“You know, I’m just at a loss, it’s very hard to explain it all”.

The dialogue took place during a discussion on Russia-1, a state owned channel with the second largest viewership in the country.
The host and his guest were talking about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May at the G20 when the conversation suddenly veered into the bizarre.
“These days in Scotland, a 17-year-old schoolboy was suspended from school for 3 weeks….for saying that there are only two sexes, male and female, there is no in-between,” said the guest, referring to a real story that happened.
“I expected it to provoke a backlash in society, at least somewhere,” he added.
The host then said that he only knew of male and female and asked his guest to provide a description of a third, fourth and fifth sex.
“I just tried to make you feel what’s going on here,” responded the guest.
He then went on to describe a recent story about how staff at London zoo had placed a banner in the penguin enclosure that reads, “some penguins are gay, get over it” (this also actually happened).
“You know, I’m just at a loss, it’s very hard to explain it all,” said the guest as the host looked on bewildered.
“Do gay penguins take offense if somebody mistakes them for straight penguins?” quipped the host.
“Of course, it’s absurd, but it perfectly reflects the insanity in politics,” concluded the guest.
The clip was posted to YouTube by Vesti News under the title ‘Does Theresa May Dislike Putin Because She Believes in 64 Genders and He Doesn’t?’
It’s interesting to note that the discussion almost seemed like it was about the behavior of an alien species on a different planet, not another country on the same continent.
Last month, Vladimir Putin remarked on a similar topic, asserting that liberalism was in its death throws thanks to forced multiculturalism.
“The ruling elites have broken away from the people,” Putin told the Financial Times, adding that the “so-called liberal idea has outlived its purpose” and some western leaders had acknowledged that “multiculturalism” is “no longer tenable”.