Fighting for Russia against the New World Order.

[Video] Tommy Robinson leaves court as his case has been referred to the Attorney General

The night before his latest court appearance, Tommy Robinson's legal team delivered to the judge the statement of evidence Tommy was planning on reading out in court today.

It is believed that this statement led the judge to halt today's trial and instead hand the case over to the Attorney General — which is exactly the result Tommy and his legal team were hoping for. Outside the Old Bailey this morning, as promised, Tommy Robinson read this statement to thousands of supporters

Related: Tommy Robinson: “THIS statement is what has changed what's happened today”

Related: [Video] ** Must Watch ** Tommy Robinson: The Establishment want to send me to Prison again on Thursday! 

Related: (WATCH) Tommy Robinson supporters sing Owen Benjamin’s, “How they rule ‘ya”

Source: Lord Pearson on Tommy Robinson: “I don’t give a damn where he comes from”

**** Support Tommy: ****

[Video] Russian Nukes: A Warning To Globalists

 We are quickly approaching a globalist induced showdown that may involve nuclear weapons. Putin recently warned the rest of the world that they are not to be trifled with.

Related: [VIDEO] Putin Warns The Planet Is on The Verge Of Nuclear Extinction



[VIDEO] Putin Warns The Planet Is on The Verge Of Nuclear Extinction

 Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that any attack on the country would be met with “retribution” and that Russians would “go to heaven as martyrs” while the aggressors would “just drop dead.”



[VIDEO] Federal Reserve Declares War On Americans & Trump

Alex Jones presents video footage of Former Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States Alan Greenspan making it clear that the organization is independent from the President and uses the power of interest rate hikes to control the economy.


[Video] Infowars Full Show - Trump Administration Prepares Action Against Communist Chinese Meddling In US Election - 4 Oct, 2018

 The FBI’s latest probe into President Trump’s SCOTUS pick, Brett Kavanaugh, found no evidence against him and the chairman of the Senate Judiciary added there was “no hint of misconduct.” Also, the FBI could not find anyone to “attest to any of the allegations” against Kavanaugh. Additionally, Trump’s approval rating surged as the number of Americans filing for unemployment fell to a 49-year low. Joining today’s show is Millie Weaver sharing how Americans are dealing with such a divided nation.


[Video] Infowars Full Show - #MeToo Exposed: Kavanaugh Accusers Caught In New Lies / Matt Damon Sexual Assault Victim Speaks Out - 3 Oct, 2018

President Trump’s lawyer blasted the New York Time’s article claiming Trump committed tax fraud as “100% false” and “highly defamatory. ” The massive NYT hit piece is 15,000 words. Also, catch our exclusive interview with the "Donald Trump" of Iran whose mission is to free his country of the Islamic Republic. Joining today’s show is comedian Owen Benjamin discussing how the establishment left ruined comedy and due process. Call and tune in now!


[Video] Midterm Meddling: How Silicon Valley Plans To Steal The Election


[Video] Infowars Full Show - UNBELIEVABLE: Blasey Ford Has Connections To CIA And Is Expert In Memory Planting / Mind Control - 2 Oct, 2018

 The federal debt rose over a trillion dollars this fiscal year, making the total now over $21 trillion. This gain marks the eighth fiscal year out of the last eleven in which the debt increased by at least one trillion dollars. Also, the left’s attacks on Supreme Court Justice nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, continue to fail amid their constant efforts to delay his confirmation.



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