Fighting for Russia against the New World Order.

Russia has evidence that US drone downed by Iran did violate Iran’s airspace

US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order imposing new "strong sanctions" against Iran in response to Tehran's downing of an American drone last week.

Trump said the latest sanctions would target Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Trump told reporters at the White House on Monday that Khamenei and his associates would be denied access to financial resources by the new sanctions.


CIA instructs its puppet regime in Georgia to makes provocations against Russia

By Jon Hellevig

The CIA has called on its puppet regime in Georgia to make a serious provocation against Russia, with staged demonstrations and threats against Russians. An American woman who serves as the US puppet president of that country declared that "Russians are our enemies and occupiers." Protesters held up signs telling Russians to **ck off.

Then Putin told Russians would do just that, **ck off. There came a Russian law, that no flights between Russia and Georgia are allowed, meaning no tourists will travel. 

The rub here is that Russians are by far the biggest paying tourist group. They are the biggest group, but also the most affluent group. Armenians and Azeris from neighboring countries also cross the borders, but they hardly keep the economy going.

But the Russians do. 30% of the Georgian economy comes from tourism. And about at least one-fifth or some 6-7 percentage points of that stems from the aggressors (Russians). Russia is also the only country that buys their wine and mineral water. That could be another 2-3%. So, this CIA inspired provocation will cost about 10% of the already miniscule GDP of that country.

Georgia's GDP is about 16 billion USD nominally, and 40 billion on PPP. Tourism is 3 billion out of that (9 billion on PPP). So, quite a costly provocation. Good luck with that.

Georgia has been hostile to Russia aleady for 10 years. Now with the spark of this new round of hostility they say that they will get tourists from other countries if Russians won't come. But then why did they don't get any other tourists during the last 10 years of hostilities?

Did they even get a Trump tower?

Iran’s air defenses shooting down US drone

Video footage of #Iran’s air defenses shooting down a high-altitude #US Navy surveillance #drone has been posted on social media by the Iranian military. It shows the missile launch and an explosion at the moment of interception. READ MORE:

Top judges concluded that UK weapons sales to Saudi Arabia “irrational and unlawful”

In a legal challenge brought by anti-arms trade campaigners, three of the UK’s top judges concluded that it was “irrational and unlawful” of the government to allow arms sales to Saudi Arabia without making proper checks


Russian Military To Receive Completely New Hypersonic And Laser Energy Weapons

Russian Military To Receive Completely New Hypersonic And Laser Energy Weapons

A scientific conference involving the leadership of the Russian Armed Forces started in Moscow on June 18. 

The Russian Armed Forces are about to get a whole new weapon based on laser energy and hypersonic, the first of its samples have already been introduced into trial combat duty, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu said.
“In the near future, the Russian Armed Forces will receive a completely new, unparalleled weapon based on hypersonic and laser energy technologies. Its first samples have already been put on trial combat duty,” he said.
Russian Military To Receive Completely New Hypersonic And Laser Energy Weapons

The defense minister noted that development of technologies and new weapons have significantly change the face of contemporary warfare and armed conflicts.

The defense ministry’s website reports:
“Armed conflicts we saw the last decades show that the nature of warfare has changed considerably. It is caused by the rapid development of science and technologies, the emergence of new weapons – all these influence forms and methods of warfare”, Sergei Shoigu explained.
At the same time, he noted that “as the high-tech weapons and military equipment enter the service, the forms and methods of warfare should be improved.”
“And we are making progress in this issue”, the Defence Minister stressed.
He also pointed out that at today’s conference they will discuss “the features of modern operations, issues of command and control and comprehensive support of the actions, the use of new and advanced types of weapons.”
According to Sergei Shoigu, “the results of the conference will contribute to the further development of the military strategy and operational art of Russia.”



Is Russia's economy stronger than they say it is?

Jon Hellevig writes: I don't know why Russia does this. They reported Q1 GDP growth of 0.5%. But they said the GDP deflator was 8.5%. GDP deflator is the factor by which you diminish the nominal GDP growth. The idea is that it would show the "real growth" of output instead of price inflation. In this methodological theory you would only show as output increase quantitative and qualitative growth but not price growth. But the inflation in the same period was only 5%. So, Russia decreases the GDP growth by much more than the inflation. At the same time, the price of oil and gas has not increased from last year, and not that of other commodities either. 

So, where from do they find this 3.5% decrease above inflation? I would not exclude that there is a Serdyukov ploy playing out here. Referring to the time he was Minister of Defense and grabbing the headlines because of corruption, while at the same time under his term Russia made an incredible modernization of the army. The one that took over Crimea in a night, and Syria in two years. There's a theory that Russia wanted they Yanks to think that the Russian army is a quagmire and will stay so until the time is right.

Related: West Attacks Russia with Piketty’s Overblown Claims About ‘Oligarch’ Wealth

So, perhaps I am giving the game away, and the Russian economy is actually growing much more than they want us to know.

At the same time, the real-real GDP, the one measured in PPP grows exactly by the nominal minus inflation plus the "nominal real growth" plus/minus difference in currency exchange to the USD. That is 9 - 5.5 + 0.5 + 0=4%


New York Times attempts to provoke Russia with fake news of Trump attacking their power grid

Fake news outlet The New York Times peddles the lie that the Trump administration has targeted Russia with cyber attacks, in the hopes that it will provoke Russia into retaliating against the U.S.



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