Fighting for Russia against the New World Order.

Russiagate: A Conspiracy Theory

Everything you wanted to know about Russiagate but weren't stupid enough to ask.

On November 8, 2016, Vladimir Putin won the US presidential election by getting his Manchurian Candidate, Доналд Трумп, into the White House as the crowning achievement of a decades-long plan to use pee tape kompromat and real estate deals that never happened to get a reality TV star installed in the Oval Office.

12-D chess master Putin then used that mind-controlled puppet to increase sanctions on Russia, expel dozens of Russian diplomats, sell arms to Ukraine, withdraw from the INF treaty, build up NATO troops on the Russian border, stage a coup in Venezuela, and generally make life worse for Russia as part of his grand scheme to enable the rise of a new Russian Empire.

Mind-controlling the US public with hundreds of dollars of Facebook Jesus memes, this modern-day Czar carefully rigged the election by (not) hacking into any voting systems and by (not) hacking into the DNC servers, revealing that the DNC had rigged the election against 27 Dollars and in favour of Why Aren’t I 50 Points Ahead, You Might Ask.

Luckily, the valiant US media was all over the case.

The intelligence agencies knew what to do.

And Saint Mueller was on the job commanding an army of 40 agents, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 500 witnesses 230 communication records and a partridge in a pear tree, so we all knew that the walls are closing in.

The media admitted that the story was mostly bullshit, but that’s OK because we’re living in a post-truth world and democracy dies in darkness.

The intelligence agencies admitted they meddle in other country’s elections, but that’s OK because  it’s “only for a good cause.”

The #Resistance spent years supporting disgraced attorneys, deranged liars and anyone else who would support their narrative, but that’s OK because votes only count when your candidate wins.

And after two years of investigation, Mueller delivered a report that brought some “troubling news . . . our president is not a Russian asset,” but that’s OK because everyone knows Trump is a Russian agent anyway, so who needs that stupid Mueller guy?

And now President Putin and his orange cheeto puppet are laughing all the way to the brink of nuclear war in the Cold War 2.0 cheered on by the neo-neocons and their neolib friends and made possible by a neo-mccarthyist purge of dissenting voices.

This is the official story of Russiagate as brought to you by the MSM that delivered the hard truths on weapons of mass destruction and Gaddafi viagra and black holes.

If you doubt any part of this story you are a no good, dirty, treasonous, alt-right Russian bot troll who deserves to be censored from the internet forever.

If you love truth, sunshine, ice cream, rainbows, kitty cats and the 4th of July then you will never question any part of this story.


This message has been brought to you by the Friends of the DNC, MSMBS, The Rachel Maddow Retirement Fund, Clinton For 2020 and the CIA.

And remember, Ignorance Is Strength!


BBC Ordered to Pay Damages for Fake News About Trump and Ukraine President

The BBC was ordered to pay damages after the far-left outlet published fake news claiming Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko “authorized” an illegal payment of $400,000 to Michael Cohen for additional face time during a June 2017  meeting with President Trump.

“We apologize to Mr. Poroshenko for any distress caused and have agreed to pay him damages, legal costs and have participated in a joint statement in open court,” the BBC’s said in a written apology  published Thursday.

In the May 2018 piece, the disgraced BBC made the absurd claim that Poroshenko, who already had a meeting set up with Trump, paid this $400,000 to extend the meeting.

Think about how well this utterly deranged piece of fake news fits into the overall media’s Russia Collusion Hoax.
  1. Poroshenko is an aggressive opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin, so naturally the only way he could get serious face time with Trump (aka Putin’s Stooge) is through a six-figure bribe.
  2. Michael Cohen was still the president’s personal lawyer at this time, which means the media were desperate for us to see Cohen as Trump’s world-traveling bagman, because that would lend credibility to the phony dossier’s lie about Cohen visiting Prague to pay off the hackers who got Hillary’s emails.
  3. The story openly insinuates Trump is both in Putin’s pocket and accepting bribes.
In a way you have to admire the slickness of it — the triple bank-shot of hysteria the BBC hoped to sink.
But it is also preposterous. Who in their right mind would believe a billionaire like Trump would risk his presidency (and prison) for a lousy $400,000, or use Cohen to arrange it?
Just as preposterous, though, is the whole idea Trump was a traitor who stole a presidential election, and we were hit with that media-lunacy 24/7 for two years.
More from the BBC:
In our News at Ten bulletin and in an online article published on May 23, 2018, we incorrectly reported that Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine, had procured or authorised a corrupt payment of $400,000 to be made to Michael Cohen, the personal lawyer of Donald Trump, to extend a brief meeting between Mr. Poroshenko and President Trump, that had already been agreed, into more substantial talks.
No word yet on the amount of damages paid by the BBC, but it is good to see some justice done. The idea a news outlet can smear anyone they like, hide behind freedom of the press, and suffer no consequence is outrageous.

Let’s hope Nick Sandmann is delivered a similar form of justice very, very soon.

Poroshenko, who is running for re-election, sued the BBC over the report. Election Day is March 31.


Space war between US & Russia will trap humanity on Earth, no matter who wins – analysts

Acting US Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan may claim the US will win any war in space, not realizing that such conflict will forever make humanity prisoners on Earth. Thankfully, his words are just propaganda, analysts say.

“I’m fully confident we could win a conflict in space today” against Russia, China or any other adversary, Shanahan told US senators, who are deciding if he’s fit to take on the job on a permanent basis.
When asked to comment on this ambitious statement, Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, remembered the words of US astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who was the sixth person to walk on the moon.

“Years ago, I organized a protest at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida and one of the speakers was Mitchell. And he said if there’s one war in space – it’ll be the last because so much space junk will be created by blowing up the satellites that we won’t be able to get a rocket off Earth anymore. It just won’t be able to get through this ‘minefield.'” However, the acting defense secretary’s words “are really not new” as Washington had been talking about controlling and dominating space since the days of President Ronald Reagan back in the 1980s, Gagnon told RT.

Mainstream media’s ratings tanked after the Mueller report exposed their biased reporting. With nothing to show for their corrupt coverage, major news outlets plan to ramp up 2020 election coverage with the same goal of taking President Trump out of office. Today’s in-studio guest is health and tech expert Mike Adams delivering cutting-edge intel on how Trump can take out Big Tech censorship immediately. Furthermore, conservative trailblazer Faith Goldy draws powerful parallels between Europe’s migrant crisis and America’s caravan surge.

“The US sees space as another fighting domain. They have a slogan, reading ‘full spectrum dominance’ and what this means is that the US military should control a conflict at every level – on the ground, in the ocean, in the air and now in space.” The activist praised Russia and China for their decades-long effort to promote Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS), regretting that “the US and Israel keep blocking that treaty at the UN.”

 “Russia and China have been saying: ‘Let’s close the door to the barn before the horse gets out.’ But the US refuses as its weapons corporations are committed to making huge money off a new arms race in space.”

Military expert from the Russian magazine Arsenal Otechestva, Aleksey Leonkov, said Shanahan’s bravado is nothing but a “propagandist move.”

 “The question is – with what hardware exactly is the US going to achieve this victory?” he wondered. The analyst recalled that US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) marked three perspective directions in developing military space technologies back in 2002. “They were space interceptors, which would eliminate ballistic missiles; space platforms with powerful lasers, most likely nuclear powered, to protect the US territory; and special systems to strike targets on Earth with space-to-surface missiles.”

According to Leonkov, “none of these American projects is even close to practical implementation” at the moment. Unlike the US, “Russia has recently developed a real military laser system and possesses technologies to deliver it to orbit,” he said. And if Soviet experience in the field is restored, “it’ll all be fine” for Russia.

“The USSR produced several space military systems and even tested them. One of them was the R-36ORB missile, which was able to remain in orbit as a satellite and hit a target on the ground on command from the control center. This system was even on combat duty until 1993.

We also had Almaz space battle stations that could tackle spacecraft and ballistic missiles.” China is also a strong competitor, as it already has “anti-satellite and anti-missile systems in orbit,” while actively developing its manned space program, Leonkov said.


Russia Fail: Ultimate Media Compilation!

Establishment presstitute media pushed the false narrative for two years 

Related: The Russia Collusion Hoax Exposed

A flashback look at the Deep State and establishment media hype over the now “debunked” Trump, Russia collusion narrative.


The Liberal Media Should Apologize For Peddling The Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory

The Liberal Media Should Apologize For Peddling The Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory

Many in the liberal media breathlessly peddled the Russia collusion conspiracy theory for more than two years.

Not only did they slander President Donald Trump, but they also sowed discord within our nation.
We now know that special counsel Robert Mueller did not find collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, which was pretty predictable (unless, of course, you were a never-Trumper trying to confirm your own bias).

My question is: Will anyone be held accountable, or at least apologize, for getting this so wrong?


The Russia Collusion Hoax Exposed



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