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Showing posts with label transgenderism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transgenderism. Show all posts

Hungary Passes Law Banning Showing Children Material on Homosexuality or Transgenderism

Hungary’s National Assembly has passed a law that bans showing children under the age of 18 material related to homosexuality or transgenderism in education, on television, movies or in advertisements.

The vote passed earlier today by a huge margin of 157-1.

“The law was included in a larger bill cracking down on pedophilia by creating a register of child sex offenders, implementing stricter punishments for child pornography, and barring pedophile offenders from jobs where they would encounter children. It also singled out the promotion of LGBT affairs in schools,” reports RT.

According to a statement by ruling party Fidesz, the law ensures that sex education in schools “must not be aimed” at “promoting homosexuality” or “changing gender.”

Television shows, movies and advertisement are all also banned from showing any content deemed to be promoting homosexuality or transgenderism.

After left-wing lobby groups opposed the law, protesters took to the streets of Budapest to demonstrate against the law.

However, their sentiments are not shared by the population, which voted overwhelmingly for right-wing Fidesz when the party was re-elected in 2018.

Hungary is one of few European countries that actively tries to protect its family-oriented and Christian heritage by moving to stop children being exposed to harmful information and lifestyles.

The country’s populist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has cultivated support for his efforts to defend the sanctity of the family in the face of rampant progressivism in other European countries.

Last December, Hungary passed a constitutional amendment affirming the right of children to identify with their birth gender and defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

Asserting that Europe’s native population decline represented a “sickness,” Orbán also oversaw a program to offer significant financial incentives for the country’s own native citizens to have children, handing out €30,600 loans to married couples who have three or more children which are completely forgiven after the birth of the third child.

While major institutions in the United Kingdom and U.S. embassies all over the world now fly the LGBT flag above their buildings, a rainbow-colored statue erected in Budapest by leftist activists in honor of Black Lives Matter was demolished within 24 hours.

Last week, Orbán also defended Hungarian football fans who booed Irish players ‘taking a knee’ for BLM, asserting that the gesture was a “provocation” based on white guilt over slavery and that Hungary would not be partaking in the virtue signalling act.



WHO Guidelines Encourage Children Younger Than 4 be Taught “Masturbation” and “Gender Identity”

 WHO guidelines for sex education recommend that children aged 0-4 be taught about “masturbation” and “gender identity.”

The World Health Organization’s ‘Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A framework for policymakers, educational and health authorities and specialists’, advises children be taught about sexually pleasuring themselves and transgenderism before they’ve even fully learned to talk.

The WHO advises that children aged 0-4 are given “information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s body… masturbation.”

Toddlers are also to be encouraged to “gain an awareness of gender identity” and given “the right to explore gender identities.”

In the ages 4-6 bracket, educators are urged to “give information about same-sex relationships” and “help children develop respect for different norms regarding sexuality.”

Of course, in any sane world, no child of this age should be exposed to any kind of information about sex whatsoever.

Despite them being complicit in China’s cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak, the media has held up the WHO as an organization beyond reproach which cannot be questioned.

Social media networks are removing material and banning people who criticize the World’s Health Organization’s guidelines.

Given that the global health body is pushing such sickness onto toddlers, the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw funding is looking better every day.


Russian TV Expresses Bewilderment Over West Transfixed With Identity Politics

“You know, I’m just at a loss, it’s very hard to explain it all”.

An exchange between two speakers on one of Russia’s largest television shows illustrates how people in eastern Europe are completely bewildered by the west’s obsession with identity politics.

The dialogue took place during a discussion on Russia-1, a state owned channel with the second largest viewership in the country.

The host and his guest were talking about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May at the G20 when the conversation suddenly veered into the bizarre.

“These days in Scotland, a 17-year-old schoolboy was suspended from school for 3 weeks….for saying that there are only two sexes, male and female, there is no in-between,” said the guest, referring to a real story that happened.

“I expected it to provoke a backlash in society, at least somewhere,” he added.
The host then said that he only knew of male and female and asked his guest to provide a description of a third, fourth and fifth sex.

“I just tried to make you feel what’s going on here,” responded the guest.

He then went on to describe a recent story about how staff at London zoo had placed a banner in the penguin enclosure that reads, “some penguins are gay, get over it” (this also actually happened).
“You know, I’m just at a loss, it’s very hard to explain it all,” said the guest as the host looked on bewildered.

“Do gay penguins take offense if somebody mistakes them for straight penguins?” quipped the host.
“Of course, it’s absurd, but it perfectly reflects the insanity in politics,” concluded the guest.
The clip was posted to YouTube by Vesti News under the title ‘Does Theresa May Dislike Putin Because She Believes in 64 Genders and He Doesn’t?’

It’s interesting to note that the discussion almost seemed like it was about the behavior of an alien species on a different planet, not another country on the same continent.

Last month, Vladimir Putin remarked on a similar topic, asserting that liberalism was in its death throws thanks to forced multiculturalism.

“The ruling elites have broken away from the people,” Putin told the Financial Times, adding that the “so-called liberal idea has outlived its purpose” and some western leaders had acknowledged that “multiculturalism” is “no longer tenable”.



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