According to the latest reports from Sputnik, a reliable
source which is in no way anti-Iranian, “protests” yesterday became even more
charged, with some “protesters” shown attacking a facility belonging to Iran’s
elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. No one with a reasonable mind could
believe that attacking the IRGC is an anyway related to any peaceful demonstration
over domestic price increases. This was an act of terrorism, if not an act of
If one thinks such words are “strong”, this if of course
intentional. A nation can only quash sedition if it does so in such a way that
it creates a lasting deterrent against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so
that such fiends never attempt such foolish treachery ever again.
One of the reasons that Chinese cities are among the safest
in the world is because China takes all crimes deeply seriously. This is
reflected in the sentences that Chinese courts enforce upon such ruthless criminals.
Last year, a group of bandits from the United States who were jailed in China
for theft, learnt rapidly, just how seriously China takes the criminal activities
of lowlifes.
The only reason they were released was due to the personal
intervention of the US President who begged President Xi Jinping for clemency
in order to save face. Even Trump later regretted his actions and publically
expressed this on Twitter.
Iran’s soft approach to sedition, as conveyed in President
Rouhani’s speech yesterday, could be interpreted both as a sign of confidence
in the unity and strength of the state, but it could equally be interpreted as
a supremely naïve statement which overlooks the basic principles of how to stop
sedition, not just in the immediate term but in the long term.
In reality, if one’s security forces cracks down hard on a
single seditious “protest”--enough for the nation not to be distracted by the
event, but enough for would be traitors and foreign enemies to get the
message—then such a state will increase the likelihood that such seditious acts
or acts of war will never be attempted again in the long term future. This is
the priceless value of a deterrent effect.
If one fights against thuggery, seditious mob tactics and
against the presence of foreign agents seeking to ignite an insurgency on one’s
soil, with the full force of military strength, the enemies will not attempt
such methods again. Such an “overreaction” means that one will actually save
national exhaustion, resources and ultimately lives in the medium and long
When Brother Muammar Gaddafi learned that his nation was
under attack from the terrorist proxies of foreign regimes, he spoke of the
need to purify the nation, “street to street…house to house…”.
Sadly, for Gaddafi, he had foolishly disarmed years before
which subjected Libya to the onslaught of NATO weaponry that countries like the
DPRK are protected from due to their nuclear deterrent.
Iran does not have the material problem of Libya, but it
does have a problem of not speaking out forcefully against sedition before it
has the chance to inspire the enemies of Iran to sink their teeth in. It is a
problem that can and should be fixed.
Already, the US and “Israel” are salivating at the prospect
of reinstalling the corrupt heir to the discredited Iranian throne—the Zionist
fool Reza Pahlavi, who is cheering on the traitors from his mansion in Beverly
Hills, USA.
Iran must put an end not just to the movements of the
scoundrels in the street but to future generations of scoundrels, the ambitious
of foreign agents and traitors and most importantly the wicked desires of the
Zionist and American regimes.
This is no time to be polite or passive, ultimately many
innocent Iranians could become harmed if this blasé attitude continues for much
The only way to do this is to crack down on sedition as
China did in 1989.
As I previously wrote,
“During China in the 1980s, an increased number of so-called
intellectuals went to academic institutions in the United States where they
became seduced by and intentionally programmed by US government operatives keen
to see a seditious revolt in the People’s Republic of China--one with the
ultimate goal of bringing the regime in Chinese Taipei (aka Taiwan) back to
power in Beijing.
Because a readymade regime in Chinese Taipei existed which
salivated for power over all of China, the CIA and other aggressive actors did
not need to go to the effort of forging a new regime or political model—they
simply needed to create agitation among a class of elites in Beijing in order
to try and bring down the People’s Republic of China.
Hu Yaobang became the General Secretary of the Communist
Party of China (CPC) in 1982 and by the middle of the decade, he became
increasingly seduced by the liberal fantasies peddled by western “educated”
His open flirtations with liberal social ideology proved too
much to Deng and other social traditionalists and he was removed from power in
favour of Zhao Ziyang in 1987.
When Hu died in 1989, subversive western orchestrated
“protests” among “students” and their academic masters began to foment with
Tiananmen Square being a focal point. Rather than put a quick end to the
numerically small displays, Zhao Ziyang instead offered sympathy to many of the
Zhao was in many ways one part traitor and one part naive. A
man of great experience and with a deeply important political position such as
Zhao should have been aware, as others including Deng were, that the “protests”
were neither genuine nor spontaneous. He should have realised that the
“protests” were an attempt to overthrow the very institutions of the state,
paving the way for a pro-western regime. To deny this, as he did, was a sign of
both carelessness and a dereliction of duty.
Part of Zhao however did likely feel for the fact that young
useful idiots of a western plot essentially volunteered themselves to be on the
front line of a proxy war. However, his interventions proved totally
insufficient and even had the effect of encouraging the conspirators.
The western orchestrators of the “protests” coordinated them
to coincide with the official state visit of Mikhail Gorbachev. A visit which
heralded the reconciliation between the two great Communist superpowers,
instead became an attempt by the west to embarrass both China and the USSR in
the same place and at the same time.
Zhao was finally removed from power in 1989 as China sent
out the People’s Liberation Army to cleanse the streets of the western agents
and restore order.
The vast majority of the Chinese population was unaffected
by the events of 1989, but the ruling elite realised that they needed to take
precautions to avoid such western meddling in the future.
China rapidly recovered because of the ultimately decisive action
the government took in putting an end to the “protests” and as a result, China
is the unshakable powerhouse that it is today.
Although Iran is smaller than China, the west and “Israel”
remain frightened of the prospect of direct military confrontation. They are
equally afraid to take on Iran in Syria or Iraq by engaging with the limited
number of Iranian anti-terrorist military advisors in the Arab nations.
Because of this, the US and “Israel” have devised a plan to
“counter Iran” the sparse details of which have been published in Zionist
Like clockwork, “protests” in Tehran and several other
Iranian cities broke out simultaneous to the publication of reports on an
anti-Iranian agreement made between the US regime and the Zionist entity.
Allegedly, the protesters are agitating for economic reform and price controls,
but anyone who is not totally naive can see the direct correlation between the
reports from Zionist media and the western orchestrated protests in Iran.
This is not the first time the west has attempted to use
“protesters” to attempt and destroy the Islamic Revolution. So-called Iranian
liberals were mobilised by western and “Israeli” actors in 2011.
In reality these “liberals” are a combination of reactionary
monarchists, counter-revolutionary hooligans and useful idiots taking orders
from Iranians going back and forth between California and Iran, acting under
the same kinds of orders as the Chinese “academics” of the 1980s who conspired
against the People’s Republic of China.
It is an open secret that “Israel” pours millions into
Iranian groups based primarily in the US whose goal is to destroy the Islamic
Revolution and restore the pro-western monarchy whose obscenely gluttonous
leaders remain in exile, primarily in the US.
As I write this piece, it has been confirmed that an
al-Qaeda linked group of terrorists from Iranian Balochistan have blown up a
major oil pipeline in western Iran. This is what happens when traitors are not
dealt with—the terrorists rush in.
Iran cannot take any further chances. As China learned, a
short but hard crackdown on sedition is necessary in order to avoid the total
destruction of the state, its people and society.
Many Iranians will not want to hear this. Many wish to
pretend that the protests will simply fizzle out due to their small size and
seemingly innocent origins. This attitude however is ultimately one derived
from fiction, one which puts the lives of every Iranian man, woman and child in
Western backed so-called “colour revolutions” generally
begin with an irritating whimper and end with a blood-soaked bang.
Like China, Iran has it within its power to easily crush the
seditious radicals. If Iran is to avoid the fate of Libya and others, it must
act swiftly and decisively. The Zionist regime is using the events in Tehran
and elsewhere as a test to see how far they can push Iran. The government must
not allow the enemy to gain an inch.
It is time for a 1989 Chinese style law and order operation
in Iran”.
Since I wrote this, two days ago, the pressing need for such
a crackdown is all the more important. Iranian leaders must channel the
patriotic rhetoric of Gaddafi and the laser like precision of Chinese officials
in 1989, who were fully aware that the happiness of future generations of the people
depended on a rapid extinguishing of sedition’s dirty flame.
Now is not the time to wait, nor is it the time to care what
the west thinks. Iran must double down on cultivating its new friendships and
let the west rot like a rotten fruit on a wilting branch.
It is time to end all sedition and send a clear message to
the aggressors in Tel Aviv and Washington that “None shall pass”!