Fighting for Russia against the New World Order.

Showing posts with label deep state. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deep state. Show all posts

The Hybrid War Of Terror On America Was Decades In The Making

The spree of urban terrorism that's exploded in the US over the past week wasn't a spontaneous outburst of unrest but part of the decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America that finally turned kinetic in the run-up to Trump's possible re-election, and an analysis of the origins and gradual development of this conflict could provide a clearer picture of the course that it might take in the coming months.

A Review Of Recent Events

Subversive forces inside the US are waging a Hybrid War of Terror on America, one that's been decades in the making but finally turned kinetic in the run-up to Trump's prospective re-election. For those readers who aren't familiar with the author's earlier work on this topic, they're requested to read or at least skim through the following articles in order to obtain an understanding of his interpretation of contemporary events that will frame the present analysis about their origins and their prospective development across the course of this year:

* 1 June: "Mayhem In America: Masks Off, Molotovs Out!"

* 2 June: "America Has The Right To Protect Itself From Urban Terrorism"

* 3 June: "What Comes After America's Nationwide Anti-Terrorist Operation?"

* 4 June: "Antifa Wants To Lead African-Americans To Their Slaughter To Spark A Race War"

To oversimplify, domestic terrorist groups led on the ground primarily by the largely decentralized Antifa network are doing everything they can to encourage angry African-Americans to carry out a nationwide crime wave together with acts of urban terrorism so as to increase the likelihood of them getting killed en masse by the police, National Guard, and/or military as the next step in provoking a "race race", the resultant chaos of which could then be exploited to advance their ideological agenda of "revolution".

Education Or Indoctrination?

What's happening in America today took decades to get to this point since ordinary Americans wouldn't otherwise react the way that many of them regrettably are unless they were truly enraged at something so intensely to put others' lives and their own in danger through wanton acts of urban terrorism. Their worldview wasn't shaped in a day, but over decades, and that initially began in the educational system which was gradually subverted by left-wing radicals to the point where almost all college professors today identify with this ideology or one of its variants. They indoctrinated several generations of Americans "across the color spectrum" into believing that their country is a "racist dictatorship" profiting off of "economic injustice". There's definitely some truth to the general point that America is imperfect like all countries are, with its own particular systemic challenges that have made life difficult for some categories of folks more so in the past than in the present day, but that truth has been manipulated in order to radicalize the population according to certain triggers that most directly affect each identity demographic (e.g. racism and the criminal justice system for African-Americans, "reverse-racism" for Caucasians, feminism for women, corruption for the vast majority of the people, etc.).

Trotskyist Terror

This observation makes it relevant to discuss the influence of Trotskyist thought, which in this context simply refers to the concept of a so-called "permanent revolution". There's nothing wrong with the idea of continual improvement, but it's been exploited by radical left-wing ideologies in order to promote the Machiavellian mantra that "the ends justify the means". That said end is what its adherents truly believe (whether on their own or due to mental manipulation by "vanguard" elements of "the movement") to be a "better world" for everyone, hence why they think that morality has no place when it comes to means. Thus, even acts of urban terrorism and the tricking of "useful idiots" into being slaughtered are "acceptable". "The movement" does everything in its power to ensure that "the cause" is always on everyone's minds so that nobody ever forgets about it but is instead always incited into becoming ever more radicalized so that their anger can then be "constructively" (or rather, destructively) channeled in the direction of their greater goal. Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals", which he dedicated to "the first radical" Lucifer (Satan) in order to emphasize the amorality of his Machiavellian methods, provides perfect insight into the typical "revolutionary's" mindset.

Relativism & Deconstructivism

One of the ways through which the educational establishment has indoctrinated Americans has been to have them relativize and deconstruct their society, though not in a purely objective manner (if one can even be applied in theory), but along the lines of whatever will portray "the movement's" "cause" as "good/legitimate" and the existing system/establishment/everything else as "bad/illegitimate". That's not to say that relativism and deconstructivism aren't useful to practice, but just to point out that they're one of the more popular means through which generations have been manipulated, with the effects cumulatively building to the point where each generation becomes more radicalized than their predecessors. This is made possible not only by the "perfecting" of such "perception management" techniques, but also by indoctrinated parents forcing their children to believe the same things that they do, thus giving them an "ideological boost" from an early age that they themselves didn't have and which could make them radicalize faster and more intensely than they ever did. Convinced of the validity of their worldview and the supposed "necessity" of "revolution", these mass-produced "foot soldiers" then demand maximalist outcomes and unconditional surrenders.

"The Long March Through The Institutions"

The next factor to focus on is the concept of "the long march through the institutions" which seeks to embed "revolutionaries" and their "fellow travelers" (ideological sympathizers who might not be as radicalized as the first-mentioned) into various institutions beyond just the educational one. In practice, this most often takes the form of embedding them in influential places like the church, the media, and "Big Tech", to say nothing of all levels of government: local/state/federal and executive/legislative/judicial. The purpose is to slowly take control of the state and society without arousing too much suspicion, but as the infiltration begins to succeed, certain signs become visible once these individuals feel comfortable enough in their positions to start actively shaping the country through relevant policies. This also sometimes takes the form of "politically flamboyant" personalities becoming popular in society for their outspoken views such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of "the squad" alongside their "fellow travelers" in "Big Tech" like Twitter's Jack Dorsey among others for example. The end result is that society realizes that influential people harbor what had previously (and rightly) been considered to be radical ideologies, which contributes to gradually changing the national culture.

Gramsci's "Cultural Hegemony"

Interwar Italian Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci is credited with pioneering the concept of "cultural hegemony" whereby he basically asserted that "revolutions" can increase their chance of success by capturing the national culture through various means. Nowadays this is seen not only in the public faces of some people who have completed "the long march through the institutions" (especially in the media), but also especially among celebrities. The outcome is that a certain so-called "political correctness" creeps in which pressures individuals to censor themselves from expressing any beliefs that don't conform with what's wrongly presented to be the "majority consensus" even though it's more often than not still only the view of the radical but influential minority. This doesn't always relate to the purely economic foundations of leftism either but increasingly takes the form of what critics have described as "Cultural Marxism", or the attempted application of leftism's common denominator of "equality" into the cultural sphere, which purely economic leftists decry as ideological heresy that discredits their ideas. Consequently, they refuse to associate with that term and those that use it despite many "Cultural Marxists" proudly espousing leftist economic views as well.

"Ideological Subversion"

In parallel with these previously mentioned processes is what KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov described during a 1985 interview as "ideological subversion". It's unimportant that he attributed this strategy to the USSR (whether rightly or wrongly) since it can be applied by any ideologically motivated network irrespective of partisanship that doesn't necessarily have to be state-backed. The four phases of "ideological subversion" are demoralization (making the majority skeptical of the status quo and feeling seemingly powerless to resist the "revolutionaries"), destabilization (a series of incidents that radicalize people and precondition the population to expect a crisis), crisis (the "trigger event" for catalyzing the most active and usually violent part of the campaign), and normalization ("the new normal" once the "revolutionaries" seize complete power even if they don't officially proclaim victory in the event that they succeeded in secret). As everything that's been discussed thus far in the analysis unfolds, the "Overton Window" shifts whereby what was previously considered radical is now seen as "normal" and the "old normal" becomes the "new radical" that's then presented by the "drivers of change" as the "dangerous fringe" that society must continue moving away from.

From Destabilization To Crisis

The phased transition from destabilization to crisis is facilitated by structural preconditioning such as the deliberate mental and economic hardships brought about by the Democrat Governors' decisions to impose strict COVID-19 lockdowns and the propagandizing of provocative narratives throughout society via the media such as the viral videos of police brutality against African-Americans. The first-mentioned makes the population more desperate and therefore increasingly likely to directly participate in the physical manifestation of the "revolution" even if they were previously having second doubts and preferred to only be "fellow travelers" (passive supporters). The second, meanwhile, incites the "revolutionary vanguard" (the role of which some participants such as criminally inclined African-Americans today aren't even conscious that they're playing) into a rage that triggers their prior amoral programming by reminding them that "the ends justify the means" even if it's only to opportunistically take advantage of the forthcoming crisis for selfish reasons like looting. Taken together, this further the "conscious vanguard's" cause of chaos that'll enter into effect upon the commencement of the crisis.

Color Revolution Chaos

The ongoing kinetic phase of the Hybrid War of Terror on America couldn't have been possible had it not been for the uncontrollable proliferation of the same Color Revolution tactics and strategies that the US government invented over nearly the past two decades then subsequently spread across the internet. It was therefore only a matter of time before "revolutionaries" at home began to apply the same methods against the US government itself in a completely expected twist of fate. The author's work from half a decade ago about "The Color Revolution Model: An Exposé Of The Core Mechanics" explains these processes at length, while his book from around the same time about "Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change" explains the phased transition from Color Revolutions (weaponized protests) to Unconventional Wars (terrorism). In short, the terrorist phase begins to emerge after the security services' reaction to violent protests is caught on camera but deceptively decontextualized and misportrayed. The edited footage is then propagated throughout society to escalate the self-sustaining cycle of unrest by delegitimizing the said security services and their government, which further radicalizes the population into passively or actively supporting terrorism.

Strategic Escalations

The kinetic (physical, violent) phase of the decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America is greatly aided by the "fellow travelers" who completed their "long march through the institutions" of government, specifically the Democrats in charge of local municipalities and various states. Many of them refuse to order the police and National Guard respectively to properly respond to the Color Revolution for two primary reasons. The first is to radicalize the majority of the population that's against this destruction so as to precondition them into expecting a "race war", while the second is to then reinforce the perception of Trump as a "fascist dictator" to the already radicalized "revolutionaries" and their "fellow travelers" once he's forced to take control of the National Guard and/or dispatch the military with the authority to use lethal force at their discretion to quell the unrest. That seemingly inevitable development will lead to the previously described decontextualization of such a response through edited footage that would become more "credible" to many if the "fellow traveling" peaceful protesters voluntarily use themselves as "human shields" to protect the urban terrorists among them, thus sacrificing themselves for "the cause" as "martyrs" whose deaths will be blamed on Trump personally.

Insubordination & Defection

"The long march through the institutions" also seeks to infiltrate the security services even though they're typically the most resilient, but the "sleeper cells" among them and their media allies can attempt to get their "moderate" colleagues to seriously consider refusing to fulfill their professional duty to restore law and order, especially if they're pressured not to "kill their own people" (an oft-abused phrase regularly employed by the US government to delegitimize those foreign governments targeted by its history of Hybrid Wars and which lethally respond to these external provocations in self-defense). "Dog whistles" are already being blown in this respect by former Defense Secretary Mattis and Espers the incumbent one who have both contradicted the President to different degrees regarding his plans to reestablish law and order. This increases the likelihood that the aforesaid "sleeper cells" can deploy other bespoke information warfare narratives against their "fellow" members of the security services such as imploring them to "obey the Constitution and not the fascist dictator who's ordering the illegal use of force against peaceful protesters out of self-interested political desperation to prevent his inevitable toppling by the people". If successful, then the result this devious information warfare operation could be game-changing.

Electoral Context

It's impossible to ignore the fact that the ongoing Hybrid War of Terror on America is occurring in the run-up to the November elections. The Minneapolis "trigger event" (which might be one of many up the seemingly never-ending escalation ladder) wasn't planned but something of the sort might have been had that not happened in order to catalyze the current chaos. The timing is extremely strategic because it's intended to totally destabilize the country ahead of its pivotal vote that might prospectively hand Trump his final term, after which he'd be completely "unchained" without any future electoral considerations whatsoever to pursue his own promised "revolutionary" agenda that threatens to reverse the leftists' "march through the institution" ("draining the swamp"/"fighting the deep state") in as radical of a manner as he'd want. To stop him, they hope to "hack" the election by exploiting this chaos to convince more people to vote Democrat, but as an "insurance policy", they also plan to use mail-in ballots in order to steal the election. Should they fail to do that and he's not overthrown beforehand in a military coup, then they'll likely intensify their Hybrid War on the basis that he supposedly "stole the election" following the narrative that the US itself used against so many targets abroad over the years.

Global Importance

The whole world is watching what happens because of the global importance that the outcome of this conflict will undoubtedly have. It shouldn't be forgotten that it's occurring in the midst of what the author previously described as World War C, which refers to the full-spectrum paradigm-changing processes unfolding as a result of every government's response to the COVID-19 global pandemic that readers can learn more about here, here, and here. In accordance with the precepts of Stephen Mann's "Chaos Theory And Strategic Thought", the initial conditions at the onset of any complex process will disproportionately influence their outcome ("the butterfly effect"), so even Trump's possible victory might only be a Pyrrhic one when it comes to America's global standing in the emerging Multipolar World Order depending on how much damage is done domestically during the course of this conflict. Another point to keep in mind is that he's also the leader of the worldwide nationalist/anti-globalism movement so the onset of the kinetic phase of this Hybrid War sends a strong message to other like-minded leaders that something similar could also happen to them at any time too unless they were more successful than the US was in stopping "the long march through the institutions".

Concluding Thoughts

The ongoing phase of the Hybrid War of Terror on America can be conceptualized as the explosion of a long-ticking time bomb similar in effect to what happened a generation ago in the USSR after US-backed nationalist "revolutionaries" there succeeded in destroying it from within using almost identical means. This observation speaks to the fact that such methods aren't exclusive to any given ideology but vary depending upon the targeted state's unique socio-economic and political characteristics, which could in the future be more easily identified and tracked using the strategic insight obtained by "Big Data" operations such as the one that Cambridge Analytica was notoriously accused of.

Considering that this is a conflict that was decades in the making, it won't be resolved anytime soon, especially since the "revolutionary" side is convinced that "the ends justify the means", which makes the use of terrorism against their "fellow" Americans "acceptable" to them. Although every government in the world officially condemns this method of warfare which doesn't have any ideology, race, religion, nationality, or borders, many of them and their compatriots are more than happy to watch the havoc that this Hybrid War will wreak for purely ideological reasons pertaining to their hatred for the American government (irrespective of whether or not that hatred is justified) even though the majority of victims will likely be innocent people of all "colors".

This hypocritical position is explained by the fact that those abroad sense that this conflict is an "historical opportunity" to knock the US "out of the game" once and for all, and by none other than its own Hybrid War means that it so eagerly used to employ against almost everyone else in one way or another. For this self-interested reason, they might even intensify their information warfare against the US in order to embolden the "revolutionaries" and "demoralize" the average American that's against this reign of terror by trying to convince them that they "deserve" all of this because they pay taxes to "fund the evil empire" for what it does overseas in their name without their knowledge or permission. Some of these average Americans will almost certainly submit, but tens of millions of others probably won't go down without a fight, even if it's to the death.



Michael Flynn's Attorney slams FBI, Obama: This was 'orchestrated'

Comey, Clinton, McCabe and Lynch Officially Referred For ...

James Rybicki, who served as chief of staff to former FBI Director James Comey, suggested in sworn testimony that the Trump-Russia collusion investigation was orchestrated by Obama's White House in October 2016, according to newly released bureau documents.

A heavily redacted transcript of Rybicki's interview with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel includes an unidentified prosecutor's summary of the former FBI official's testimony.

"So we understand," the prosecutor says, "that at some point in October of 2016, there was, I guess, a desire by the White House to make some kind of statement about Russia's. ... "

The next page is omitted.

The United States Office of Special Counsel, not to be confused with Robert Mueller's special counsel, is a permanent independent federal investigative and prosecutorial agency designed to protect federal employees from reprisal for "whistleblowing."

Lawyer Ty Clevenger obtained the documents as part of a lawsuit on behalf of businessman Ed Butowsky, who claims columnist Ellen Ratner told him murdered Democratic National Committee worker Seth Rich and his brother provided WikiLeaks the DNC emails before the 2016 election, not Russia.

Clevenger explained that the OSC prosecutors were noting that the FBI publicized its reactivation of the Clinton email investigation shortly before the 2016 election. So, why, the prosecutors wondered, did the FBI not counterbalance that disclosure by publicizing the "Russian collusion" investigation into Donald Trump?

It was in that context that one of the prosecutors commented that the White House wanted some kind of statement made about Russia.

Clevenger said that almost certainly refers to the Oct. 7, 2016, joint statement of the Department of Homeland Security and the Directorate of National Intelligence. The agencies said the "U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations."

"In other words," Clevenger said, "it looks like the Obama White House put its thumb on the scale, pressuring intelligence agencies to adopt the Democratic National Committee's talking points, i.e., to blame the stolen emails on Russian hackers rather than an internal source (like Seth Rich)."

The lawyer noted that no federal agency has examined the DNC servers, relying only on a redacted report from a private security company, CrowdStrike, that has strong Democratic affiliations.

Crowdstrike was hired by Perkins Coie, the law firm retained by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC that hired Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS to produce the infamous anti-Trump "dossier." The dossier of unverified claims by unidentified senior Russian officials was used by the Obama Justice Department and DOJ to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.

Clevenger said CrowdStrike and the DNC are fighting subpoenas he issued on behalf of Butowsky for information about the servers and the purported Russian hacking.



‘Dirty cop Comey got caught!’: Trump unloads on FBI after documents reveal effort to set up General Flynn

‘Dirty cop Comey got caught!’: Trump unloads on FBI after documents reveal effort to set up General Flynn

President Donald Trump has bashed former FBI Director James Comey, after unsealed documents revealed an agency plot to entrap Gen. Michael Flynn in a bid to take down the Trump presidency.
“DIRTY COP JAMES COMEY GOT CAUGHT!” Trump tweeted on Thursday morning, in one of a series of tweets lambasting the FBI’s prosecution of retired army general Michael Flynn, which he called a “scam.”

Flynn served as Trump’s national security adviser in the first days of the Trump presidency, before he was fired for allegedly lying about his contact with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

An FBI investigation followed, and several months later, Flynn pleaded guilty to Special Counsel Robert Mueller about lying during interviews with agents. He has since tried to withdraw the plea, citing poor legal defense and accusing the FBI and Obama administration of setting him up from the outset.

Documents unsealed by a federal judge on Wednesday seem to support that argument. In one handwritten note, dated the same day as Flynn’s FBI interview in January 2017, the unidentified note-taker jots down some potential strategies to use against the former general.

“We have a case on Flynn + Russians,” the note reads. “What’s our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

The unsealed documents also include an email exchange between former agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, in which the pair pondered whether to remind Flynn that lying to federal agents is a crime. Page and Strzok were later fired from the agency, after a slew of text messages emerged showing the pair’s mutual disdain for Trump, and discussing the formulation of an “insurance policy” against his election.

Flynn’s discussions with Kislyak were deemed truthful by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Additionally, a Washington Post article published the day before Flynn’s January 2017 interview revealed that the FBI had tapped his calls with the Russian ambassador and found “nothing illicit.”

Still, Section 1001 of the US Criminal Code, which makes it illegal to lie to a federal agent, is broad in its scope. Defense Attorney Solomon Wisenberg wrote that “even a decent person who tries to stay out of trouble can face criminal exposure under Section 1001 through a fleeting conversation with government agents.” 


President Trump says IG's Russia probe report shows an 'overthrow' attempt of the US government


Putin’s Comments About Satanism & Pedophilia Within Politics Are Turning Out To Be True

In Brief

The Facts:
A few years ago, Vladimir Putin mentioned Satanism and Pedophilia within politics, and he hasn't been the first to do so. He expressed how there are attempts to normalize these practices within society and make it global. 

Reflect On:
Who are we electing? Who are the people that've amassed so much power that they practically control all resources on planet Earth? We do we continue to elect corrupt politicians who don't have the will of humanity at heart? What's going on inside?
What is politics? It’s a realm where humanity gives its power over to others who claim to be making decisions that best suit their country, and humanity as a whole. At least, that’s what it should be. The political realm should be filled with people who are service-to-others, but unfortunately, it has become quite obvious that it’s full of people who are simply serving their masters while filling their own pockets with riches.

At the highest levels of government, especially in the West, there is little to no concern for the will of the people and the welfare of our planet, but rather the illusion of it. Sure, major political figures meet every single year to discuss things like climate change, for example, but does anything happen? It seems as if we are relying on them, instead of looking inward at ourselves.

These people have been gathering at summits for decades, and what this actually does, is take the power out of our own hands. We don’t recognize that WE are the means and tools for change, not those who we appoint to take care of things for us. Politics has become so corrupt, it’s riddled with corporate and financial interests that completely dominate government policy.

Rise Of The Deep State

The “acquisition of unwarranted influence” that Eisenhower warned us that the military industrial complex was seeking has now occurred and has morphed itself into what we refer to today as the Deep State or the secret government. These are terms that have been used by numerous presidents and politicians who have tried to clue the public in on what has been going on behind the scenes. Today, our opportunity to see this is clearer than ever, because its domination has become evident.

We are talking about mass murderers who hurt and bomb their own citizens (9/11) in order to justify the infiltration and takeover of other countries for ulterior motives. While they do this, they slaughter innocent people, like the millions that died in Iraq, for example, and those that continue to suffer in Syria and other parts of the Middle East.

Vladimir Putin has said that this power has used “imaginary and mythical threats” to impose their will on others. This isn’t Russian propaganda, it’s a strategy that has existed since the inception of politics. It represents psychopathic behaviour, but it’s masked by massive amounts of propaganda and brain-washing, to the point where individuals with good hearts join in because they believe they’re lending themselves to a good cause.

We should think carefully about the reality of war. Most of us have been conditioned to regard military combat as exciting and glamorous – an opportunity for men to prove their competence and courage. Since armies are legal, we feel that war is acceptable; in general, nobody feels that war is criminal or that accepting its criminal attitude. In fact, we have been brainwashed. War is neither glamorous nor attractive. It is monstrous. It’s very nature is one of tragedy and suffering. – The Dalai Lama

Not only are many of these people puppets of the Deep State, and slaves to their will, like the Clinton’s for example, but they are actively engaged in crimes against humanity.

Putin & Russia

The past few years have really shed light on what’s been happening for decades, the ‘powers that be’ have essentially put the blame on Russia regarding numerous accusations, as I’m sure you know. I’ve written a number of articles that’ve been labelled as Russian propaganda, articles regarding false flag attacks in Syria, for example. Many uninformed people are quick to label something as Russian propaganda, simply based on the information they’re taking in from mainstream media. They don’t recognize that false flag terrorism, even the infiltration of Syria, is not simply a Russian claim, it’s a claim that dates back decades! It does not originate with Russia, and it’s something many people in North America are now becoming aware of.

The fact that Putin willingly and openly labelled these events as false flag attacks and ones that are completely fabricated simply caught the attention of those who were already aware of this information prior to Putin’s admissions. We already knew that pretty much every high ranking politician in the world knows this, and we are waiting for those who are willing to use their voice.

This is exactly why when Putin brought up Satanism and Paedophilia a couple of years ago, it grabbed my attention. Having been investigating the topic for a number of years, it’s quite clear that those atop of this pyramid that dominates Western politics are possibly involved even more psychopathic tendencies. Yes, we must be cognizant of their upbringing and circumstances, most of those who abuse others in such a way have had the same thing done to them, and so the cycle repeats itself.

Putin stated:
The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are seriously talking about registering political parties whose aim is to promote paedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis. (source)(source)
Clips of him making these statements can be found all over YouTube as well.

This information is hitting the mainstream like never before, one example would be the  NBC news report that implicated Hillary Clinton in covering up a massive pedophile ring in the heart of the State Department, another would be multiple ex-high ranking political officials claiming that both of the Clinton’s engage in sex with minors, pointing towards their close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein (who also has Royal Family connections). Epstein is now a registered sex offender. When it comes to the Vatican, there have always been disturbing acts known to be going on. Right now, the Pope’s right-hand man, George Pell, is in court for sexual assault, and a massive pedophile ring has been exposed where hundreds of boys were tortured and sexually abused, Pope Benedict’s brother was at the forefront of that controversy. You can read more about that here.

As far as the military industrial complex goes, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney grilled Donald Rumsfeld on DynCorp about a private military contractor with ties to the trafficking of women and children. Years later, a top U.S. General who was the liaison between DynCorp and the U.S. Military was implicated in the sexual assault of teenage girls. Let’s not forget about PizzaGate…This list is a long one, and the trafficking of women and children is something the Trump administration has announced publicly that their working on exposing.

As far as Satanism within politics, as well as within the Vatican, that seems to be just as, if not more well known. You can refer to the linked articles below if you’d like to learn more.

Hugo Chavez has also alluded to Satanism within Western politics at the United Nations, that clip is all over YouTube when he said the podium smelled like sulfur after George Bush spoke there.

Normalizing Pedophilia

You may think that this type of thing was normal in ancient Greece, and accepted, but not everybody agreed with it, and many people spoke up against it. That being said, it’s not like these children were being subjected to torture, murder, and a life full of horrid circumstances. We must understand that pedophilia within the realm of politics in the goes far beyond just that, it goes into ritual abuse and Satanism. It’s just politics, it’s Hollywood too. You can find it in many places that have people who have amassed massive amounts of power.

Weird connections have always been observed within, take the Obama administration (an example among many). When he appointed Kevin Jennings as Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the US Department of Education. He’s a proponent of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) in the form of supporting Harry Hay, who is, in turn, also in support of NAMBLA. This is more than a decade ago, but this strange connection exists all over within the political sphere.

Another sign of normalizing pedophilia are strange happenings like the fact that the UK government and the Catholic Church for example, have come under public scrutiny for claiming that victims of child sexual abuse can “consent” to their rapes. They did this in order to avoid compensating the victims. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) establishes which victims get compensated, and they do so by determining whether or not the victim gave consent, even if that victim is a child…You can read more about that here.
Then we have the world of Hollywood, an industry that seems to be leading the charge. Constantly dressing up young girls in inappropriate sexual attire, and more. These efforts are brought in slowly, subtly, but there are many examples, one being Millie Bobby Brown, who has gained fame for her role in Stranger Things, and according to a story from W Magazine, the 13-year-old is one of the “proofs that Television has never been hotter” and “sexier.
These ideas become so prominent within the mainstream that they label it as a “conspiracy theory,” or “fake news” when anyone brings attention to it and in doing so, completely disregards all of the evidence of it.

My colleague here at Collective Evolution, Richard Enos, covered this in greater detail, you can refer to these articles linked below to check that out:
 Even the casual observer will note that there has been a sudden explosion of information and complexity in our society around gender identity and sexual expression. While there is some obvious value in a growing acceptance of different forms of self-expression within individuals, it seems that these particular movements of consciousness have been highjacked and used to promote an environment of confusion, not only around gender, but more specifically around sexual preference and sexual desire. And this confusion seems to be directly targeting our children.
– Richard Enos
So, when Putin said what he said, this is why some of us in the alternative media community paid attention. It’s rare for a politician to speak up about such things without disappearing shortly after. It reminds me of Hugo Chavez accusing the United States of using geoengineering to create the Haiti Earthquake for their own ulterior motives. Putin has spoken up about not only the topic discussed in this article but also of the Deep State and the men in “dark suits” that meet with the president and tell them who their boss is, false flag terrorism, and more. This does not mean he is “innocent” but it is interesting to those in the alternative media community because we know that this is clearly not “Russian propaganda” or mere “conspiracy theory,” the discussion around this began long before Putin ever decided to chime in…

The Takeaway

The takeaway here is to be cognizant of what the mainstream refers to as “Russian Propaganda,” and how when something is labelled as “Russian Propaganda” it is, in fact, a method of western propaganda. It can be hard to see no doubt, but when it comes to these topics, instead of having an instant reaction of disbelief, perhaps keep an open mind until you’ve done a worthy amount of investigation and research for yourself.
“The problem of fake news isn’t solved by hoping for a referee, but rather because we as citizens, we as users of these services, help each other. We talk and we share and we point out what is fake. We point out what is true. The answer to bad speech is not censorship, the answer to bad speech is more speech. We have to exercise and spread the idea that critical thinking matters, now more than ever, given the fact that lies seem to be getting more popular.”
Edward Snowden (source)
Are these the people we want to continue electing? Is politics, and the corporate and financial stranglehold over it something we want to continue supporting every four years?


New York Times attempts to provoke Russia with fake news of Trump attacking their power grid

Fake news outlet The New York Times peddles the lie that the Trump administration has targeted Russia with cyber attacks, in the hopes that it will provoke Russia into retaliating against the U.S.


Ultimate Fail! How The MSM And Deep State Botched Their Takedown of Trump


Author of the fake Trump-Russia dossier admits it was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results
[RT] The British ex-spy who authored the infamous dossier alleging collusion between Donald Trump and the Kremlin said one of his goals was to give Hillary Clinton legal basis to challenge the 2016 election results.
Christopher Steele’s salacious 17-page report was commissioned by Fusion GPS, a firm connected to Clinton’s campaign.
“Based on that advice, parties such as the Democratic National Committee and HFACC Inc. (also known as ‘Hillary for America’) could consider steps they would be legally entitled to take to challenge the validity of the outcome of that election,” Steele wrote in recently unsealed declaration that was published by the Washington Times.
His statement is part of a series of answers which Steele provided in a defamation suit brought by three Russians who head Alfa Bank, who were named in the dossier as part of the alleged collusion conspiracy between Trump and the Kremlin.
The court challenge never came. Instead, the unsubstantiated dossier was leaked to news outlets such as BuzzFeed, fuelling Russiagate hysteria and serving as the backbone of a two-year probe that has yet to corroborate any of the document’s core claims. The document was also used by the FBI to obtain a warrant to spy on former Trump aide Carter Page, who was accused by Steele of meeting secretly with Kremlin insiders in Moscow. Incredibly, former FBI Director James Comey admitted that his agency had not verified the dossier’s contents before using it to justify the warrant.
The dossier itself has apparently fallen out of favor with many of its early champions: One of the first journalists to report on Steele’s research has stated that many of Steele’s central claims have yet to be substantiated and are “likely false.”
The defamation case against Steele was dismissed by a DC Superior Court judge, but lawyers representing the Russian bankers have launched an appeal in US District court, attaching Steele’s revelatory statements as part of their filing. Steele claimed that internet traffic data had been observed between Alfa Bank and a computer served linked to the Trump Organization.
The allegation has yet to be proven, with some reports suggesting that the flagged data actually originated from an internet spam farm based outside Philadelphia.
Steele faces similar legal trouble in London, where he is being sued for defamation by Russian entrepreneur Aleksej Gubarev. In one of his memos, Steele accused Gubarev of personally hacking DNC computers. Gubarev has also sued BuzzFeed for publishing the unverified claim as part of its uncritical coverage of the dossier.

Watch: Alex Jones predicted this deep state false flag two months ago


[Video] Infowars Full Show - Republicans Cave To Democrat Bullying, Delay Kavanaugh Vote - 28 Sept, 2018

 The Senate Judiciary Committee will decide whether to move forward with Brett Kavanaugh's nomination. The prosecutor brought in by Senators said she wouldn't press charges against the nominee after hearing his testimony as well as that of his accuser. We look into all angles surrounding the Supreme Court battle and explain what's really going on. Tune in!


[Video] Infowars Full Show - MUST SEE: Judge Brett Kavanaugh Heroically Defends Himself Against Desperate Democrats - 27 Sept, 2018

 The Senate Judiciary Committee hears Judge Brett Kavanaugh's honorable defense and Christine Blasey Ford’s flimsy sexual assault accusation against the SCOTUS nominee in the most anticipated testimony in decades. Also, an ex-boyfriend of the latest Kavanaugh accuser made it public that he filed a restraining order against her as she threatened his baby. Furthermore, President Trump asserts that this entire spectacle is a “big fat con job perpetrated by very evil people.”


[Video] Project Veritas Says They Have 'Big Tech' News Coming

 James O'Keefe - Project Veritas

 Project Veritas James O'Keefe joins Alex Jones to detail his latest released videos unmasking Deep State globalist slowing down Trump's policies.

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[Video] Infowars Full Show - Rosenstein The Rat Falls Into Trump’s Trap As He Continues To Drain The Swamp - 24 Sept, 2018

 Another woman is accusing President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault; but this time, she reportedly came forward because “Senate Democrats came looking” for the claim. Meanwhile, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, has reportedly resigned as he expects to be fired by Trump after his remarks about secretly recording the president surfaced last week. Joining today’s show is Project Veritas founder, James O'Keefe, discussing his latest series that unmasks the Deep State.

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[Video] Deep State Is A Parallel Government Working Against America

The deep state has been trying to organize the FBI, DOJ, and CIA against President Trump and the American people.


[Video] Deep state traitor Rosenstein The Rat Must Go

 In a surprise show of unbiased journalism, The New York Times dropped a bombshell detailing conversations Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein had with then-Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe and FBI lawyer Lisa Page and fellow Justice Department and FBI officials in the spring of 2017, during the tumult following Trump’s firing of FBI director James Comey.

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Related: [Video] Deep State Blocks Key FISA Docs Release!

[Video] Deep State Blocks Key FISA Docs Release!

Deep State Blocks Key FISA Docs Release!

The iceberg of evidence surrounding the fabrication of the nothingburger Russia Investigation is in view. And the mates on this Titanic ship of fools are beginning to brace for the collision. The DOJ and the FBI are doing everything they can to slow the process to the point of stopping it in its tracks. Come hell or high water the Deep State's dirty little FISA secret will come out.

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Related: [Video] FBI Ignores Trump’s Order To Release Documents Unredacted


[Video] Deep State Unmasked: U.S. GAO Auditor Admits “I Break Rules Every Day”

Project Veritas has released the next in a series of undercover reports which unmask the Deep State. This report features a Government Accountability Office (GAO) employee and self-proclaimed Communist actively engaged in potentially illegal political activity. Natarajan Subramanian is a government auditor for the GAO and a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA). Metro DC DSA is a socialist group that works to advance progressive issues in the Metropolitan DC area. Subramanian's political activism may directly violate federal statutes as well as the "Yellow Book" rules which apply specifically to government auditors.

[Video] FBI Ignores Trump’s Order To Release Documents Unredacted

 Bloomberg is reporting that the FBI is planning to ignore President Trump and redact information he told them not to. This is another attempt by the deep state to obstruct a democratically elected president and his America First agenda.

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[Video] Infowars Full Show - Tommy Robinson World Exclusive, Trump Declassifies Deep State Crimes, Banned Comedian Owen Benjamin In Studio - Sept 18, 2018

President Trump has ordered the release of key documents regarding the FISA court warrant on Carter Page, all reports of FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr, as well as “the release of all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.” In-studio is comedian Owen Benjamin discussing how the establishment left ruined comedy. Furthermore, Tommy Robinson returns to share the latest from Europe

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[Video] Deep State Unmasked: Leaks at HHS; DOJ Official Resists "From Inside" an...

Project Veritas has released the second installment in an undercover video series unmasking the deep state. This video features a Department of Justice paralegal Allison Hrabar reportedly using government owned software and computers to push a socialist agenda. Also featured is Jessica Schubel, the former Chief of Staff for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the last Obama administration. Both Schubel and Hrabar make admissions revealing that federal employees are using their positions in the government to resist or slow the Trump administration's policies, some breaking laws in the process.

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Related: FBI, DOJ Plan Redactions Despite Trump’s Document Order

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