Fighting for Russia against the New World Order.

UKIP leader: There never was an Irish border problem, there was only ever an EU not wanting the UK to leave the EU problem

Related: [Video] ** Must Watch ** Tommy Robinson: The Establishment want to send me to Prison again on Thursday!


[Video] ** Must Watch ** Tommy Robinson: The Establishment want to send me to Prison again on Thursday!

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Related: Ukip leader Gerard Batten hits back at Nigel Farage as party's Tommy Robinson row deepens

Related: UKIP leader Gerard Batten links sexual grooming of girls to Islam

"The report found that 84% of ‘grooming gang’ offenders were (South) Asian, while they only make up 7% of total UK population and that the majority of these offenders are of Pakistani origin with Muslim heritage. The report later goes on to discuss and analyse these cultural and religious contexts in order to explain why this demographic features so prominently in this specific crime. The report concludes with a number of recommendations that we hope will begin the process of working towards resolutions." -- Source: Press Release – NEW QUILLIAM REPORT ON ‘GROOMING GANGS’

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Russia Gives Up on Trump and the West

By the end of his second term, President Ronald Reagan, who had called the Soviet Union an “evil empire,” was strolling through Red Square with Russians slapping him on the back.

Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive. And how have we husbanded the fruits of our Cold War triumph? This month, China’s leader-for-life Xi Jinping stood beside Vladimir Putin as 3,000 Chinese troops maneuvered with 300,000 Russians, 1,000 planes, and 900 tanks in Moscow’s largest military exercise in 40 years. It was an uncoded message to the West from the East. Richard Nixon’s great achievement of bringing in Peking from the cold, and Reagan’s great achievement of ending the Cold War, are history. Bolshevism may be dead, but Russian nationalism, awakened by NATO’s quick march to Russia’s ancient frontiers, is alive and well. Moscow appears to have given up on the West and accepted that its hopes for better times with President Donald Trump are not to be.

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is berating Russia for secretly trading with North Korea in violation of U.N. sanctions, saying, “Lying, cheating, and rogue behavior have become the new norm of the Russian culture.”

Cold wars don’t get much colder than defaming another country’s culture as morally debased.

The U.S. has also signaled that it may start supplying naval and anti-aircraft weaponry to Ukraine, as Russia is being warned to cease its inspections of ships passing from the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait into the Sea of Azov.

The three-mile-wide strait lies between Crimea and Kerch Peninsula. In Russia’s eyes, both banks of the strait are Russian national territory.

With U.S. backing, Ukraine has decided to build a naval base on the Sea of Azov to “create conditions for rebuffing the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation in this region.”

Kiev has several patrol boats in the Sea of Azov, with a few more to be transferred there in coming months. Russia’s navy could sink those boats and wipe out that base in minutes.

Are we going to send our Navy across the Black Sea to protect Ukraine’s naval rights inside a sea that has been as historically Russian as the Chesapeake Bay is historically American?

Poland this week invited the U.S. to establish a major base on its soil, for which the Poles will pay $2 billion, to be called “Fort Trump.”

Trump seemed to like the idea, and the name.

Yet the Bush II decision to install a missile defense system in Poland brought a Kremlin counter-move: the installation of nuclear-capable Iskander cruise missiles in Kaliningrad, the former German territory on Poland’s northern border annexed by Stalin at the end of World War II.

In the Balkans, over Russian protests, the U.S. is moving to bring Macedonia into NATO. But before Macedonia can join, half of its voters have to come out on September 30 to approve a change in the nation’s name to North Macedonia. This is to mollify Greece, which claims the birthplace of Alexander the Great as it own.

Where are we going with all this?

With U.S. warships making regular visits into the Eastern Baltic and Black Sea, the possibility of a new base in Poland, and growing lethal aid to Ukraine to fight pro-Russian rebels in the Donbass and the Russian navy on the Sea of Azov, are we not crowding the Russians a bit?

And are we confident the Russians will always back down?

When Georgia, believing it could kick Russian peacekeepers out and re-annex its seceded province of South Ossetia, attacked in August 2008, the Russian army came crashing in and ran the Georgians out in 48 hours.

George W. Bush wisely decided not to issue an ultimatum or send troops. He ignored the hawks in his own party who had helped goad him into the great debacle of his presidency: Iraq.

So what exactly is the U.S. grand strategy with regard to Russia?

What might be called the McCain wing of the Republican Party has sought to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, which would make the containment of Russia America’s policy in perpetuity.

Are the American people aware of the costs and risks inherent in such a policy? What are the prospects of Russia yielding always to U.S. demands? And are we not today stretched awfully thin?

Our share of the global economy is much shrunk from Reagan’s time. Our deficit is approaching $1 trillion. Our debt is surging toward 100 percent of GDP. Entitlements are consuming our national wealth.

We are committed to containing the two other greatest powers, Russia and China. We are tied down militarily in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, with the War Party beating the drums for another larger war with Iran. And we are sanctioning adversaries and allies for not following our leadership of the West and the world.

In looking at America’s global commitments, greatly expanded since our Cold War victory, one word comes to mind: unsustainable.

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of a new book, Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever. To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at


[Video] Deep State Unmasked: U.S. GAO Auditor Admits “I Break Rules Every Day”

Project Veritas has released the next in a series of undercover reports which unmask the Deep State. This report features a Government Accountability Office (GAO) employee and self-proclaimed Communist actively engaged in potentially illegal political activity. Natarajan Subramanian is a government auditor for the GAO and a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA). Metro DC DSA is a socialist group that works to advance progressive issues in the Metropolitan DC area. Subramanian's political activism may directly violate federal statutes as well as the "Yellow Book" rules which apply specifically to government auditors.

US Places 33 Alleged Russian Spies And Military Officials On Sanctions Blacklist

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has authorized the addition of 33 alleged Russian spies, defense and intelligence officials to the US sanctions list. The blacklisting took place following an executive order from President Trump authorizing Steven Mnuchin, in consultation with Pompeo, to employ all powers granted to the President "by IEEPA and certain CATSAA sections" for implementation of certain sanctions with respect to Russia.

A White House official said the new measures were aimed at "imposing costs on Russia in response to its malign activities."

Washington has also imposed new sanctions on a Chinese military unit over the purchase of Russian jets and missiles.The Chinese sanctions are to come into effect immediately.

Trump has been criticized by Congress for not using his legal powers to target Russia’s defense industry and gas export pipelines, and with the Mueller probe still continuing, Trump has been eager to show an "unfriendly" side to Putin in advance of the probe's release.

Unlike other occasions, which saw the ruble slide on any incremental sanctions or blacklist news, today the ruble - following the lead from the rest of the EM space - is trading stronger on the day, and is the third best performing currency of the week. Earlier in the day, the First Deputy Governor of the Russian Central Bank, Ksenia Yudaeva, said that even if FX drop, the central bank will stick to its recent promise of not engaging in FX purchases by the end of the year which is why the Ruble may have more upside to go, even as Russian stocks hit a new all time high.


[Video] FBI Ignores Trump’s Order To Release Documents Unredacted

 Bloomberg is reporting that the FBI is planning to ignore President Trump and redact information he told them not to. This is another attempt by the deep state to obstruct a democratically elected president and his America First agenda.

Related: [Video] Infowars Full Show - FBI Corruption, Kavanaugh Accuser To Testify, Free Alex Jones Rally On Saturday - Sept 19, 2018


[Video] Zakharova holds weekly briefing in St. Petersburg

Spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova conducts her weekly press briefing on current foreign affairs in St. Petersburg.



Taxing and Tracking the Independent Media: Censorship and Control

One of the most heinous things about taxes is that they support the very “organs” (to quote a Soviet-era term) of government that crush the people…even further. The taxes are weapons used by the authorities…and all authority comes from the barrel of a gun (to paraphrase Mao). The taxes are used to corral in the masses and keep them upon a continuous treadmill that sustains the system…the very system that exploits and enslaves the citizens.

The most heinous of all is the “death tax” of 50% to the government after you die. If you made a million in money and property at the end of your existence…paying taxes on it all the way…the original income taxes on the money you made, and then the interest income tax on what you made from your investments. You have property taxes on your house. You are (depending on your state) levied taxes on ad valorem, or state income taxes, or community (city, town) taxes. You are taxed on gifts you give to your children. You are taxed when you begin a business.

Many states have “ingenious” (mostly insidious) means of exploiting the populace and terming it a “tax,” per se.  Maryland has a great one they instituted a few years ago: the rainwater tax…to actually estimate the amount of rainfall off of a person’s roof/property, and place it under “management” of the state….yes, taxed on the amount of rain falling on you. Cigarette taxes, liquor taxes…the list is endless.

Related: [Video] Infowars Full Show - FBI Corruption, Kavanaugh Accuser To Testify, Free Alex Jones Rally On Saturday - Sept 19, 2018

Taxes never decrease: they may present the illusion of decreasing in one category, but they always rise, and rise with the prices of things. Go to this site. They’re not hiding anything, and they’ll come out and tell you what they’re going to take from you. The site is put out by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (the EIA), and the address is here:

You can find state-by-state fuel taxes (on average 28 cents per gallon), and the federal taxes of 18.3 cents per gallon…for a total of about 47 cents per gallon. Yeah, isn’t that grand?

Taxes (by their reporting and declaration) also give the government more control and information about how you live, what you do. Taxes are used now in an even more sinister manner, beginning with the EU (European Union).  Yes, all of those “happy” messages you see on your e-mails are harbingers of things to come. On 09/12/2018, Planet Free Will published an article entitled Catastrophic: EU Passes Copyright Directive Including Internet ‘Link Tax’ and ‘Upload Filter.” 

Here’s an excerpt:
“The European Parliament has passed a controversial copyright directive that contains provisions which force tech giants to install content filters and sets in place a potential tax on hyperlinking. The bill was passed in a final vote of 438 – 226 and will need to be implemented by individual EU member states.  …two key provisions: Articles 11 and 13, which [have been] dubbed the “link tax” and “upload filter.”  Article 11 is intended to give publishers and papers a way to make money when companies like Google link to their stories, allowing them to demand paid licenses. Article 13 requires certain platforms like YouTube and Facebook stop users sharing unlicensed copyrighted material.”
The bottom line on this: the government(s) would set in place bureaucratic agents to scan every page that is uploaded to a site…superficially to “protect the sacred copyrights,” but in reality, it is a way to accomplish monitoring and censorship of everything that passes across their scanners.

They have to institute stuff such as that to completely quell the independent media and stop any “non-certified, non-accredited (State-approved) journalists and news sites. In addition, they’ll levy taxes on it. Once again, the vicious cycle: pay your taxes or the Euro-Swat team comes in with MP-5’s, huffs, puffs, and blows down your house. Pay the taxes…and you’ll then fund their budgets for increased Draconian measures. Let’s not forget: ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and the Obama giveaway of the Internet to the Chinese.

Measure after measure comes into play. Little by little, in the name of taxes and the protection of rights, governments are instituting even more intrusive measures into privacy and exploiting their populaces…generating more wealth and power for themselves and more control over the life of the average person. There is no more objective, grassroots reporting or news within the mainstream media. The only material that is not AP and State-approved comes from outlets of the independent media.

Keep this in mind: back in the days of the USSR, you would be either killed or sent to a Gulag for possessing either a Xerox/mimeograph machine or a typewriter. Do you know why that was? It was because they did not want any communication among the people in the form of underground newspapers, memos, letters, or any venue not under State control. We’re heading in that direction now. First the taxes, to force our  submission while simultaneously funding their oppression. Then the isolation and identification of non-State-approved reporters. Then the inevitable shutdowns, confiscations of computers and news media venues, arrests, and worse.

The best way to accomplish that is to overwhelm the people with laws and gendarmes/jackboots to enforce them.  History teaches us, and it repeats itself in one way, shape, or form. Nothing new under the sun, and the assault on freedom of the press is not just in the U.S., but is worldwide. Better plead the 5th Amendment, since you can’t use the 1st Amendment anymore. Keep these words in mind from the Declaration of Independence on abuse of power:
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Happening in Europe and coming to our shores soon: the complete destruction of the independent media, and the creation of “Pravda and Isvestia” News outlets controlled entirely by the State.



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