They are either stupid or cowards, not to publicly admit that the DPRK has been proved right and just about everyone else has been proved wrong.
The Events In Iran Vindicate North Korea 100%
They are either stupid or cowards, not to publicly admit that the DPRK has been proved right and just about everyone else has been proved wrong.
There Are No “Overreactions” When Fighting Terror and Sedition
There Are No “Overreactions” When Fighting Terror and Sedition
Already, the US and “Israel” are salivating at the prospect of reinstalling the corrupt heir to the discredited Iranian throne—the Zionist fool Reza Pahlavi, who is cheering on the traitors from his mansion in Beverly Hills, USA.
South Korea’s Genuine Protests Were Ignored by The West While Iran’s Fake “Protests” Are Praised
(A Russia Truth exclusive article by Adam Garrie)
Beginning in late 2016 and stretching well into 2017, millions of South Koreans engaged in seemingly unending protests against the Presidency of Park Geun-hye.
President Park who herself is the daughter of the infamous South Korean dictator Park Chung-hee, showed the world that when it came to a blind adherence to extremist US authored foreign policy, the apple did not fall far from the tree.
At a time when most South Koreans favour policies of peace, reconciliation and de-escalation with the DPRK, Park authorised the delivery of an unlimited amount of US weapons to Korean soil. She was later exposed to have worked with her intelligence service, the NIS, on plans to illegally assassinate the leader of North Korea, something which would have triggered a wider regional war that could have quickly gone nuclear.
It later emerged that Park conspired with elements of the NIS to rig the 2012 Presidential elections, which would have otherwise been won by the more peace-minded and moderate Moon Jae-in. This was just one of the multiple scandals that brought South Koreans onto the streets this year and the year before, calling for peaceful regime change against a corrupt extremist leader, who was later exposed as having no democratic legitimacy in the first place.
Eventually, Park was impeached and removed from office. She now languishes in prison and will be tried for her crimes against the country.
While the protests lasted for months, on a single day alone, in November of 2016, over 1 million Koreans filled the streets of Seoul demanding Park’s regime be removed from power.
In spite of the massive numbers of genuine protesters and the mounting evidence against Park which no one could responsibly dispute as authentic, there was little coverage of the protests in western media (both alt and mainstream). When western media did report on the events, they tended to portray the protests as a kind of K-pop style street party rather than months of rage and disgust aimed at a corrupt and militant leader who most Koreans could not wait to get rid of.
But there was no talk of “the world is watching” from Barack Obama nor Donald Trump when it came to South Korea. Likewise, there were no US State Department press releases connoting the phrase “regime change” as a desired outcome of the protests. Such words are uniquely reserved for countries like Iran.
Over the last two days, small but worrying “protests” have filled the streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities, coinciding simultaneously with Zionist media reporting that Washington and Tel Aviv have devised a new plan to “counter” and destabilise Iran.
There are some people naive enough not to see the connection between the publication of such reports and the seditious movements of small groups of agitators in Iran. The reality is that the staged “protests” are the first phase of the US and “Israel” implementing their illegal conspiracy against Iran.
As in the past, the events in Iran are being largely organised by the US, “Israel” and so-called NGOs and “non-profit organisations” whose goal is to promote and ultimately reinstall the reactionary, corrupt and gold drenched Pahlavi family, whose last period in power saw them spending Iran’s national wealth on palaces designed for hosting alcohol soaked parties—parties to which many foreigners and hardly any Iranians were invited.
The US and “Israel” are simply trying to provoke Iran with fake protests which are designed to stoke common concerns about price inflation( which is a concern not only in Iran but in the US, Japan, most of Europe and just about everywhere else in the world) in order to create a more wide reaching violent and seditious movement.
Make no mistake, these “protests” while small in number, are nothing more than a foreign backed operation designed to topple Iran and destroy the Islamic Revolution in the name of the Pahlavi family who seek to once again own Iran as if it was their private property and once again go back to the days of open theft coupled with an embarrassing pro-Zionist foreign policy.
Yet if one were to listen to the western media and politicians like Donald Trump, it is as if the “protests” are some sort of genuine movement in the name of….God knows what…they haven’t been specific in this regard.
When South Koreans had actual protests which numbered into the MILLIONS, the west said nothing. Yet when a few stooges of the Zionist regime and the CIA fill the streets of Iran, all of the sudden the fangs of the west become exposed. Likewise, far too many in alt-media seem all too happy to support a reactionary, US and Zionist backed attempt to replace an Iranian Revolution based on equality, social justice, dignity and scientific progress, with an old haggard royalist regime whose ethos is predicated on self-indulgence, corruption, blind adherence to the Zionist agenda and a total disregard for the needs of the people.
The schism between how the west viewed very real protests in South Korea versus how they excite themselves to the point of frenzy over small and inauthentic “protests” in Iran is shocking but not surprising.
South Korea is after all a historic partner of the US while Iran has helped to fight US and Zionist backed Takfiri terrorism throughout the Middle East. Iran has helped to virtually destroy groups like ISIS (Daesh) and how does the west reward them? The west rewards Iran with a small package of illegal regime change disguised as a popular movement—one that will ultimately fail and fail miserably.
This shows you what the west really wants, not just for Iran but for the wider world.
Iran Must Destroy Sedition As China Did In 1989
(A Russia Truth exclusive article by Adam Garrie)
In the 1980s, the market socialism reforms of Deng Xiaoping helped China to modernise its economy without compromising the ideological, social and cultural integrity of the state. Deng’s model is, for all intents and purposes, responsible for transforming China from a large but struggling agrarian economy into the leading industrial economy of the world which it is today. The fact that China’s great cities are among the most modern, beautiful, cleanest and safest in the world today, is owed to the thought and policies of Deng Xiaoping, as much as it is to contemporary leaders.
The reforms of Deng Xiaoping contrast sharply with those of his Soviet counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev and his chief ideologue Alexander Yakovlev. Whereas Deng Xiaoping transformed the Chinese economy while strengthening existing cultural institutions, Gorbachev set out to destroy the most important institutions of the nation while allowing a “liberalised” economy to eventually collapse under its own chaotic weight. The reforms predictably ended in a nightmare for the vast majority of Soviet citizens.
However, all great reforms whether successful ones like Deng Xiaoping’s or failed ones such as those of Gorbachev, have their incomplete components which are rife for exploitation.
During China in the 1980s, an increased number of so-called intellectuals went to academic institutions in the United States where they became seduced by and intentionally programmed by US government operatives keen to see a seditious revolt in the People’s Republic of China--one with the ultimate goal of bringing the regime in Chinese Taipei (aka Taiwan) back to power in Beijing.
Hu Yaobang became the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 1982 and by the middle of the decade, he became increasingly seduced by the liberal fantasies peddled by western “educated” academics.
His open flirtations with liberal social ideology proved too much to Deng and other social traditionalists and he was removed from power in favour of Zhao Ziyang in 1987.
When Hu died in 1989, subversive western orchestrated “protests” among “students” and their academic masters began to foment with Tiananmen Square being a focal point. Rather than put a quick end to the numerically small displays, Zhao Ziyang instead offered sympathy to many of the “protesters”.
Zhao was in many ways one part traitor and one part naive. A man of great experience and with a deeply important political position such as Zhao should have been aware, as others including Deng were, that the “protests” were neither genuine nor spontaneous. He should have realised that the “protests” were an attempt to overthrow the very institutions of the state, paving the way for a pro-western regime. To deny this, as he did, was a sign of both carelessness and a dereliction of duty.
The western orchestrators of the “protests” coordinated them to coincide with the official state visit of Mikhail Gorbachev. A visit which heralded the reconciliation between the two great Communist superpowers, instead became an attempt by the west to embarrass both China and the USSR in the same place and at the same time.
Zhao was finally removed from power in 1989 as China sent out the People’s Liberation Army to cleanse the streets of the western agents and restore order.
The vast majority of the Chinese population was unaffected by the events of 1989, but the ruling elite realised that they needed to take precautions to avoid such western meddling in the future.
China rapidly recovered because of the ultimately decisive action the government took in putting an end to the “protests” and as a result, China is the unshakable powerhouse that it is today.
Although Iran is smaller than China, the west and “Israel” remain frightened of the prospect of direct military confrontation. They are equally afraid to take on Iran in Syria or Iraq by engaging with the limited number of Iranian anti-terrorist military advisors in the Arab nations.
Because of this, the US and “Israel” have devised a plan to “counter Iran” the sparse details of which have been published in Zionist media.
Like clockwork, “protests” in Tehran and several other Iranian cities broke out simultaneous to the publication of reports on an anti-Iranian agreement made between the US regime and the Zionist entity. Allegedly, the protesters are agitating for economic reform and price controls, but anyone who is not totally naive can see the direct correlation between the reports from Zionist media and the western orchestrated protests in Iran.
This is not the first time the west has attempted to use “protesters” to attempt and destroy the Islamic Revolution. So-called Iranian liberals were mobilised by western and “Israeli” actors in 2011.
In reality these “liberals” are a combination of reactionary monarchists, counter-revolutionary hooligans and useful idiots taking orders from Iranians going back and forth between California and Iran, acting under the same kinds of orders as the Chinese “academics” of the 1980s who conspired against the People’s Republic of China.
It is an open secret that “Israel” pours millions into Iranian groups based primarily in the US whose goal is to destroy the Islamic Revolution and restore the pro-western monarchy whose obscenely gluttonous leaders remain in exile, primarily in the US.
As I write this piece, it has been confirmed that an al-Qaeda linked group of terrorists from Iranian Balochistan have blown up a major oil pipeline in western Iran. This is what happens when traitors are not dealt with—the terrorists rush in.
Iran cannot take any further chances. As China learned, a short but hard crackdown on sedition is necessary in order to avoid the total destruction of the state, its people and society.
Many Iranians will not want to hear this. Many wish to pretend that the protests will simply fizzle out due to their small size and seemingly innocent origins. This attitude however is ultimately one derived from fiction, one which puts the lives of every Iranian man, woman and child in danger.
Western backed so-called “colour revolutions” generally begin with an irritating whimper and end with a blood-soaked bang.
Like China, Iran has it within its power to easily crush the seditious radicals. If Iran is to avoid the fate of Libya and others, it must act swiftly and decisively. The Zionist regime is using the events in Tehran and elsewhere as a test to see how far they can push Iran. The government must not allow the enemy to gain an inch.
It is time for a 1989 Chinese style law and order operation in Iran.
Has Erdogan “switched sides again” or is he trying to kick-start the Sochi Peace Conference?
“Assad is definitely a terrorist who has carried out state terrorism… It is impossible to continue with Assad. How can we embrace the future with a Syrian president who has killed close to a million of his citizens?"
It is time to consider the use of tactical nuclear weapons to crush Idlib’s terrorists
A Russia Truth exclusive article by Adam Garrie
It is time to consider the use of tactical nuclear weapons to crush Idlib’s terrorists
Yesterday in Syria, a L-39 Albatros jet trainer was shot from the sky by terrorists loyal to the so-called Free Syrian Army, a group which incidentally, just hours before, pledged to boycott the Russian organised peace conference scheduled for next month in Sochi.
The terrorists paraded the dead body of pilot, a Syrian martyr, in the back of a truck, like the savages that anyone with a conscience knows that they are.
The shot that brought down the plane was fired form Idlib Governorate and hit the aircraft near the Hama/Idlib border.
This is significant as Idlib is one of the last area in Syria that is still completely controlled by terrorists. Previous evacuations of terrorists from other regions to Idlib, has led to the phenomenon of nearly every terrorist group in Syria having its own base in the dark Governorate, without the government controlling any significant amount of territory.
After today’s downing of a Syrian aircraft, the time has come to eradicate the penultimate hornets’ nest of savagery from Syria using any military means necessary, including that which will send an unambiguous message to the sponsors of terrorism in Syria, including the United States and Israel.
Russia’s General Staff, Valery Gerasimov has already stated that the United States is training ISIS fighters evacuated from areas including Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor for further attacks in order to destabilise a situation in Syria where previously, Damscus had begun neutralising the final hotbeds of terrorist activity both in Deir ez-Zor and the Golan Heights.
The terrorists are clearly aware of this and are therefore making ever more use of their hardened positions in Idlib, in order to launch a final stand-off with Syria and her allies.
There can be no excuse for not eradicating fully, the terrorist threat in Idlib. It is for all intents and purposes, nothing more than a failed Governorate whose very existence as a terrorist hotbed threatens the safety and stability of the rest of Syria.
The only solution is to pull all troops away from Idlib as well as all low flying aircraft and instead to mercilessly bomb the entire Governorate, showcasing the most modern weapons available.
A combination of lethal strikes by Syria’s allies Russia and Iran is totally necessary, not only to avenge the loss of the L-39 Albatros, but also to show the United States that it cannot win in Syria because Syria’s allies will no longer hesitate to use the most advanced weapons in order to destroy the terrorist hotbed—weaponry which could just as easily be turned against anyone else.
During the Second Chechen War, Russian opposition leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky advocated the use of tactical nuclear weapons upon enemy strongholds in order to both execute a military objective with exactitude, but also to send a message to the American supporters of the jihadists, that any support they could offer their thugs, would ultimately be futile.
This option, along with that of every other major modern weapon must now be fully considered in order to not just win the Battle of Idlib, but to cleanse Syria of a cancer growing on her soil, which infects all of the civilised world.
If such weapons were used in Idlib, it would also send Israel a clear message, that Syria and her allies will be unrelenting in pursuing all means necessary in order to secure her borders.
As for civilians, there should be a clear and orderly evacuation of women and children, just as was executed in Aleppo before the final battle commenced. Of course, no one should be informed as to what is to come at the time of such an evacuation, but once civilian populations are relieved, the world’s largest display of firepower must be released without hesitation.
Syria cannot sit and wait, Idlib must be the red line for all allies of Damascus. Turkey can reposition itself at a later time to attack its Kurdish enemies, without being directly effected by the operation. Turkey is at this stage, behaving pragmatically in Syria. Only the US and Israel continue to play with fire.
Idlib must be reduced to rubble and with it, every terrorist group in Syria. If Idlib is destroyed, so too will terrorism be destroyed.