U.S. alliance’s invasions and military occupations. The
U.N., which was supposed to have been opposing international aggression
is now assisting it when ‘the right leaders’ do it.
This is no organization supporting democracy — it is the opposite: an
international scheme to back the U.S. alliance’s invasions and military
occupations. War is ugly. Apparently, the U.N. has become even uglier
than that — supporting the invaders and military occupiers of a
sovereign nation.
This is the reason why Syria and its allies have placed on-hold
their planned elimination of the jihadists in Idlib and will create a
DMZ between Idlib and the adjoining areas of Syria. Further details and
context on that can be seen here. Perhaps now, the high U.N. officials who have been claiming that the elimination of those jihadists would produce a “humanitarian catastrophe” will change their tunes and publicly acknowledge that it would instead be a practical necessity.
One of the most heinous things about taxes is that they support the
very “organs” (to quote a Soviet-era term) of government that crush the
people…even further. The taxes are weapons used by the authorities…and
all authority comes from the barrel of a gun (to paraphrase Mao). The
taxes are used to corral in the masses and keep them upon a continuous
treadmill that sustains the system…the very system that exploits and
enslaves the citizens.
The most heinous of all is the “death tax” of 50% to the government
after you die. If you made a million in money and property at the end of
your existence…paying taxes on it all the way…the original income taxes
on the money you made, and then the interest income tax on what you
made from your investments. You have property taxes on your house. You
are (depending on your state) levied taxes on ad valorem, or
state income taxes, or community (city, town) taxes. You are taxed on
gifts you give to your children. You are taxed when you begin a
Many states have “ingenious” (mostly insidious) means of exploiting
the populace and terming it a “tax,” per se. Maryland has a great one
they instituted a few years ago: the rainwater tax…to actually estimate
the amount of rainfall off of a person’s roof/property, and place it
under “management” of the state….yes, taxed on the amount of rain
falling on you. Cigarette taxes, liquor taxes…the list is endless.
Taxes never decrease: they may present the illusion of decreasing in
one category, but they always rise, and rise with the prices of things.
Go to this site. They’re not hiding anything, and they’ll come out and
tell you what they’re going to take from you. The site is put out by the
U.S. Energy Information Administration (the EIA), and the address is
here: EIA.gov
You can find state-by-state fuel taxes (on average 28 cents per gallon), and the federal taxes of 18.3 cents per gallon…for a total of about 47 cents per gallon. Yeah, isn’t that grand?
Taxes (by their reporting and declaration) also give the government
more control and information about how you live, what you do. Taxes are
used now in an even more sinister manner, beginning with the EU
(European Union). Yes, all of those “happy” messages you see on your
e-mails are harbingers of things to come. On 09/12/2018, Planet Free
Will published an article entitled “Catastrophic: EU Passes Copyright Directive Including Internet ‘Link Tax’ and ‘Upload Filter.”
Here’s an excerpt:
“The European Parliament has passed a controversial
copyright directive that contains provisions which force tech giants to
install content filters and sets in place a potential tax on
hyperlinking. The bill was passed in a final vote of 438 – 226 and will
need to be implemented by individual EU member states. …two key
provisions: Articles 11 and 13, which [have been] dubbed the “link tax”
and “upload filter.” Article 11 is intended to give publishers and
papers a way to make money when companies like Google link to their
stories, allowing them to demand paid licenses. Article 13 requires
certain platforms like YouTube and Facebook stop users sharing
unlicensed copyrighted material.”
The bottom line on this: the government(s) would set in place
bureaucratic agents to scan every page that is uploaded to a
site…superficially to “protect the sacred copyrights,” but in reality, it is a way to accomplish monitoring and censorship of everything that passes across their scanners.
They have to institute stuff such as that to completely quell the
independent media and stop any “non-certified, non-accredited
(State-approved) journalists and news sites. In addition, they’ll levy
taxes on it. Once again, the vicious cycle: pay your taxes or the
Euro-Swat team comes in with MP-5’s, huffs, puffs, and blows down your
house. Pay the taxes…and you’ll then fund their budgets for increased
Draconian measures. Let’s not forget: ICANN (The Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers) and the Obama giveaway of the Internet
to the Chinese.
Measure after measure comes into play. Little by little, in the name
of taxes and the protection of rights, governments are instituting even
more intrusive measures into privacy and exploiting their
populaces…generating more wealth and power for themselves and more
control over the life of the average person. There is no more objective,
grassroots reporting or news within the mainstream media. The only
material that is not AP and State-approved comes from outlets of the
independent media.
Keep this in mind: back in the days of the USSR, you would be either
killed or sent to a Gulag for possessing either a Xerox/mimeograph
machine or a typewriter. Do you know why that was? It was because they
did not want any communication among the people in the form of
underground newspapers, memos, letters, or any venue not under State
control. We’re heading in that direction now. First the taxes, to force
our submission while simultaneously funding their oppression. Then the
isolation and identification of non-State-approved reporters. Then the
inevitable shutdowns, confiscations of computers and news media venues,
arrests, and worse.
The best way to accomplish that is to overwhelm the people with laws
and gendarmes/jackboots to enforce them. History teaches us, and it
repeats itself in one way, shape, or form. Nothing new under the sun,
and the assault on freedom of the press is not just in the U.S., but is
worldwide. Better plead the 5th Amendment, since you can’t use the 1st Amendment anymore. Keep these words in mind from the Declaration of Independence on abuse of power:
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them
under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw
off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future
Happening in Europe and coming to our shores soon: the complete
destruction of the independent media, and the creation of “Pravda and
Isvestia” News outlets controlled entirely by the State.
Former Obama-era Director of National Intelligence James
Clapper, former Bush/Obama-era Deputy Director of the FBI Philip Mudd,
and former Obama-era CIA Director General Michael Hayden want America to
know that regardless of the corruption painted like red ink all over
the intelligence community’s hands, we should just trust them. Because
at the end of the day it’s all President Trump’s fault.